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Yard sale confession....


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We are having a yard sale today...I hate them. I hate haggling, and talking about stuff that I think is junk. My dh will sell anything...I wont. I'm so horrified, that every-time someone pulls in I run in the house, claiming I need to go to the bathroom.

Anyone else feel silly at yard sales???Or am I just weird..which would honestly be no surprise to me.;)

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I hate having yard sales too. The last one I had was 7 years ago and I refuse to have another. Stuff we don't want or need either goes in the trash or to Goodwill. I'd rather have the tax write off than deal with trying to sell it.


Now I will happily go to other people's garage sales.

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I hate the work that goes into having a yard sale. We'll be having one in a few weeks. We try to have one every Sept/Oct to make money for our fall Disney vacation.


I get excited when people pull up to the house because I'm hoping they will buy something....or everything LOL! However, I do make DH deal with them. I just sit back and watch.

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It's so nice to know their are others like me:D


I agree, to much work, I feel like people are snooping through my stuff. I also am not a big fan of small talk with perfect strangers. My dh would ask people to stay for lunch if I'd let him.

Edited by Pongo
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I HATE how people want it all for nothing. This past summer, I had a wicker laundry hamper at a sale. It was in perfect condition, still had the original price tag on it. I had it listed for $1. Lady asks, "Will you take .25 for this?" I said, "No." She said, "Well, then it's staying!" I said, "That's ok; it'll still sell." And it did. For $1. It's the principle of it. I'm already selling it dirt cheap, don't insult me by asking me to take another 75% off! I'd rather put it on freecycle or give it to Goodwill.

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Anything valuable I can sell on ebay or craig's list rather than lower my price. There are plenty of people that want like new for 50%. I have had people come back and buy it...they want, but they sure don't want to give a fair price...but at the end of they day, some have shown right back up and given me my fair price.


Anything else goes to the church thrift shop, the friends of the library, or goodwill.

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We had a yard sale today, too!! I don't *love* the process, but I like the fact that I am getting rid of clutter and have some money to show for it at the end. There was one time a few years ago that was a *nightmare*...we live at an apartment where we can't generally have yard sales (today's was a community-wide one that we have once a year), and a friend who lives 15 minutes away was having a yard sale, so we loaded up the van and made two trips to her house. I unloaded it all, arranged everything on tables and blankets in her yard, and got everything all ready. It took almost two hours to get everything set up and ready. Would you believe I only sold *one item,* which cost $1, that entire day??? Nothing else!! And among other things, I had great baby/toddler/kid stuff, consignment quality at super low prices. I used my $1 profit to buy a book that my friend was selling, so I just broke even on the day. To top it all off, it started to pour down rain at lunch time, so I had to run around, gathering all my stuff and throwing it into my van before it all got ruined!! That was truly a terrible yard sale experience!


Today was much better. I only had a few containers of things to sell, not too much because I have decluttered so much over the past few years, and we still made $60 and my family and I had a great time talking and enjoying the beautiful weather. So it can be good, or really bad, depending on the circumstances!

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had a garage sale a few weeks ago and I brought a few things over to her house. My mom (with whom DS and I live) won't let us have a sale here... She's convinced people use going to garage sales as an excuse to "scope out" the house and break in later. Whatever the validity (or paranoia) of her reasons, I'm glad. Gives me the perfect excuse not to have a garage sale. We've had 2 (both years ago before we moved in with my mom). We made like $300 at one, but only about $50 at the other. It wasn't worth it to me to have people invading my privacy and life that way. Plus the people that'll haggle on anything... ARGH!


Anyway, nothing of mine sold at my friend's sale but it was a nice day and we spent a few hours sitting outside talking (but every time someone showed up, I'd find a reason to disappear).



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We are having a yard sale today...I hate them. I hate haggling, and talking about stuff that I think is junk. My dh will sell anything...I wont. I'm so horrified, that every-time someone pulls in I run in the house, claiming I need to go to the bathroom.

Anyone else feel silly at yard sales???Or am I just weird..which would honestly be no surprise to me.;)


I am right there with you. I hate garage sales and choose to bless others with the htings we need to get rid of rather than have a garage sale.

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