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I have 3 children, ages 7,5 and almost 9 months. We don't actually homeschool yet, but I'm seriously considering it. I do afterschool them a little bit, but it's not on a everyday kind of basis.I do have a few questions and I hope that someone here will be able to help me out.

My first concern is how do you take care of things like doctor appointments when you homeschool? Do you try to find a babysitter or do you take them with you?

I'm planning on going back to school in January and I'm wondering how I can do it all: homeschool, baby and my classes, not to mention household chores and just everyday life. It seems a little overwhelming, and I guess I just need some reassurance from people who are also going to school themselves or have done that.

I'm so glad I found this board and I'm looking forward to meet some of you on here! :)

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Welcome!! As far as doctor appointments, I am fortunate that my dh can come home and work if I need him to watch the dc's.


I haven't gone back to school, but I can tell you with home education, chores, etc., one can never get it all done. I think you have to find your "acceptable" and do that for each. For instance, my dc's education is more important to me than a perfectly cleaned house so I focus my attention there. Would I like to have a perfectly clean house? Yes, but I realize there are only so many hours in the day no matter how I slice it. You just have to find your fit.


Welcome and good luck in this home education endeavor.

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Welcome aboard!


I went to nursing school while homeschooling. Definitely a challenge at times, but we worked around it. What kind of schedule would you have for school? Most of my classes were evenings and weekends.


Homeschooling is a lifestyle, and there will always be different seasons, each with its own challenges and obstacles. But, just like everything else, we adjust and work around them. Your kids are young enough that the academic load can stay quite light while your working your way through school.


Good luck!


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Welcome! Love your Screen name...my children always ask for rainbow sprinkles on their ice cream. :D I have 7 dc (dd12, ds11, ds9, ds8, ds6, dd4 and ds1). The 3 oldest returned to ps this year and I homeschool the 3 younger and chase the toddler. :D As for dr. appts....I try to schedule them around my dh's schedule or my neighbor's schedule (so she can babysit). I'm also fortunate that dd12 (almost 13) can babysit if I will not be too long. It's tough sometimes...esp. when EVERYONE needs to be seen or is sick or when I'm having my own health issues. Dh simply cannot take off that much time, neighbor works, etc. So...we do what we can do.


I agree with Kristi that you can't do it all...at least not well. Something has got to give. Either you sacrifice the clean house, the elaborate dinners, the time spent with the kids, the education, time for you, etc. It is tough sometimes and I often feel overwhelmed. I won't lie to you! As for going to school yourself....never btdt YET. But, I am planning to go back for my Masters degree in the Spring or Fall of next year and wonder how I'll manage. My advice would be to see how demanding your own schedule is before you attempt to hs. Don't attempt both at the same time...that is a surefire recipe for an overwhelmed and distressed mommy! Welcome aboard, again...hope you get many more answers to your questions!


Oh, forgot to add that the ages you have aren't very time-intensive as far as schooling so it could be doable to hs AND take classes yourself IF your dh is supportive.

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Welcome to the boards! I can't really help you with your questions as my husband farms and has a flexible schedule so I can usually leave the kids with him.


As far as going back to school and homeschooling, it will probably take a bit of trial and error to figure out how the two will work, but it will work! With the ages of your kids, you could probably get their schooling done in two or three hours a day so it wouldn't take up all of your time.

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :)


"Welcome!! As far as doctor appointments, I am fortunate that my dh can come home and work if I need him to watch the dc's."


That would only work sometimes for me, because dh is army and he's deployed a lot.


"I went to nursing school while homeschooling. Definitely a challenge at times, but we worked around it. What kind of schedule would you have for school? Most of my classes were evenings and weekends."


I'm planning on starting with 2 online classes in the spring. I want to do as much as I can online and what can't be done online, either nights or weekends. My plan is to let the dc finish this school year in ps, so I can see how it will workout taking classes and taking care of my littlest one.


"Welcome! Love your Screen name...my children always ask for rainbow sprinkles on their ice cream."

Thanks! :) That's how I like my ice cream too...:)


Thanks again for all your responses. I'm not sure if I did it right with the quotes, still learning :)

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That would only work sometimes for me, because dh is army and he's deployed a lot.


I always took my children all with me to appts until last year when my oldest turned 13...even now, if she has an appt (orthodontist, eye specialist, etc), we all go. It can be done! :)


As for online classes for mom, I planned to be doing that, but got pregnant instead...maybe next year!


You've come to a great place for insight & encouragement & help finding the best path for your family!!

