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Aggression in men

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Dh had something to add. Perhaps he wants to wrestle (hint hint nudge nudge wink wink) and the aggression he's feeling is not rooted in anger so much as frustration (iykwIm). Or, the guy's got serious self-esteem issues and thinks that everyone is looking down on him (or has a larger you-know-what) and he feels the need to prove his masculinity.

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Dh had something to add. Perhaps he wants to wrestle (hint hint nudge nudge wink wink) and the aggression he's feeling is not rooted in anger so much as frustration (iykwIm). Or, the guy's got serious self-esteem issues and thinks that everyone is looking down on him (or has a larger you-know-what) and he feels the need to prove his masculinity.


I think Julie's husband is trying to say the dude needs to get laid!! :lol:

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I don't know if he has served in Iraq or Afganistan or not, but the first thing I thought when I read this was that it sounded like post traumatic stress disorder. I have heard that a lot of the soldiers who have returned home from the war are suffering with this and have irrational and unexplainable anger and aggression. This is so sad. I hope this man can get some counseling.

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I asked dh while we were sitting at the DQ drive-thu. The guy working at DQ was coming to the window. Dh turned to me and gave me a weird look, then said, " Hold on a second, I need to punch this guy." :lol::lol::lol:.


He thinks this guy is not the norm and definately has anger issues.

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DH thinks this guy has serious issues... he is nuts!


DH has wanted to punch someone but only if there is some sort of threat or danger...


Surely this friend (the female) must realize this & only asked for opinions in jest or sarcasm?? I feel bad for her, if she really believes this.

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i really think the inital man who said this may have been taken out of context. i think there is an instinctual competition between men...i don't think this guy has to really work to keep himself from smacking everyone he comes across. i think he was trying to express a latent male energy that may be stronger in some males than in others. i don't think he's a violent maniac; i understand what he was getting at.

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I asked around a little bit before answering a little background: my dh is a trainer in Muay Thai kickboxing and won the USA title and faught at the world championship. Coach Al Mitchell coached the 96 olympic boxing team and still coaches and David Reid won the gold medal in the 96 olympics and they both train my son in boxing. And I asked a pro boxer Nate and a amature boxer Jesse. They all said the samething its a anger issue. He needs help with his anger. Coach Mitchell said he would never allow him to even put on boxing gloves. David &Nate said they have never felt like just going up and hitting someone. David even mentioned when he gets in the ring to fight if he went in with anger like that he would lose over stupid mistakes.

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I'm thinking about all the men I've known throughout my life and out of all of them I can only think of two who MIGHT fit this description and they both had extreme jealousy/insecurity issues.


I asked my husband (although I already knew the answer) and he just shook his head. He says he never feels that way and thinks this man may have some kind of testosterone imbalance.


I have to question how this man has any good male friends if he wants to strike out at every man he meets?

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i really think the inital man who said this may have been taken out of context. i think there is an instinctual competition between men...i don't think this guy has to really work to keep himself from smacking everyone he comes across. i think he was trying to express a latent male energy that may be stronger in some males than in others. i don't think he's a violent maniac; i understand what he was getting at.


How do you get this?? I think you should read the OP again. This is not at all what was said.

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My husband thinks the man has serious problems, and he's super aggressive himself. My husband has been in tons of fights in his life. But whenever he tells a story, it's always while smiling or laughing. He tells me he wishes he could have lived in England during the early 80's when there was so much street fighting.


That said he's a sweetheart to me and the girls. In the few times he has spoken to me in an aggressive way, he quickly apologizes. I grew up an a crazy house, the last thing he wants to do is scare me.


If my husband said that to me, I'd want to end the marriage. How do you build a happy home on that? Even if it is chemical, that person doesn't seem ready or fit to be the man of the house.


I bet he didn't say it quite like the wife said, I think it could be misguided bravado, and misguided oooh my husband is tough, isn't that sexy. For all we know he couldn't throw a punch to save his life. :D

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