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girls and development

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can anyone tell me from experience when their daughter's started to develop? My daughter will be 10 the end of next month and not only is she starting to notice other girls starting to develop (honestly? Did we develop at that young an age?!) but she's *jokingly* talking about it all the time. I joke back when she tells me she's growing, and I tell her, "No, not yet."


She's RAIL THIN and you can see all the bones in her back and ribs, but she eats a TON. She's healthy, just has a GREAT metabolism. She's also very, very tall.


Anyway, I notice that girls with a little more meat on their bones develop sooner, but some rail thin girls are starting to develop. Can you share your experiences?


And, is it normal for a girl her age to be so focused on this? I find it rather shocking but keep it light mannered.

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And, is it normal for a girl her age to be so focused on this?


I sure hope so, because my dd is too! She just started the very first stages of development this summer, a few months before she turned 10. This shocked me because I remember being 12 and miserable because I still had nothing. Nine years?!? How did this happen??? I was very slender, though, but so is my dd, so I guess it isn't always correlated to that. I really did not want her to have to deal with this so young, but she's very happy about it. I don't know what to do about it, so I'm just trying to go with the flow.

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can anyone tell me from experience when their daughter's started to develop? My daughter will be 10 the end of next month and not only is she starting to notice other girls starting to develop (honestly? Did we develop at that young an age?!) but she's *jokingly* talking about it all the time. I joke back when she tells me she's growing, and I tell her, "No, not yet."


She's RAIL THIN and you can see all the bones in her back and ribs, but she eats a TON. She's healthy, just has a GREAT metabolism. She's also very, very tall.


Anyway, I notice that girls with a little more meat on their bones develop sooner, but some rail thin girls are starting to develop. Can you share your experiences?


And, is it normal for a girl her age to be so focused on this? I find it rather shocking but keep it light mannered.


When do they start developing? Anytime from about 9-12. My skinny dd actually has surpassed her heavy set twin in the developement area.


About being obsessed w/ it at that age-- Oh Yeah! Totally normal!

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My dd is very shy and painfully modest about this stuff, so I have to force her to talk about it. She's very tall for her age, but also has some meat on her, not overweight tho, but not rail thin. And I can see some signs of development. :001_huh: She's nine. But I can't say she's obsessed with it because of her shyness. I get the impression she'd like to skip over it all and just be 16.:rolleyes:

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Yes, all of this is totally normal. I needed a bra when I was 9, my girls started wearing them at 11 or so (adopted so different genetics).


If all of the other girls start wearing bras, please, go out and buy your dd a few of the nice soft "sports" bras or other similar cupless types. I remember the pain of a friend of mine when we were younger. She didn't need a bra so her mom wouldn't get one even though the rest of us were wearing them.

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I wish that was the way it was going in my house. My daughter just turned 10 in Sept & is very thin and super tall. She noticed bre@st buds right after her 9th birthday. She is probably in early stage 3 development now (a year later). AGHGHGHGHG!


What I noticed first was a big spike in her height. She has always been tall and grown quickly but she was growing nearly an inch a month. Her feet were growing at an incredible pace also. She wears a woman's 7.5 shoe and is already over 5 feet tall.


Then she complained of pain in her bre@st area and there were the buds. That's when we had the conversation about development.


A year later and we have the full hormone thing going on and all that comes with it. Doctor said though it could still be a year or even more before she starts menses. I sure hope so because she is still so young.


My daughter was really against wearing a bra but was starting to kinda need one (in thin shirts anyway). I just backed off but would casually point them out to her when we were shopping. She finally decided on her own that she wanted a sports bra. I bought two and she still only wears them when she has on a thin shirt. She doesn't like them but at least she is getting "used" to them.

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Yes, all of this is totally normal. I needed a bra when I was 9, my girls started wearing them at 11 or so (adopted so different genetics).


If all of the other girls start wearing bras, please, go out and buy your dd a few of the nice soft "sports" bras or other similar cupless types. I remember the pain of a friend of mine when we were younger. She didn't need a bra so her mom wouldn't get one even though the rest of us were wearing them.


oh, she's got them. Are you kidding? I couldn't shut her up! :lol: My younger, VERY observant dd is totally soaking this all up and taking mental notes. :D

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I wish that was the way it was going in my house. My daughter just turned 10 in Sept & is very thin and super tall. She noticed bre@st buds right after her 9th birthday. She is probably in early stage 3 development now (a year later). AGHGHGHGHG!


