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I always see the same people posting to these threads....


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I think we all tend to find or make time for the things we are passionate about. For high-count posters here that could be homeschooling, debate/discussion, adult conversation with someone other than the UPS guy ...


And then we also have tendencies to find or make time for things that will give us an excuse to put off those things we are NOT passionate about :) such as maybe that stack of dishes!

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I think we all tend to find or make time for the things we are passionate about. For high-count posters here that could be homeschooling, debate/discussion, adult conversation with someone other than the UPS guy ...


And then we also have tendencies to find or make time for things that will give us an excuse to put off those things we are NOT passionate about :) such as maybe that stack of dishes!

Actually hung out with mine for his lunch hour today :lol:

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You all are making me laugh! :D


I will say, having a laptop probably does help. You can go and sit almost anywhere, and be with your children while they work on things. I can see that.


Honestly, I think having the house clean and organized actually saves me time though. Everything is in its place and there is no need to search for things. I find when things are less chaotic it is less stressful too. But it does require staying on top of it daily during the week. My husband and I have also decided that the children need to step up a bit with chores and helping out.


I will heed the warnings about being sucked into the internet. ;) I know it can be addicting and literally take the day away from you!


For me it's a combination of things:


1. I have a laptop and my lesson plans are on it

2. If I leave the table the 1st grader gets distracted so I have some "down time" periodically throughout the school day where they are working on something and I am sitting with them to keep them on task (this is getting better with the 4th grader :D )

3. My kids are old enough to do chores and they do help me. Plus, in the evening, my DH and I have "dueling laptops." It's a down time thing. He likes to play online games, we talk with friends online etc. We've actually been known to IM each other from across the room :lol:.


I know the computer is a choice, and it's a choice we like. We're not neglecting anything or anyone by being on it. It's like reading a book or watching TV. What you do during down time is up to you. If it ever got in the way of work or we were neglecting things in our lives, we would limit our use.




Edited by coffeefreak
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One more thing. I don't know how old your kids are, but my Grandma gave me the best advice when my oldest was 5. She said, "As soon as they're old enough to reach things, they need to learn to feed themselves." I thought that was funny, but it's totally true! I no longer make my kids breakfast or lunch. My oldest learned to cook eggs last year and it has been so freeing!!!! I know it sounds crazy, but think about it. You work a full time job. YOU DO! You are responsible for lesson planning, teaching, grading, scheduling. I don't know why we expect so much of ourselves. If I worked outside the home I would never be expected by anyone to be totally responsible for the house, meals, errands, kid's activities etc. Once my DH and realized that, life became much better for all of us. He has chores, the girls have chores, I have chores. Everyone makes their own breakfast and lunch, I make dinner (I like to:D). When everyone helps, everyone benefits.


Hopefully some of the advise you've gotten here has helped. The deeper I got into your thread, the more I saw that it was more about scheduling and wanting down time than critisizing how others use their down time. I remember the days when I tried to do it all, and while I like to think I'm superwoman, I so am not!:grouphug:




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I have a lot of free time. I have a part time job but it's at home. My teens are getting very independent but I drive them all over the place. I cook and clean and my home is big. I still have plenty of free time.

My home is not spotless because its not my priority, and neither is cooking a 3 course meal ...ever, actually. But its all within reason and I dont live in chaos or overwhelm (very often, anyway). Our homeschooling standard doesnt involve 8 hour days, either.

I am not really a perfectionist. I dont believe life is all about work work work. We all have a lot of fun, and we all love our computer social time.

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I was wondering how that worked. LOL I have never ever noticed the UPS guy.

If he comes across news too juicy to wait he calls me, lol. I have yet to meet an UPS guy that did not know more about his delivery area than the folks living there.


Bil took this route so he could have lunch with us... oh and available bathrooms :lol:

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Quiet time is important! This I have learned.


I don't post often, but I do enjoy learning from what everyone is willing to share. I have found that in my homeschooling journey, I learn most from others on homeschooling forums like these. It isn't a matter of ignoring my responsibilities. I have to say that I have found a lot of great tools and resources perusing these boards!


As for other conversations, some of us don't have a lot of adult contact, being so busy with homeschooling, so taking a few minutes to participate in "extra" topics can help provide some adult contact, if that makes any sense.


I know a lot of dedicated homeschooling moms who moderate and participate a lot on these types of forums and they are often the ones who have helped me the most.


As for tips for time, I think giving yourself some dedicated time every day is important, whether it is to sit in your garden with a cup of tea, or chat on the Internet with other moms like you. You need to give yourself a little bit of a break, even if it means the house isn't perfect. You may have to choose something that has room to give, such as maybe delegating some responsibilities to your kiddos. I have had to do this this year and my kids are learning from it. It's not a bad thing.


That's my 2 cents. : )

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And she's right about a blog or a post being *not* being about any short words you might have had with your partner or your children that day.


I share information about what I do with my kids, what books we read etc., not so much about whether we disagreed on a particular chore being done well or not. lol

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I was reading a post to a yahoo group. It was called plan vs. reality or some such. The mom got on the computer to talk with the group because the kids had her stressed out. That is one reason I have so many posts at times. It is a way to get my mind off of off my life, but I don't have the brain power to read an actual book.:tongue_smilie:I used to buy a lot of magazines before we had the internet. It is the same premise. Then you have the added bonus of adult conversation, suggestions and a place to vent, so it is better than magazines!:D

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Honestly, it is an addiction and itis a bad on. I always finish school with my kids - but my house is not nearly as clean as I like it, and cooking supper is not exactly something I do regularly. I *wish* I had the willpower not to spend as much time on the pc. I have thought of disconnecting the internet all together.



I could have/should have typed this. I completely agree with it all!

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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!


Probably has already been addressed many posts ago, but if you "Always see the same people responding to threads" then I can ask you the same questions.


How do YOU have time to homeschool, clean your home, cook your meals AND take note of every name and posting?


I multitask, take breaks, and yes, once in awhile I put my kids second so that I can escape to the internet and send emails, post on Facebook, check out the homeschooling websites, and search for new recipes.

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I sit outside with my dc while they run...supervising, but not interfering...and take the laptop out with me.


I also admit to getting on the 'puter when I should be doing the never-ending dishes and laundry...but since they never end, they won't miss me for a few minutes while I post away.:tongue_smilie:

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