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Do you ever just take on too much!?

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Yeah I do, all the time. It's like I can not help myself, I have to be stressed, overwhelemed and busy all the time. It drives me crazy but I still do it! :)


This year I am hsing 2 kiddos, expecting baby #4 in Dec, just started a girl scout troop (k-5!!), going to school full time, and serving in church.


Seriously is there an addictin group for those of us who are crazy enough to over extend all the time!? It has nothing to do with saying "NO" to others either, this is all my own doing.


Its really not that bad but I am feeling overwhelmed right now as I try and get dinner and homework done and plan for the girl scout troop meeting.

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My problem is saying "no" to others. Today as I was babysitting a 2yo, waiting for a 5yo to be dropped off then running to pick up his 8yo brother from school I wondered why "no" isn't in my vocabulary. Why do I feel guilty if I even think about saying, "no"? I'm OK with not taking on outside commitments but when it comes to favors (even ones that go on for over a year) I just can't turn anyone down. I need counseling.

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I was just re-writing this quote from Julia Cameron (The Artist's Way) into a notebook:


"Most blocked creatives have an active addiction to anxiety. We prefer the low grade pain and occasional heart stopping panic attack to the drudgery of small and simple daily steps in the right direction."


For me I know a big problem is over scheduling myself & manufacturing a lot of anxiety in this manner.


Just throwing that out there......


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I was just re-writing this quote from Julia Cameron (The Artist's Way) into a notebook:


"Most blocked creatives have an active addiction to anxiety. We prefer the low grade pain and occasional heart stopping panic attack to the drudgery of small and simple daily steps in the right direction."


For me I know a big problem is over scheduling myself & manufacturing a lot of anxiety in this manner.


Just throwing that out there......


Oh! That's me! That's me! I'm not sure I really enjoy the low grade pain, but I seem to operate under the delusion that I work better in crisis mode (I don't) and have only recently stopped over-extending myself with "fun" activities.


For me, it has nothing to do with being able to say no. Everything sounds great. By itself. If someone proposed ALL the different commitments as a laundry list (you know, how it appears on your calendar?), I'd run for the hills.

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I don't have a problem saying no to anyone but myself. I seem to have delusions of still being able to go to bed at 2am and bounce back up ready for the day at 6. And I never learn when it doesn't work (I am typing while stirring two separate things, one for a potluck tonight and one to drop off at my husband's office because I felt like making it but don't want to eat it, thank goodness for nap/quiet time).

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But, after dropping the ball (mostly when it came to my family and no one else could notice outside the confines of our home) several times, I realized that I'm not helping anyone least of all myself. Why do I do it? I'm happy to say that my dh came to me with the awful truth, and it hurt...a LOT. But, I'm eternally grateful because now I know what my priority is and what I need to do to fulfill it. I'm still involved in outside things, but, not until I've talked it over with my family. Works every time!

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Yes, I do but I'm reforming!:D


I was hit last spring with my first panic attack and it was no fun! Neither have the subsequent attacks been!


Through some reading and some counseling, I am learning that if I want to rid myself of the anxiety and panic, I have to quit with the stress!


I wish I could move away from this place and it's lifestyle that moves at the speed of light! But, since I'm here, I'm trying to learn how to manage my commitments better and not overdo it.


I need to be physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy for my family so I am choosing to get off of the hamster wheel and nurture myself better!:)

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Oh! That's me! That's me! I'm not sure I really enjoy the low grade pain, but I seem to operate under the delusion that I work better in crisis mode (I don't) and have only recently stopped over-extending myself with "fun" activities.


For me, it has nothing to do with being able to say no. Everything sounds great. By itself. If someone proposed ALL the different commitments as a laundry list (you know, how it appears on your calendar?), I'd run for the hills.


Oh boy you nailed that one on the head. How many times I have said "I work best under stress!" LOL Now that is funny! No one works well under stress including me. I feel like I have to work well because I have no other choice. Of course I have a choice but then I would feel lazy not having a ton of things going on. What a vicious cycle I find myself on!

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I enjoy being busy. Not stressed-out busy, but I enjoy having things that I am committed to doing.

I recently went back to a paper calendar, though. I realized without something to LOOK at I don't realize how busy I can get.

My DH goes nutty with how busy I like to be. We have a deal - I don't book him for things, and I must get my home responsibilities taken care of.

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I guard my time very carefully and have not problem what-so-ever saying no.


I'm a very unhappy person when I feel overwhelmed or pressured. I don't like being unhappy. I avoid over scheduling myself.



I used to think I like being super busy...until I wasn't. Now, we do stuff, but not too much, I stay organized, and guess what...I'm much happier. My only problem is going to bed early and rising early. I still struggle with that (as is evident with this 11:26pm post). I must go to bed now...good night!

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I don't like being busy but I just seem to be at that season in my life right now. Both yesterday and today we had schedule mishaps that required three different people to be in three different places at the same time and we only have one car. Today got horribly derailed around one when my teen locked herself out of her room with a candle burning inside and no spare key. Then youngest came home from elementary school with an ear infection that required a trip to the clinic and then pharmacy and then scheduled pick-up began. This is not an unusual day. I have been in the middle of this paint project for two months now. On the 16th my hubby has to be in San Antonio for dd's graduation from boot camp, the next weekend a dd has to be transported from Atlanta to Dallas with all her worldly goods and cat, the following weekend it big 13th birthday Halloween bash for another dd and the following weekend if NYC for hubby plays opening. This is not an unusual month. My life has been on fast forward for two years now and I am getting three through the college admissions process right now. I have a grandbaby who is one and family scattered across the country. I don't see things slowing down anytime in the near future. I pictured myself in a rocking chair reading all the books I have aquired over a life time soon and I guess I miscalculated a little. :001_smile:

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Yeah I do, all the time. It's like I can not help myself, I have to be stressed, overwhelemed and busy all the time. It drives me crazy but I still do it! :)


This year I am hsing 2 kiddos, expecting baby #4 in Dec, just started a girl scout troop (k-5!!), going to school full time, and serving in church.


Seriously is there an addictin group for those of us who are crazy enough to over extend all the time!? It has nothing to do with saying "NO" to others either, this is all my own doing.


Its really not that bad but I am feeling overwhelmed right now as I try and get dinner and homework done and plan for the girl scout troop meeting.

I used to take on too much, but have gotten much better over the years at slowing down. It's awesome! My step-mother still thinks I do too much, though, so she recently gave me a package of cocktail napkins that say, "Just say NO to the sign-up sheet"!!


She must not have noticed my reformed ways. ;)



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