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Am I the only Mom in the world who...

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really, really dislikes figuring out Halloween costumes? Oh. my. goodness. I wish the entire holiday would just disappear off the calendar.


I've spent most of the day making dd10 a Harry Potter/Hermione cloak...actually, making two. The first one ended up being too small. Ugh. Perhaps I should have just given in and bought the darn thing for $30...although I ended up spending only $12 and now I have TWO cloaks. Of course, couldn't talk ds7 into being Harry Potter instead of a football player (old costume, dress up box)...but I'm pretty sure the two cloaks will get plenty of play time throughout the year. Just not so sure it was worth my entire day. :glare:


Anybody else want to join me in disliking Halloween costumes?!?

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Count me in!!!! I don't even have any of the kids' costumes picked out.:001_huh: None of them care what they go out as, just as long as they go out, so it's always up to me to pick. :tongue_smilie: I don't mind- makes my job easier as I go for what's weather appropriate and cheap. :D This year I've been procrastinating like crazy. Ugh. I really am hoping this day will disappear off the calendar this year. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by plain jane
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Oh heavens, I always figured out my own halloween costumes as a kid. Wish my kids would do even more of that.


I've spent most of the day making dd10 a Harry Potter/Hermione cloak...actually, making two. The first one ended up being too small. Ugh. Perhaps I should have just given in and bought the darn thing for $30...although I ended up spending only $12 and now I have TWO cloaks.


My kids have been pestering me for months to make them Hogwarts cloaks. I told them it would take something like 4 yds of fabric per robe if they wanted them to actually look like Hogwarts cloaks - and my sewing machine is broken! I got my dd who wants to be Luna Lovegood a cheap cape (think vampire) that I told her would be good enough for a walk in the dark. My other dd found a Scream costume cheap at CVS and decided to be a Dementor.


Meanwhile, this weekend they just found a place selling Hogwarts cloaks online for $12.99 - and they didn't look too bad. I let them buy them, even though they won't be here in time for Halloween. I'm sure we'll get tons of mileage out of them.


Tomorrow I still have to find a green sheet and probably a turtleneck for my dd who's going to be the Statue of Liberty (talked her out of a rolling pedestal!), and I have to find something cheap that looks school uniformy for Luna Lovegood. Wish me luck!

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I don't come from a tradition where parents provided Halloween costumes. When I was growing up all the kids in the neighborhood made their own. In previous years when we went to our church's harvest carnival my children made their own costumes. They've been Cowboy, Princess Tigerlily, Robots, ladybugs, fairies, etc.


All I ever did was answer questions like, "Mom, can I have the roll of aluminum foil?" Sure. "Mom, do you have any empty boxes?" Sure. "Mom, will you wash my red sweatpants?" Sure.


Makes it sooo easy.

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Luckily my kids can mostly do their own. I do have to be supportive, & maybe shell out a little money, although it was less that $25 this year. (Mostly for a cloak, which was 19.99). My oldest dd is going as a Black Plague Dr, with beak, which she made from artisian clay. We bought the black cloak.


My little one is going as the ocean. She has an old puffy blue dress to which she has pinned all sorts of ocean stuffies. We picked up some green leis and some shell necklaces. Done. It's really great.


My teen ds is a cowboy. We already own a very old fringe leather vest, a red bandana, & we found a .99 thrift store cowboy hat. Done.

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I don't like the costume part b/c I'm not crafty, can't sew, and hate paying $20-30 for a thin piece of fabric that my kids may or may not freeze in.


But, dd9 put together her own ensemble of a police officer and it is adorable. She even won 1st place at a party (I think b/c it was the most kid homemade one there). DD5 is going in a borrowed costume and ds11 is going as last year's boxer w/a few new additions. He's ok w/it, but I know he'd like for me to drop $50 on a really cool one. But, to me, I could buy new curriculum w/that money.


Love the ocean idea.


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I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, so to speak, spending an afternoon thrifting and piecing together costumes, getting crafty...however, this year I procrastinated and wound up taking the to the evil depths of WalMart, giving the each a fifteen dollar spending limit, and chastisizing myself for wasting 45.00 that could have gone towards two Kingfisher books I've been eyeing...:glare:

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I haven't liked Halloween since my kids refused to go as Goldilocks and the 3 bears or the big bad wolf and the 3 little pigs.


They always wanted to be something ordinary that involved a store bought costume.


Halloween was always their favorite holiday, however, even trumping Christmas (which I could never understand).

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I've spent most of the day making dd10 a Harry Potter/Hermione cloak...


Anybody else want to join me in disliking Halloween costumes?!?

You should have just asked - I would have sent your ours! They went as Harry and Hermione a few years ago, so their cloaks are stuffed into one of the bags in the basement labeled "Halloween" never to be looked at again.:glare:


The older they/I get, the less I like Halloween. The dc are old enough to do thier own this year with little help from me other than monetary, so we are reaching the end of the show, I think. Hopefully I find my love of the dress up thing again sometime after the trick or treating pressure is off so we can have a cool party before they move out on me.

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