What I noticed first was a big spike in her height. She has always been tall and grown quickly but she was growing nearly an inch a month. Her feet were growing at an incredible pace also. She wears a woman's 7.5 shoe and is already over 5 feet tall.


Then she complained of pain in her bre@st area and there were the buds. That's when we had the conversation about development.


A year later and we have the full hormone thing going on and all that comes with it. Doctor said though it could still be a year or even more before she starts menses. I sure hope so because she is still so young.


My daughter was really against wearing a bra but was starting to kinda need one (in thin shirts anyway). I just backed off but would casually point them out to her when we were shopping. She finally decided on her own that she wanted a sports bra. I bought two and she still only wears them when she has on a thin shirt. She doesn't like them but at least she is getting "used" to them.


Oh, dd will be SO excited. Her height is really getting up there, and her shoe size is considerably larger, too. I won't mention this, she'll lose sleep at night over her excitement. :lol: She jokingly drops to her knees and prays for them to grow, even in front of her 14 and 17.5 yo brothers and father. :lol::lol::lol:

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My dd is curvy; tall and thin, but curvy. This actually started happening when she was 8.:svengo:She also started her meneses when she was 9. Not from my genes, that's for sure. However, it is common for the women in dh's family. She was never obsessed about it. We talked about it, we joke lightheartedly about it (she's catching up with me shape wise :glare:), its not taboo or anything. She knows she is ahead of the game, and for that reason I had a hard time finding a swimming suit this past summer for her to feel comfortable wearing. My biggest goal with her is to make her comfortable with her body, and so far, so good, considering her age.


The thing that kind of stinks about it is that no one (and I mean NO ONE) thinks she is 10. She looks about 14, she's more mature (wisdom wise)than even her 12 and 13 year old friends, and her father and I have had to give the evil eye to a few teenage boys (you know, the one that looks a lot like this: :angry:). Thankfully she doesn't like to fix her hair, opting to wear wooly hats in winter and baseball caps in summer and she is so not into anything self-enhancing - she doesn't even like lipgloss.

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DD12 started when she was 9. She has more of an athlete's build - not lean and mean, but healthy and muscular. Se seems to be following my MIL's development patterns. She is very self-conscious about her development because she is more well-endowed than many grown women that we know and definitely more than any girls her own age that she knows. It is very hard to find clothing for her.


DD11 hasn't really started yet. She's like a bean pole - very slim and elegant with no softness to spare. She seems to be following my development patterns. She doesn't seem to care a bit even though most girls her age that she knows are showing at least some signs of development.

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barely, but we could tell it was coming. By ten she needed to wear a training bra. Now, at 11...God help me. She's got junk in the trunk and lovely lady bumps. She hates it. She has to pay more attention to ladylike behavior now and for this tomboy, that's no fun. I hate it cuz I'm her momma.


Little dd is beginning to thicken up a bit, but not curving just yet. She'll be 10 next month.

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My daughter started wearing a bra at 10 because all the other girls did.


She is turning 13 in a few weeks and is still wearing the same bras! She rarely needs a bra (some shirts show too much).


She hasn't shaved yet but maybe this summer she will begin.


I don't think she is going to get her period till she is 14 at the earliest.


And she is thin and tallish (5'2, almost 5'3)

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LOL. Sounds like our girls are opposites. My daughter doesn't want to go through puberty. She says she wants to be Peter Pan and not Wendy. I have to have gentle conversations about how we all grow up and it's OKAY.


My dd feels the same and we've had similar conversations. :001_smile: Unfortunetely, she's already there. She got buds before her 9th b-day and now, could probably use a small-cup bra. She likes the sports bras we picked up last spring, though.

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All totaly normal. My girls all started developing around the age of nine, made no difference if they were thin or heavier. It is heavily dependent on genetics although ages are decreasing possibly due to better nutrition (lots of controversy on why). Although my heavier girls ended up larger than my thinner one. Some of them wanted to grow up, others not so much. They got bras when they wanted them which in my girls cases was after they needed them. I developed later than my dds and I wasn't happy about it. Judy Blume's book, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret? deals with this very issue and it was written in the 70s.

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My daughter turns 11 on Tuesday. Given her size and shape I am surprised she hasn't started yet. I expect she will start her period in the next few months, but I thought that a few months ago.


I started mine almost three months after I turned 11, so she is right on time if it is genetics that are controlling this.

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