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It's a quiet night, but I hear my 10 yr old shout, "What?! No! No! No! It's ruined!"

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She comes scrambling downstairs, "This is ridiculous! I can't believe it! It's horrible. How can film -makers live with themselves??!!"


She had just finished watching the Shirley Temple version of The Little Princess after having read the book.


It's sad...I told her, I know... We had a talk about the 30's depression and how Shirley making people happy was far more important than literary integrity. ;)

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My ten year old daughter and your ten year old daughter would get along just fine.



I feel so terrible. I didn't think she would react so dramatically. She said "I was ok with the singing, the dancing, but the father being alive!!?? That is the most important part of the book!"


But they are so sweet, aren't they? So young, but so interested in everything.

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My 9yo dd is currently reading the Little Princess... again. I told her when I first gave her the book to never, ever even try to watch any of the movies. Because I felt the same way as a 10 year old, with both the Shirley Temple version, and that more recent one. It was so colorful, yes, but still they just couldn't let the story happen properly.


We feel your dd's pain here. :)

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I've told my dc that Shirley Temple herself was a decent human being, with parents who preserved her fortune, unlike other child stars of the day whose parents drank and partied away their child's hard-earned money, leaving the child without a penny.


But I also told her that ST was responsible for a whole generation of children who suffered years of tap -dancing lessons , and tortured days and nights due to tight rag curls and curling iron burns. ;)


There is also the epic family tale of my father as a little toddler putting peanut butter in his sister's ST doll's hair, which forever ruined *their* fortune, because "Do you know how much that doll in mint cndition would be worth today??!"

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Mine has gone on a rant about many films. We both went nuts over the Keira Knightley Pride and Predjudice, the 15 minutes of it we could stomach anyway. :)

Even my little one at 5 went on a long anti-Disney rant after she had read some of the original fairy tales. Especially the Little Mermaid.

Oh the things I wish I had on tape. :)

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Little Princess was my favorite book of elementary school. I read it in 3rd grade, and then again in 6th grade--my godmother gave me a copy.


I actually have a letter from my 6th grade teacher, who used to listen to us after school as we told her (narration? lol) about the current books we were reading. I bent her ear for 2 sessions of about 30 minutes each, going over EVERY detail of LP. I finally insisted she read the book herself.


She did, and wrote me a precious letter that begins, "This will forever be known as a 4 Kleenex book!" She was so supportive of my love of reading.


Many, many years later, when my brother, who lived in the same community from elementary school on, died (about 5 years ago), I saw in the guest book that this dear teacher had come to the visitation and signed the book. Mrs. Ingram will always stand out in my memory as a wonderful, encouraging person. I'm so glad she accepted my enthusiasm and blessed me with the keepsake of memory and letter.


BTW, the Wonderworks version of LP is terrific, and true to the book.

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