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So sad (warning, babies/loss/abortion content)

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I put a warning in the title yet want to warn again that this post is about babies/loss/abortion and if you have gone through anything like that or are deeply affected by such topics, please don't read this.


I have a dear friend whom I love so much, yet she is young both in age and mentality. Or perhaps I should say she is innocent as far as life goes. I just got on FB and she had posted a poll about abortion...and a picture. A horrible, horrible picture. I ran for the bathroom, sobbing and hoping I'd make it to the toilet in time. When I managed to get back to the computer I responded to her post that maybe she could just put a link or remove the picture, then "hid" her. I also sent her an email that gently pointed out that she has never lost a baby, she's never felt pressure and run to the bathroom, knowing what was happening yet praying for a miracle, but the miracle was born into one's hand. Miscarriage is not abortion yet a picture like she posted brought back all the horror of that Tuesday night and my heart is dying once again. I am so sad. I can't be angry with her because she doesn't get it (and will delete her post immediately, if I know her). I was having a great day, now I can't stop crying.


I'm sorry if this upsets anyone. I tried to be clear in my warning and I really needed to post this. Ironically, today my dh and I were at a doctor's office for a consult about ttc (trying to conceive) so here I'm focusing on new life and this happens. I miss my babies. I have to get myself together before I go out to my family...must stop crying.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy



I'm so sorry for what you're going through. You're right about her having no idea. I miscarried three babies before DS6 and know the anxiety, stress and anger that come from watching the oblivious disregard the sanctity of life.



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I put a warning in the title yet want to warn again that this post is about babies/loss/abortion and if you have gone through anything like that or are deeply affected by such topics, please don't read this.


I have a dear friend whom I love so much, yet she is young both in age and mentality. Or perhaps I should say she is innocent as far as life goes. I just got on FB and she had posted a poll about abortion...and a picture. A horrible, horrible picture. I ran for the bathroom, sobbing and hoping I'd make it to the toilet in time. When I managed to get back to the computer I responded to her post that maybe she could just put a link or remove the picture, then "hid" her. I also sent her an email that gently pointed out that she has never lost a baby, she's never felt pressure and run to the bathroom, knowing what was happening yet praying for a miracle, but the miracle was born into one's hand. Miscarriage is not abortion yet a picture like she posted brought back all the horror of that Tuesday night and my heart is dying once again. I am so sad. I can't be angry with her because she doesn't get it (and will delete her post immediately, if I know her). I was having a great day, now I can't stop crying.


I'm sorry if this upsets anyone. I tried to be clear in my warning and I really needed to post this. Ironically, today my dh and I were at a doctor's office for a consult about ttc (trying to conceive) so here I'm focusing on new life and this happens. I miss my babies. I have to get myself together before I go out to my family...must stop crying.


I totally get you. :grouphug: Some people just don't get it.:sad:

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