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Fox News Article 1 in 3 Preg. women hosp. with h1n1 die :o(

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Fox News Article 1 in 3 Preg. women hosp. with h1n1 die :( - Anyone read this article? That is a scary ratio.

Are you all getting the vaccine? My dh had to - but my children and I are not, even though I did hear it was covered by dh's work.


OT, but when I was 18 and preg. with my first child I almost died from a bird disease that caused me to be sick with pneumonia. It took me a few years to recover.

Edited by 5KidzRUs
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But many pregnant women get it and don't end up in the hospital. We suspect that we recently had it here... I got it. The symptoms were more like a bad cold that lasted for a LONG time plus a few days of VERY sore throat.


My husband and my older two kids had similar symptoms, but they lasted for less than a week. My youngest STILL has a little nasal congestion (for more than a month!).

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As a pregnant woman, I am very concerned about H1N1. But that article is sensationalizing the facts. First of all they are saying 1 in 3 pregnant women die but it's actually 1 in 3 pregnant women that are hospitalized. That doesn't account for all the pregnant women with H1N1 that are not hospitalized. Secondly, they are rounding up pretty hard on that 1 in 3 #. It was out of 100 which is 28% not 33%......yes I do think it's scary but I hate how Fox news tries to make it seem scarier than it is.

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This article is REPREHENSIBLE.


Title: "CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Who've Contracted H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


False, according to the article itself: 1 in 3 who entered a hospital with it died.


First paragraph: "Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women have died from the new strain."


What?!? We have millions of pregnant women in this country. That would mean that 1/3 of those millions have died.


I hate Fox "News."

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I had it back in July, and I'm still alive. I guess I got lucky.


Since Dd had a confirmed case of type A flu which was later confirmed as swine flu, I started taking Tamiflu within hours of my first symptoms. It never got any worse, even though Dd was terribly sick.


I'm hoping that I have a little bit of resistance to it now.

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For those interested, most of the concern & the priority vax recommendations are based on a Lancet report - abstract avail here:



The gist is that pregnant women were hospitalized for H1N1 at a rate of 4X the rate of the general population.


Of the hospitalized cases, almost 50% died. (6 died /11 hospitalized).


This entire report was based on a report of 34 pregnant women. Small data but unfortunately when you're at the beginning of a pandemic you need to make decisions based on small sample sizes and extrapolation of trends.

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This article is REPREHENSIBLE.


Title: "CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Who've Contracted H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


False, according to the article itself: 1 in 3 who entered a hospital with it died.


First paragraph: "Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women have died from the new strain."


What?!? We have millions of pregnant women in this country. That would mean that 1/3 of those millions have died.


I hate Fox "News."


Are we reading the same article?? In the FOX news article I'm reading the title is:

"CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Hospitalized With H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


And in the first paragraph you left out a couple of important words:

"Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women who were hospitalized due to the virus have died."


You can hate FOX news all you want, but DON'T misquote them like that. The majority of this article is direct quotes from people in the CDC or other governmental agencies.


Next time pretend you are reading an article from MSNBC before you post and then maybe you can be less judgmental and look at the reporting rather than assuming it's wrong because of the source. Or better yet google on MSNBC and see if they have a similiar article. Like this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33061347/ns/health/ Of course they have some alarming facts that may not be sit well with some too, such as this quote: "They're at least four times as likely to be hospitalized as other flu sufferers." And the article has very few quotes from people in the know, and not much journalism, seems to be just copied from the AP. But I'm sure you won't find that "REPREHENSIBLE".


Edited by Melissa in FL
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Are we reading the same article?? In the FOX news article I'm reading the title is:

"CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Hospitalized With H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


And in the first paragraph you left out a couple of important words:

"Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women who were hospitalized due to the virus have died."


You can hate FOX news all you want, but DON'T misquote them like that. The majority of this article is direct quotes from people in the CDC or other governmental agencies.


Next time pretend you are reading an article from MSNBC before you post and then maybe you can be less judgmental and look at the reporting rather than assuming it's wrong because of the source. Or better yet google on MSNBC and see if they have a similiar article. Like this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33061347/ns/health/ Of course they have some alarming facts that may not be sit well with some too, such as this quote: "They're at least four times as likely to be hospitalized as other flu sufferers." And the article has very few quotes from people in the know, and not much journalism, seems to be just copied from the AP. But I'm sure you won't find that "REPREHENSIBLE".



The article changed, to the more accurate reporting of the CDC's report.

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The article changed, to the more accurate reporting of the CDC's report.


It must have. When I searched the headline was different. Sometimes all news sources toss things out there then revise it if it's found to be misleading somehow. It is wise to bring up where this is over-dramatized because H1N1 has been by almost every source of news everywhere lately.


The topic of this post isn't flame wars on liberal or conservative bias news sites. It just goes to prove my point that you cannot link or quote Fox without people freaking out and turning off the brain.

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It must have. When I searched the headline was different. Sometimes all news sources toss things out there then revise it if it's found to be misleading somehow. It is wise to bring up where this is over-dramatized because H1N1 has been by almost every source of news everywhere lately.


The topic of this post isn't flame wars on liberal or conservative bias news sites. It just goes to prove my point that you cannot link or quote Fox without people freaking out and turning off the brain.


