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Movie rec's for my 12 yo DS?

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I'm trying to come up with some movies that my son (12) might like (and that I wouldn't mind his watching). He's outgrowing the cartoonish or kid movies. He wants to watch some of the stuff that his father and grandfather watch.


He has seen some movies with war violence and fighting, but I don't want him watching horror movie-type violence, if that makes sense. I don't want him watching movies with sex-scenes either.


Some of the movies that I have let him see recently are A Knight's Tale (Heath Ledger); Sahara (Matthew McConaughey); Hidalgo; World Trade Center (Nic Cage); Superman Returns; all of the X-Men movies and Wolverine; Transformers (the first one); The Patriot (I watched this one with him so that we could discuss it)... can't think of any more right now...


He likes silly movies like The Princess Bride. He liked National Treasure 1 and 2. He loves all of the Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


There are some things that he has asked about, but I haven't seen them so I'm not sure... like the new GI Joe movie, Transformers 2, The Matrix movies, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), and the most recent Incredible Hulk movie. Are any of the James Bond movies acceptable? Anyone have any advice about these, or have any suggestions for other movies?

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I'm trying to come up with some movies that my son (12) might like (and that I wouldn't mind his watching). He's outgrowing the cartoonish or kid movies. He wants to watch some of the stuff that his father and grandfather watch.


He has seen some movies with war violence and fighting, but I don't want him watching horror movie-type violence, if that makes sense. I don't want him watching movies with sex-scenes either.


Some of the movies that I have let him see recently are A Knight's Tale (Heath Ledger); Sahara (Matthew McConaughey); Hidalgo; World Trade Center (Nic Cage); Superman Returns; all of the X-Men movies and Wolverine; Transformers (the first one); The Patriot (I watched this one with him so that we could discuss it)... can't think of any more right now...


He likes silly movies like The Princess Bride. He liked National Treasure 1 and 2. He loves all of the Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


There are some things that he has asked about, but I haven't seen them so I'm not sure... like the new GI Joe movie, Transformers 2, The Matrix movies, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), and the most recent Incredible Hulk movie. Are any of the James Bond movies acceptable? Anyone have any advice about these, or have any suggestions for other movies?


Only action? For action, Jason and the Argonauts or Gunga Din (which is in black and white). Lawrence of Arabia? That camel charge was worth the whole movie. No Time for Sergeants for comedy? The Man Who Would Be King. African Queen?


I tend to go with the old stuff....less worry and dismay on my part.

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October Sky

Apollo 13

Night at the Museum

Sand Lot

Back to the Future


Indiana Jones


These and:


Second Hand Lions

Where the Red Fern Grows

Old Yeller

Tom Sawyer ( the old one, w/ Johnnie Whitiker and Jody Foster)

The Goonies

and not a movie, but my ds loves the old MacGyver series!

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October Sky

Apollo 13

Night at the Museum

Sand Lot

Back to the Future


Indiana Jones


These and:


Second Hand Lions

Where the Red Fern Grows

Old Yeller

Tom Sawyer ( the old one, w/ Johnnie Whitiker and Jody Foster)

The Goonies

and not a movie, but my ds loves the old MacGyver series!


He has seen Night at the Museum, Indiana Jones, Secondhand Lions, and the Goonies, but not the others.


Thanks for all of the ideas!

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Only action? For action, Jason and the Argonauts or Gunga Din (which is in black and white). Lawrence of Arabia? That camel charge was worth the whole movie. No Time for Sergeants for comedy? The Man Who Would Be King. African Queen?


I tend to go with the old stuff....less worry and dismay on my part.


Oldies but goodies - any movie with Don Knotts in it. (Like "Herbie" or "The Shaggy Dog" movies).


Ds12 is watching "Ice Station Zebra" right now. It has too much talk in it for dd7 but ds12 is fascinated.


We haven't seen any of these. I'll have to look for them.


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Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (especially if he's read any of the books--but you don't have to have read the books to 'get it'). It is kind of like James Bond type movies, but geared to kids and family friendly. There was still a lot of action (my dh loved it, too) without the adult content. James Bond movies have more adult content than we're comfortable with our kids watching.


My ds12 has enjoyed: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, National Treasure, City of Ember, Race to Witch Mountain

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Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (especially if he's read any of the books--but you don't have to have read the books to 'get it'). It is kind of like James Bond type movies, but geared to kids and family friendly. There was still a lot of action (my dh loved it, too) without the adult content. James Bond movies have more adult content than we're comfortable with our kids watching.



Thanks for the warning. Believe it or not, I haven't seen any of the James Bond movies. My father has a few of them and he keeps telling me that they're no big deal and I should let DS watch them.....


I'll have to look for the Alex Rider movie. He hasn't read any of the books. I've been meaning to look at those, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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We're at the same stage and in addition to many of the above, my son has liked the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones.


Because he's into the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, I keep meaning to rent The Crossing (G Washington), a similar one with Aidan Quinn about Benedict Arnold, and Gettysburg. They may be a bit talky, but not inappropriate from a disturbing point of view. Many modern war movies disturb me too much!


Where Eagles Dare


My son has also liked old moveis based on HG Wells type books -- there was one about an warm area at the Ice Pole that he thought was amazing, and as far as I could tell it was like tons of similar movies from the 50s and 60s like Time Machine and Journey to the Center of the Earth.


Old Westerns are generally good too.


I'm interested in the James Bond discussion. My kids are really pushing to watch them. I saw them all (except for recent ones) but I was a teen/adult. My memory is that the Roger Moore ones are the most inappropriate from a sex scene/innuendo point of view. Is it OK to watch the Sean Connery ones?


Then again, I grew up in the 70s and saw all the Dirty Harry movies as a 12 year old babysitter and I assume I wouldn't think they were appropriate today.:001_smile:

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Transylvania 6-5000


Great movie... I thought I was the only person on earth who has seen and really enjoyed this movie. But beware, Gena Davis has quite a bit of cleavage in it.


From what I can recall, the Matrix should be fine, for that age. I don't remember many swear words at all, but then again, I don't "hear" swear words unless a kid is in the room or if there is just a gross amt.


Some other suggestions:


The 5th Element

Oceans 11

The Borne Tirlogy

The Mummy Trilogy

The Last Samauri

Napolean Dynamite

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Some suggestions:


"The Lord of the Rings" trilogy

"Ice Station Zebra"

"The Hunt for Red October"

"The Longest Day"

"The Bridge on the River Kwai"

"Race to Witch Mountain"

the Indiana Jones movies

"Apollo 13" (some sexual innuendo in a couple scenes)


There are a lot of classic action movies that have little to no bad language or objectionable content. We have found a lot of these on Netflix. (Like "Bridge on the River Kwai", which ds LOVED.)


I think "The Hunt for Red October" is the only Tom Clancy movie that's PG-13 rather than R. We haven't seen any of the others, but "Red October" is excellent!


I'll try to think of some more. I need to pick ds up from his science class!



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I'm not sure if this would qualify given your no-horror provision, but my 12 yos enjoyed The Village. Very suspenseful and sometimes scary, BUT, a real movie watching experience in the a-ha moments, plus a lot of fodder for post-movie discussion.


I appreciate seeing the other suggestions.


I would not allow mine to see the James Bond movies yet. Too much sexualization, many innuendoes and assumed situations. Almost every old JB flick ends up with James in bed with some gorgeous gal.

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You might also check out the BBC's new seasons of Dr. Who from Netflix. We have watched these as a family, and there have been only 2-3 that I felt were too scary for my youngers, but dh and I really like these as much as or more than the kids do. :) There's almost nothing objectionable in them, as I recall.

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