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Do you ever wonder about who we have on the board with us?

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I will attest that cooking, gardening, and English language groups also are peopled by people who are who say they are. I lost count at about 250, but have met MANY people from internet groups, and nary a surprise.

I even flew to Europe to tour with someone I met on line. Do I really think someone inhabits a group, sweetly, intelligently, for 5 years just to get me to a snuff party in Germany? (It was a lovely trip, and on my stop over in Chicago, a fellow foodie shlepped veggie food out to the airport to feed me (I'd never met her before either) and gave me Saran Wrap to deliver to her old roomie who lived in Paris.) Viva La Internet!

Yes for the most part I think most internet people are who they say they are, the weirdo's are the exception not the rule. I've also met some lovely people and in fact stayed with an online friend on our visit to the US just gone.

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Oh, what a great twist! You just made the forum more interesting to read. I've only been reading for the plethora of information and interest in different viewpoints. Now, if I find a spare, "bored" moment (do we have those as homeschool moms?), I can let my imagination soar. At most, I've looked for the geographical source of a tag or ages of the children. (10 and 8 year old daughters here, residing in Texas if you're curious). I love your thought process - adds an extra dimension.

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People sure talk enough. I was going to write to someone who seemed to have something interesting in common with me, and then I read some of her posts and WHOA -- they were all about her cheatin' husband and I said, "Hmm, better to skip that drama!" But given the things I've overheard in person (including a young woman asking her companion as they strolled along for clarification on her status as a virgin given that she'd done the following, and a boy revealing to his mother that he'd known all along there was no tooth fairy, but then my husband has overheard two people recently while waiting in line [that's two separate instances, mind you!] discussing their plans to shoplift), I'd have to say, maybe it's no so unique after all.

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I am not a homeschooler. Both my kids attend public school right now but I come here for ideas and inspiration in my role as an educator to them. In my view, you guys are the experts, so where else better could I hang out?

Ah we welcome your type of infiltration, we are here to woooooo you to the Dark Side, mwahahahahahaaaaaaaa

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Ah we welcome your type of infiltration, we are here to woooooo you to the Dark Side, mwahahahahahaaaaaaaa


Careful! That is how I entered this whole home education thing about 22 years ago! Someday I might just master it, but I don't think I will ever master teaching Algebra. I am good at it just not good at teaching it.


I did survive dd#3's first time driving yesterday, so I guess I can make it through anything. One thing I did learn from that experience is that we need to work on knowing which is right and which is left. hmmm... how did I miss that one? lol

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Actually, you didn't cause me any problems on the SB boards. I really enjoyed knowing there was another home educator who loves heirloom sewing. I still lurk there, I just don't post very often. I found that what you write on the SB boards can show up when someone Googles your name. As you may know, Martha as a diet and exercise and a prayer request sections. It was quite embarrassing to find out my request for prayers and comments about my weight loss struggles show when you do a search of my name. (No fair going to look!) So I became a bit paranoid about posting.


Lately, Ive come to realize my weight loss struggles are pretty apparent anyway! lol


Ha! I ran across her several years ago on the Sew Beautiful boards. We were discussing heirloom sewing and then suddenly there I was gushing over her! I think she just wanted to talk about sewing in peace and then I came along and just happened to own her book!
Edited by Beverly L. Adams-Gordon
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Actually, you didn't cause me any problems on the SB boards. I really enjoyed knowing there was another home educator who loves heirloom sewing. I still lurk there, I just don't post very often.


Oh good! I'm glad I did not embarrass you or anything.


I'm not over there at all anymore since my kids are older. I don't even subscribe to SB anymore, I have swapped it for my new sewing addiction; Ottobre Magazine.

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Oh I love Ottobre! Kelli where do you get Ottobre here in the states? I bought a year or two of back issues at the Puyallup Sew Expo a few years back. I Can't find it around here. Found it at a Barnes and Noble in San Diego once. I still love SB and also Australian Smocking and Embroidery mag. In addition o making clothes and costumes (for performances) for Brittany (dd 15), I have five grandchildren. Nice running into you again Kelli.

Oh good! I'm glad I did not ll embarrass you or anything.


I'm not over there at all anymore since my kids are older. I don't even subscribe to SB anymore, I have swapped it for my new sewing addiction; Ottobre Magazine.

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I hope you don't mind another Ottobre fan butting in (because I would anyway :D)


You can subscribe or buy individual issues right from their website. I have been a subscriber since 2003. I even have all but one of the back issues (many were only available in German but that didn't stop me :D).


Ottobre has caused me to ditch even many well-loved Kwik-Sew patterns. Did you know there was an Ottobre yahoo list? I used to be on it, but haven't been sewing much lately.


I got the winter issue yesterday, and just giving it a quick browse I can see it has some cute pj's (and much more of course) that I really need to make. I really need to get my sewing space back in order. :tongue_smilie:




Oh I love Ottobre! Kelli where do you get Ottobre here in the states? I bought a year or two of back issues at the Puyallup Sew Expo a few years back. I Can't find it around here. Found it at a Barnes and Noble in San Diego once. I still love SB and also Australian Smocking and Embroidery mag. In addition o making clothes and costumes (for performances) for Brittany (dd 15), I have five grandchildren. Nice running into you again Kelli.
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You've all missed the point entirely. Tap is trying to tell us that he is, in reality, a Mafia Don who posts from prison. His children are numerous, sired in the good years, before that punk D.A. started snooping around. Since boyhood, he has an inexplicable urge to become pregnant, which has resulted in a nervous tic. Thus, the screen name. His connections on the outside enable him to moonlight as an Usborne sales rep. Not quite as lucrative as the drug trade, it still feeds his desire for power. He Skypes his underlings from the penitentiary library. Once in awhile, he posts as Susan Wise Bauer just to pretend he's famous.



Can you tutor my kids in Creative Writing?

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