It's not about "freaking out", it that FOX news has a well-earned reputation as an unreliable news source.



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It's not about "freaking out", it that FOX news has a well-earned reputation as an unreliable news source.




And if I wouldn't get banned for it I have some doozies from MSNBC. Probably could hunt a few down from CNN too, but are we really egging to go there?


I think many are well trained to recoil at Fox but give the rest a pass.

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But many pregnant women get it and don't end up in the hospital. We suspect that we recently had it here... I got it. The symptoms were more like a bad cold that lasted for a LONG time plus a few days of VERY sore throat.


My husband and my older two kids had similar symptoms, but they lasted for less than a week. My youngest STILL has a little nasal congestion (for more than a month!).

Are you 100% sure it was the swine flu? I am asking b/c I had the same symptoms. No fever that I could tell. It lasted for a long time and my health has been worse ever since.
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And if I wouldn't get banned for it I have some doozies from MSNBC. Probably could hunt a few down from CNN too, but are we really egging to go there?


Sure. Any news organization that falsifies, distorts, or sensationalizes its news reporting to the point where the truth is obscured deserves to be censured.


FOX news is notorious in this regard. If other news outlets distort things the way FOX does they deserve to be called on it.


I think many are well trained to recoil at Fox but give the rest a pass.


Not me. I don't care if it's the New York Times or the Washington Times, if they purposely distort the news to their own ends it is contemptible to me.


FOX is just so lacking in journalistic ethics that I don't consider it a trusted news source.



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Sure. Any news organization that falsifies, distorts, or sensationalizes its news reporting to the point where the truth is obscured deserves to be censured.


FOX news is notorious in this regard. If other news outlets distort things the way FOX does they deserve to be called on it.




Not me. I don't care if it's the New York Times or the Washington Times, if they purposely distort the news to their own ends it is contemptible to me.


FOX is just so lacking in journalistic ethics that I don't consider it a trusted news source.




Uh. It's interesting how the news sources we do choose to read/watch will shape our views. Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing. We usually see what we already believe, despite everyone is sure they are the enlightened few above this human tendency.


You can take every word you said and simply exchange the Times and MSNBC with Fox and that would be my direct response, of course. Perhaps I too am a bit trained to find the ridiculous bias and sometimes contemptible ignoring of major facts that hurt their beloved agenda to the point where I do not believe them trustworthy. It's possible. Heck, I'm convinced MSNBC doesn't even pretend. I do see when Fox over-spins and I'm willing to call them on it, but they give a side of news the others ignore, sometimes deliberately, or perhaps it's because their believers don't wish to see it? All sides pander to their audience.


What I find funny is how quickly the simple link to FoxNews has everyone pounce on FoxNews itself, regardless of the content -every stinkin' time. Yahoo has put things forward through the AP with a spin that I have seen this board give a fair view of the facts, but if it's Fox, it's because it's Fox, nothing to do with the ARTICLE. It's just silly.

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I am definitely a conservative in my views and I feel Fox News is unreliable. Sadly my Grandma does not and she is constantly getting riled up over things she hears on there. :glare: That being said, MSNBC is no longer reliable either. That was my favorite news source until they started relying more on commentary than direct news reporting.

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It must have. When I searched the headline was different. Sometimes all news sources toss things out there then revise it if it's found to be misleading somehow. It is wise to bring up where this is over-dramatized because H1N1 has been by almost every source of news everywhere lately.


The topic of this post isn't flame wars on liberal or conservative bias news sites. It just goes to prove my point that you cannot link or quote Fox without people freaking out and turning off the brain.


Yes, I think the reporters for ALL news sites throw stuff out too quickly, trying to be first to break the news.

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Are you 100% sure it was the swine flu? I am asking b/c I had the same symptoms. No fever that I could tell. It lasted for a long time and my health has been worse ever since.


I did say that we *suspect* we had it. We didn't get the flu test. So: no, I'm not 100% sure we had the swine flu.


The doctors in our area have been clear about the variety of symptoms that are being identified as swine flu. With that description and the local prevalence (one week nearly our entire church congregation showed cold/flu symptoms -- oh why oh why did they come to church that day?!), we only *suspect.*

Edited by zaichiki
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Are we reading the same article?? In the FOX news article I'm reading the title is:

"CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Hospitalized With H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


And in the first paragraph you left out a couple of important words:

"Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women who were hospitalized due to the virus have died."


You can hate FOX news all you want, but DON'T misquote them like that. The majority of this article is direct quotes from people in the CDC or other governmental agencies.


Next time pretend you are reading an article from MSNBC before you post and then maybe you can be less judgmental and look at the reporting rather than assuming it's wrong because of the source. Or better yet google on MSNBC and see if they have a similiar article. Like this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33061347/ns/health/ Of course they have some alarming facts that may not be sit well with some too, such as this quote: "They're at least four times as likely to be hospitalized as other flu sufferers." And the article has very few quotes from people in the know, and not much journalism, seems to be just copied from the AP. But I'm sure you won't find that "REPREHENSIBLE".



Looks like someone did some editing--I was quoting directly from the article as written when I accessed it.

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Looks like someone did some editing--I was quoting directly from the article as written when I accessed it.


That happens. I've seen stories on Fox morph during the day. I think they just throw out whatever they have and then fix their mistakes as they're discovered.

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