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I have 3 children, ages 7,5 and almost 9 months. We don't actually homeschool yet, but I'm seriously considering it. I do afterschool them a little bit, but it's not on a everyday kind of basis.I do have a few questions and I hope that someone here will be able to help me out.

My first concern is how do you take care of things like doctor appointments when you homeschool? Do you try to find a babysitter or do you take them with you?

I'm planning on going back to school in January and I'm wondering how I can do it all: homeschool, baby and my classes, not to mention household chores and just everyday life. It seems a little overwhelming, and I guess I just need some reassurance from people who are also going to school themselves or have done that.

I'm so glad I found this board and I'm looking forward to meet some of you on here! :)


I'm here to tell you, it can be done. I went back to school when my youngest was 1, and everyone thought I was crazy. By the time she was school-aged, I was homeschooling them both and in grad school. You CAN do it. I actually found it easier to homeschool than to send my kids to school because I had night classes and it was very hard for me to get up in the morning and get my kids out the door. That extra hour of sleep really helped me function, and we were still able to get our day started by 9am.


Your kids are still really young, so you should have plenty of time to do their work with them and still do your own studies.


I wish you the best!

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I just wanted to say "Welcome" and tell you that I have been on this board for nearly two years now and this group is one of the most amazing I have ever encountered. They have literally held my hand and provided me with an incredible amount of support. I am sure you will be blessed just as I have been. :grouphug:



:iagree: To the OP, Welcome!

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It definitely can be done. The online classes are a good start to wean yourself into going back to school and the new schedule changes. I'm a full-time grad student and hope to finish in the spring. I school in the morning which usually takes 2 hours and then I head off to school by lunch. The dh is home during the week mostly and he works weekends, which actually helps a lot since I can have him watch the toddler.

You can do it. it's not impossible, you just have to prioritize.

Good luck!

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Welcome! I'm in a similar situation, with almost-9 year, 3 year, and 6month olds! I find someone to watch the kids while I do appointments for ME, or I try to schedule them around my husband's off days. It's easier for me, because he's a police officer and his off days rotate. I'll take them with me if I have to, though. This is a situation where having a family practitioner, rather than a general care physician, might be a good choice. The officers are a little more family-friendly.


You'll find ways to do it! Many people homeschool around odd schedules and still do it well. Preplanning will be your friend. Get everything prepared as much ahead of time as possible.

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Welcome ~ Love your screen name!! ;)


I have three younger children as well (7, 4, and 2), and I've had to go to the chiropractor 3-5 times a week for the past 6 weeks. I take them all with me and line them up to sit along the wall. I used to try and schedule creatively around my husband or mom's schedule, but now I just take them when I can. When I went to get my hair cut, the boys brought books to read, and my daughter sat in my lap. Sometimes it's not fun, but I feel like I need to reserve my help for times I really need it (such as my "yearly"). ;)

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I'm just starting out and am just learning how to try an balance home life, etc with homeschooling. I'm not going back to school right now though.


For me so far, it's been a challenge to even get to the grocery store. Both of my boys just act wild once we step out the front door, so I'm really working on behavior right now the most. Dh is studying for his board exam, so I basically haven't seen him in a month and won't until the 3rd week of October. I used to go grocery shopping either on the weekend when dh could watch them or last year, during preschool.


But, it is getting better, slowly but I see definite improvements. I felt like throwing in the towel the first for a little bit, but that changes. Coming to these boards really does help. We all go through some struggles but as long as your confident that homeschooling is the best choice for your fam, then it's easier to keep those wavering feelings at bay.


I'm even attempting a grocery run this afternoon!

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Welcome, You can do whatever you set your mind to if it is important to you. My question would be why are you going back to school? Is it so you can go to work full time afterward? In that case homeschooling may not be the "lifestyle" you are after for long term, it is a lifestyle. Maybe if your long term goal is to be home with your children you might wait and go back to school after you finish schooling them if you find it to difficult to manage it all at the same time. For some of us homeschooling is addictive, once you start you just can't stop.

Best of luck.

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I have found first that hsing youngers takes a lot less time. Plus I have found that if I am not careful I am out of the house more since I started hsing. I have a basic tenet that I try not to deviate from: "Thou shalt do nothing but hs from 8-2." Breaks are allowed, but I try not to do any housework, answer phones, computer[maybe a quick peek at lunch ;)] etc until after the majority of my day is complete. That includes sched. appts. It doesn't always work this way, but that is what I strive for. Dd's 3rd grade year was awful, b/c the work really ramped up and we were always on the run. Many days, school didn't begin until 10:30-11am and we were still working after 7pm. That was not good. So now I am a stickler and rarely does she have to work late.

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