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Is it time to put up the Christmas tree yet?

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We don't have snow YET...


But this AM, we had the "decorating bug" and put up a few snowmen and cut some fresh fir and balsam for baskets and crocks...smells SO good!! :)

(Now if only I had some of those red berries...)


We'll probably wait until the first part of December to put up the tree...

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We never took ours down. :001_huh::D It's the perfect shape (tall & thin) to add some height behind our couch. The twinkle lights finally died and we did remove the ornaments, but it will make decorating this year so much easier. It was dh's idea and you kind of forget it's supposed to be a Christmas tree after a few months.

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We never took ours down. :001_huh::D It's the perfect shape (tall & thin) to add some height behind our couch. The twinkle lights finally died and we did remove the ornaments, but it will make decorating this year so much easier. It was dh's idea and you kind of forget it's supposed to be a Christmas tree after a few months.

Love it!:lol:

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No, dear, not yet. You must wait at least until Thanksgiving weekend. Sorry. I don't make the rules; I just enforce them.:lol:




I've been on the board long enough to know that there are many people who disagree with me on this (well, and everything else:lol:), but for me personally, it cheapens Christmas to stretch the season. In fact, I'm trying to move more toward Advent followed by 12 days of Christmas, but my family's not entirely on board.


Besides, it interferes with celebrating fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving if the Christmas decorations are up.



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I've been on the board long enough to know that there are many people who disagree with me on this (well, and everything else:lol:), but for me personally, it cheapens Christmas to stretch the season. In fact, I'm trying to move more toward Advent followed by 12 days of Christmas, but my family's not entirely on board.


Besides, it interferes with celebrating fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving if the Christmas decorations are up.




I was only kidding about putting up the Christmas tree. I do have some Halloween decorations I will probably put up though.

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I've been on the board long enough to know that there are many people who disagree with me on this (well, and everything else:lol:), but for me personally, it cheapens Christmas to stretch the season. In fact, I'm trying to move more toward Advent followed by 12 days of Christmas, but my family's not entirely on board.


Besides, it interferes with celebrating fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving if the Christmas decorations are up.






We try to observe Advent before we celebrate Christmas--although, I admit, we do listen to REAL Christmas carols* all through Advent, because, well, we can--and we have to do all we can to counteract the Musak masquerading as Christmas carols we are subjected to everywhere!



*Anonymous 4, Carols from Kings, JS Bach, Handel--can you tell I am excited!?

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We never took ours down. :001_huh::D It's the perfect shape (tall & thin) to add some height behind our couch. The twinkle lights finally died and we did remove the ornaments, but it will make decorating this year so much easier. It was dh's idea and you kind of forget it's supposed to be a Christmas tree after a few months.



I bought my oldest ds a Christmas tree for his house (he's in college) last year at Thanksgiving. He put it up and decorated ----I took it down when I was visiting his house in August. He told me the reason he didn't take it down was it took up his vacant corner and without the tree his room looked bare. Of course he left his fully decorated!


But in response to the original ? ---yes it's too early to decorate for Christmas. Of course, if we actually had snow I might feel differently ---but in SC the chances of snow are minimal at best. We are still in shorts!

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