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Anyone read this article about a bully (and his friends) who set a 15yo boy on fire?

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sick. I can not get past the part about the boys laughing that they did this. Here I was scared because I have been told I am raising 2 psychopaths but they have never doen anything as heinous as this and are certainly not laughing about it. That poor boy. I think all the boys should be charged with attempted murder if the boy lives, not just the leader of this sick little group. Thank goodness they lived in a place with a pool.


The part of the article I don't get it is why it matters that he has been held back 2 grades. Are they implying that he is as troubled as the boys who did this, does he have LD that have prevented him from moving forward? What is the pupose in adding that tidbit?

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What is our world coming to? This is just sick.


Makes me want to take my children and hide out in some remote location until they are grown. I am so tired of reading articles and hearing on the news all these stories of kids attacking/killins kids. If that is socialization I want nothing to do with it.

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I wondered the same thing. He is 15 and only in the 7th grade.... If he lives I think they all should be charged with attempted murder also.... If he dies....they all should be charged with murder. I can't imagine someone setting another human being on fire.....how awful for his family.

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The boys mother was on the news this morning. It was so sad. She held it together the whole interview and then when they cut to commercial she lost it. They came back after the break and showed the mother crying hysterically. I wanted to cry right along with her.


I think those boys should go to prison for life. That poor boy if he survives is going to face a lifetime of suffering.

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What a horrible thing. I can't even imagine what his family is going through. It would have been awful if it had been a terrible accident, but to think that people would do something like that on purpose is simply unfathomable, and is truly evil.


I can't help but wonder how the parents of those horrible teenagers are feeling right now. How could they ever look at their kids the same way again, knowing that they were capable of such a heinous act?


I'm praying for that poor boy, and hope he's in an induced coma so he's not suffering. I can't even imagine his pain and horror when he was set on fire.


I hate reading this type of story because it makes me worry for all of the nice kids, who would never suspect that anyone would ever try to harm them like that.



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Sick. Sick and twisted.


Lock em up and throw away the key. Mendez feels remorse because he's the one that lit the fire. Doubt he'd feel so bad if he wasn't facing attempted murder charges while the others who helped and planned it are getting much lesser charges.


I am tired of bullies. I remember my brother being gang-beat up after school once and they hurt him bad. He was scared to leave the house for a long time after that. Cowardly and stupid.


I say put each boy in a room alone and allow a gang to attack them. Let them see how it feels. Especially since there is no remorse.


I do not understand mob mentality.

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