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S/O - How much do you spend on groceries PER PERSON?

How much do you spend for groceries/cleaning supplies each month PER PERSON?  

  1. 1. How much do you spend for groceries/cleaning supplies each month PER PERSON?

    • 0-100
    • 100-200
    • 200-300
    • 300-400
    • 400+
    • I have no eartly idea!

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Just curious... How much is your grocery spending per month? To make it easier to compare, I am making this poll a "per person" so that we can compare larger and smaller families. I know it won't be very scientific since ages are a factor, but I thought it would be close enough ;)

Edited by babysparkler
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I coupon and strategic show, family of 5 & 1 cat, food, health & beauty, paper products, cleaning & pet food are all less than $350 a month. We buy meat off of my parents (they beef farm & we do get a discount) I garden and put up what I can. (freeze green beans, can salsa, what not) It's not a huge garden, but helps every bit. We only eat frozen vegetables and do eat plenty of fresh fruits & salad. I cool most of my meals from scratch.

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I'm in the $100-$200 catagory. Usually I spend $700 a month or so. Right now it's a lot less because we're unemployed, but I do expect to be so long term so put our normal average. Oh, family of 4 and includes food for 1 rabbit, 5 toads and 2 newts as well as all paper and cleaning supplies and OTC medicines.

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My monthly budget for a family of 6 has been $480 a month. My dd just got married, so I am reducing that to $400. a month for a family of 5. My dd's at home are 12, 8 and 8. For the last two months, I have had money left over - $50. one month, $35. the other month. I've been stashing it away for Christmas.

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I spend way too much each month on food. And we eat out once a month (nothing expensive either).


I think I spend about $75/week per person.


I go to the grocery store once a week and Whole Foods once a week.


I eat dairy free ice cream, doughnuts, etc which I buy at Whole Foods. I also buy stuff from the bulk bins like popcorn, peas, cornmeal.


I have been using coupons like crazy and shopping sales. I think my kids have just been more active and eating more. I'm scared for the high school years!

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Well, when you break it down like that it doesn't seem like so much, after all! I averaged it to be about $150-$175 per person per month. That's just roughly $40 each week. That's about $2 per meal per person, including snacks and beverages.


Beats looking at the $1100-$1200 big number at the end. Yay! I am as frugal as I feel!

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We eat mostly natural meats, organic foods and juices so we spend a bit more, but still about $100 to $125 per person per month. We also buy fresh raw milk from a nearby farm and handmade soaps. I bake my own sourdough bread. I use coupons when I can and buy in bulk when items are on sale.

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Our grocery bill per month is under $500 for the most part. We feed 5 people. 3 under age 6. 1 dog, 6 cats. We do grow our own strawberries, canning jam and sauce and freezing lots of them. We also grow tomatoes so I can those for soups. Our bill consists of food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, oil, oil filters, necessary undergarments at the time, lighting. We also eat out very cheap once a week(dollar menu) when we go to town, which is about a half hour away.

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There are six of us home for now, and I spend less than $600 per month. I would LOVE to have a larger budget than that. Obviously we don't eat gourmet meals, but we eat food that is nutritious (enough, not over the top). I buy most of our food at Aldi. I truly believe the Lord stretches things for us, too.

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There are six of us home for now, and I spend less than $600 per month. I would LOVE to have a larger budget than that. Obviously we don't eat gourmet meals, but we eat food that is nutritious (enough, not over the top). I buy most of our food at Aldi. I truly believe the Lord stretches things for us, too.


This has been encouraging for me... I have 6 mouths to feed and am wanting to cut down to less than $600per month... and now I am realizing that it is not a crazy dream, but possible. :)

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I just calculated yesterday that we spend $2.42/person/day. That's only for food, not cleaning supplies or anything else. And that's shopping sales and using coupons. We never eat out, eat lots of beans, rice, potatoes and don't buy convenience foods. So I don't know any other way to get our bill lower. We eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies which makes our bill higher but that is worth it. If I add in non-food items that's another $80/month.

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