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understand that the entire house needs to be cleaned, painted and organized before you can bring home a new baby?


Dh said, "Look, there's this little space between us in the bed. That means we are ready. Right?"




:grouphug: :grouphug:


That is sweet, though.


I remember when DH wouldn't put the crib together for #3. He called it a prop b/c none of our babies had ever slept in it!

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I remember that feeling as well. My dear SIL had decided on a surprise baby shower 2 weeks before I was due with our 1st. Poor Dh was charged with not letting me buy anything for the baby, but not telling me why so as not to ruin the surprise. It was rough for the both of us because I would try to buy something we needed and he would say we needed to wait. I remember standing in Target, over 8 months pregnant, in front of the carseat we had meticulously researched, it was on sale and dh telling me we needed to keep looking. I burst into tears right there in the store and sobbed they we wouldn't even be able to bring our baby home from the hospital. He let me get the carseat and later called SIL & said he hoped no one was bringing a carseat because he had to let me get it. The shower was a few days later and two days after that dd was born.


Amber in SJ

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understand that the entire house needs to be cleaned, painted and organized before you can bring home a new baby?


Dh said, "Look, there's this little space between us in the bed. That means we are ready. Right?"



:lol: Yes, I think we should shoot them up with all sorts of nesting hormones, so they can join the frenzy wholeheartedly.

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My husband bought a new vacuum cleaner that cost as much as our mortgage payment and thought we were good. He was horrified that we had to purchase, you know, baby things, things they would grow out of anyway. So, what, we wrap them in a blanket until they stop growing?

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Oh YEa! My hubby decided to keep me calm to paint the living room. We have a big open space. Walk in my house and you see everything except bedrooms. Imagine his surprise when I ordered the 5 gallon bucket of paint after the 2 gallons he had purchased and used on most of the living room. :001_smile:


Did he really think those 3 walls could be painted and not the rest of the opens space and up the stairs?? He's lucky I've agreed to wait to get the kids rooms painted until after I deliver.:)


For now, he's realized the entire living space except bedrooms are being painted, then our massive linen closet in our master bath is being redone to house baby clothes and things, along with our bedroom where we are going to house the little bean for the first few months, and our master closet must be redone and our dresser which will double as a changing table. Not to mention what all must be cleaned and spit shined and polished and wiped (kidding but that is about what it feels like! Nesting is horrific)


He's clueless.:lol:

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LOL sounds like somebody is nesting. :) I guess if you can get dh to paint the house before baby comes then don't fault him if he's tired in the delivery room. :) I like the baby in the room too. My aunt gave me a basinette when my first was born and I always used to have the newborn in basinette next to my bed. sigh. Special times. :) Enjoy your new baby and my heartiest congratulations to you and your dh. :)

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I remember that feeling as well. My dear SIL had decided on a surprise baby shower 2 weeks before I was due with our 1st. Poor Dh was charged with not letting me buy anything for the baby, but not telling me why so as not to ruin the surprise. It was rough for the both of us because I would try to buy something we needed and he would say we needed to wait. I remember standing in Target, over 8 months pregnant, in front of the carseat we had meticulously researched, it was on sale and dh telling me we needed to keep looking. I burst into tears right there in the store and sobbed they we wouldn't even be able to bring our baby home from the hospital. He let me get the carseat and later called SIL & said he hoped no one was bringing a carseat because he had to let me get it. The shower was a few days later and two days after that dd was born.


Amber in SJ


That would drive me crazy... I had already BOUGHT tons of baby stuff even before I got pregnant! LOL I remember getting yelled at for painting the baby's room while 5-6 months pregnant (the windows were open & fan was on). We got the baby bassinet a month later. Had it decorated, house babyproofed, clean and ready to go by delivery date. Which helped my stress levels. LOL


For the shower, I got great gifts... but back then, we didn't do the online registry which makes things easy. Honestly, I really loved my gifts of diapers in BULK BOXES from Costco! (That kind of stuff really $$ helps...LOL) I know we had grandparents ready and wanting to give us big ticket gift items when baby was ready -- crib by 4 months, bunk bed set at 2 years old, clothes, toys, video games, and more. They are great!

Edited by tex-mex
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LOL sounds like somebody is nesting. :) I guess if you can get dh to paint the house before baby comes then don't fault him if he's tired in the delivery room. :) I like the baby in the room too. My aunt gave me a basinette when my first was born and I always used to have the newborn in basinette next to my bed. sigh. Special times. :) Enjoy your new baby and my heartiest congratulations to you and your dh. :)


We had a wooden bassinet that swung -- with wheels to roll from room to room. I had it originally in the baby's room. Reality set in when baby was born and it was parked next to my side of the bed after that! LOL I miss those times...

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My husband bought a new vacuum cleaner that cost as much as our mortgage payment and thought we were good. He was horrified that we had to purchase, you know, baby things, things they would grow out of anyway. So, what, we wrap them in a blanket until they stop growing?


Oh my gosh, that reminds me of a sales clerk at a dept store--I was pretty big w/ #1, & asked if the store sold maternity clothes.


No, she said, but we sell baby clothes. :001_huh: I had visions of stapling a bunch of baby clothes together to cover my ginormous belly. I didn't succomb to the overwhelming urge to tell her what I thought of her at that moment. After all, I *was* the bigger woman. :lol:

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We had a wooden bassinet that swung -- with wheels to roll from room to room. I had it originally in the baby's room. Reality set in when baby was born and it was parked next to my side of the bed after that! LOL I miss those times...



OOOH yours sounds nice!! Ours didn't swing. It was stationary, but it did have the wheels. :) Sigh. Now I want another baby. :)

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I threw a small fortune into our home when we (uh...she) was expecting.


And (of course) the construction company wasn't finished when my son arrived :glare:


So we set up an "apartment" in the garage, washed our son in an outdoor sink. Slept all together in one big bed and were really happy.


Marriages can survive anything :001_smile:


Bill (who also bought his wife a very good vacuum)

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I threw a small fortune into our home when we (uh...she) was expecting.


And (of course) the construction company wasn't finished when my son arrived :glare:


So we set up an "apartment" in the garage, washed our son in an outdoor sink. Slept all together in one big bed and were really happy.


Marriages can survive anything :001_smile:


Bill (who also bought his wife a very good vacuum)


Beautiful, Bill. Thanks for sharing. :)

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Beautiful, Bill. Thanks for sharing. :)


I neglected to mention that when we returned from the hospital our (only) bathroom had been knocked-out of commission. And that for several weeks we had to trudge down the street to a heath-club to take our showers et al. Oy Vey!



Perhaps I should have quit this story while I was ahead? :D


Bill (slow-learner :tongue_smilie: )

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I neglected to mention that when we returned from the hospital our (only) bathroom had been knocked-out of commission. And that for several weeks we had to trudge down the street to a heath-club to take our showers et al. Oy Vey!



Perhaps I should have quit this story while I was ahead? :D


Bill (slow-learner :tongue_smilie: )



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