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Here's another poll : how many spouses have you had?

I have had ____ spouses.  

  1. 1. I have had ____ spouses.

    • None
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • more than 3

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Anyway, it bothers me because my brother is her second husband, and this is his first (and as far as he's concerned) his only marriage. He's even adopted her children as his own.


I know she could be joking, but if she is, it sure is hard to tell sometimes.


I wonder if her experience has more to do with the circle of friends she's in. I also know there are just a lot of people who have been in bad marriages, gotten a divorce, and the whole yucky situation just wasn't in their control. :(

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Guest sarathan
I've only been married once (still married).


Surpisingly to me, considering the statistics of divorce, most people I know have only been married once and have stayed with their spouse.


Even so, it's totally bizarre that your sister-in-law laughs about you being on your first marriage. It's the laughing about it part that I find weird.


Yes this! Dh and I were recently talking about the divorce rate and how statistically, 50% of our friends should be divorced or getting divorced in the future. But we don't have any divorced friends and I just can't imagine any of them divorced!!


And I also find it very odd that your SIL would laugh about you only being married once?? :confused:

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I think it MUST be her circle of friends (birds of a feather, iykwIm).


For what it's worth, most of our friends are in their first marraiges. I know three people that are divorced (but never remarried). We have one friend that is in his second marraige (it's his wife's first). My brother's in his second marraige (his wife's first). My gramma is the most "experienced" person I know where marraige is concerned, she has been married and divorced twice.


I think it's more in who you know. :)

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