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Any idea why I've felt dizzy since yesterday? (some female content)

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So I started feeling dizzy yesterday. I've never, NEVER had this happen before. I mean, I've had the occasional 'head rush' from standing up too quick before in my life. But this is different.


It started yesterday afternoon, and is worse this morning. I first noticed it after my first 1 1/4 mile walk around my neighborhood, at around 2pm. I thought maybe I needed food or water, so I drank a bottle of water and ate a salad and a whole wheat roll. (I had 'skipped' lunch, since we for some reason tend to eat much later on the weekends.)


It didn't go away. Whenever I stood up from a sitting position, I got dizzy for a few seconds.


I still went for my second walk yesterday with the kids, it's not like I was so dizzy that I couldn't walk. At least yesterday.


Now today, I don't think there's ANY way I could walk around the neighborhood. It's ok if I'm sitting or standing still, as long as I don't stand up or move my head. At all. Even moving my eyes back and forth to read is doing it now.


I've been walking for almost a month, so the exercise isn't new. I've lost 57 pounds since the first of the year, but I just added the exercise within the last month. (Before that, I would exercise a little, but a lot of the weight loss was just a radical diet change to healthy eating. ) The only thing I can think of is that my, uh, 'monthly visitor' came yesterday. It's the same as usual, nothing 'special' about this month's visitor, LOL. (Sorry if that's TMI; I just want to offer all the info.) Like I said, this has NEVER happened to me before, so it's not a symptom I have every month or anything.


It's so bizarre, and it's very uncomfortable.


I didn't fall or hit my head yesterday, I haven't been drinking, I don't take any medications. Not even vitamins. (I know, I know, I'm working on it. :D)


Oh, wait, I just thought of something. Yesterday morning, I woke up with a headache. I remember telling my dh how strange that is, and that I haven't gotten a 'regular' headache in months. I do get migraines about once a month, but this was a regular ol' headache. I took two Motrin, and the headache went away in a few hours. So the headache was gone for probably four hours or so before I noticed the dizzyness. I've taken Motrin plenty before in my life and never had a reaction.


So, anyone have any ideas? Anything I can try and see if it helps? It's driving me crazy, and is a bit disorienting. As well as making me cranky with my dc, which I have been working so hard at lately. :(


ETA: I just thought of something else strange. I had a LOT of trouble sleeping last night; I kept waking up. And, I felt hot and a bit sweaty all over all night. All those things are REALLY unusual. Especially considering we had a record low here last night of about 45 degrees F, and didn't turn the furnace on. And since I've been exercising, I've been sleeping like a baby most nights. I just took my temp, no fever.

Edited by bethanyniez
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Benign positional vertigo could be one thing. There are things you can do at home to correct this, but I couldn't get it to work.


I ended up at a specialist (and I can't remember what kind) who tested me for MS and cancer. In the testing, though, she fixed whatever was causing the vertigo.


Congrats on the 57#!!! :)

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Benign positional vertigo could be one thing. There are things you can do at home to correct this, but I couldn't get it to work.


I ended up at a specialist (and I can't remember what kind) who tested me for MS and cancer. In the testing, though, she fixed whatever was causing the vertigo.


Congrats on the 57#!!! :)


Thanks Aggie. :) Now, off to google 'benign positional vertigo' since I have NEVER heard of it, LOL.

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Is it in any way possible that you're pregnant? My pregnancy caused some dizziness... And headaches... There are so many possibilities though, but I just thought I'd mention that...


Good luck though! That sounds very unpleasant!!!


And kudos to you for 57 lbs! That's A LOT!!!


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you could have an inner ear infection. It doesn't necessarily cause pain and it does cause dizziness and vertigo.


Hmmm, I just thought of something else strange. I had a LOT of trouble sleeping last night; I kept waking up. And, I felt hot and a bit sweaty all over all night. All those things are REALLY unusual. Especially considering we had a record low here last night of about 45 degrees F, and didn't turn the furnace on. And since I've been exercising, I've been sleeping like a baby most nights. I'm gonna add this to my original post.

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Is it in any way possible that you're pregnant? My pregnancy caused some dizziness... And headaches... There are so many possibilities though, but I just thought I'd mention that...


Good luck though! That sounds very unpleasant!!!


And kudos to you for 57 lbs! That's A LOT!!!



Not much possiblity I'm afraid. I had a tubal with the last dc, and I got my 'visitor' yesterday, which I've never had before when pregnant.


And thanks! Just 18 more pounds to go! I've been feeling so great lately, that this dizziness is awful! It's even starting to make me a bit nauseous.

Edited by bethanyniez
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Hmm, well, 'rapid' weight loss can do funny things to people. And with your eating habits being changed as well... is it possible that you're not getting enough of something?


I always hollar dehydration too. Anytime someone gets a headache I ask if they've been drinking enough... It's way too easy to get dehydrated. I'd continue trying to drink lots of fluids, maybe even Gatorade to get some electrolytes. Dizziness and headaches are both symptoms of dehydration... It would be an easy fix! :D


Also, not to get too TMI - is your flow normal for you? Or is it a little heavier? For whatever reason... our weight can have an impact on our periods... so it may be that your weight change has effected all of that...


Geez, I sure wish I would lose 60 lbs! I'd be looking GOOOOOD! haha :lol:

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The dizziness can be a non-headache migraine


Ok, add this to the list of things I've never heard of, LOL. Off to google that, too. I wonder if I should take one of my Imitrex and see if that helps? I hate to take medicine if I don't need it, but the Imitrex is the ONLY thing I've found that takes away my usual migraines...

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Ok, this is driving me crazy. It's now making me feel sick to my stomach. What in world am I supposed to do?! I don't know if it'd be safe for me to drive myself to the doctor (especially with the two little ones in the car with me), but I can't see calling dh home from work. 'Um, yeah, dh, can you come home right now so I can go to the doctor? Why you ask? Well, you see, I'm dizzy.' :lol:


(I'm trying to be funny, but really it's freaking me out a bit.)

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Hi Bethany,


I just want to say I could have written your post (except for the 57lbs...I'm jealous). I have been having dizziness or vertigo off and on for almost three years. Here are some things Dr.'s have tested me for:


BPPV(as mentione by PP)

Vestibular neuritis (basically inflamation of the nerve that leads to your ear - this can take a few weeks to resolve)

Basilar migraines

Meneire's (very rare- and only worry about this if other answers aren't found)


My Dr. finally concluded that my dizziness was Basilar migraines (sometimes called silent migraines as mentioned by the pp). These often cause dizziness with or without the usual headache associated with migraines. They also feel like they are oriented around the ear and the base of the skull. Not all silent migraines are Basilar and there is a lot of conflicting information and disagreement between migraine specialists.


You have just experienced my two main triggers: monthly cycle, and change in weather. My migraine specialist says he has a lot of women start these "silent migraines" at perimenoupause. Other triggers include: a drop in blood sugar, exercising without eating enough protein, too much caffeine, and storms. Does any of this ring a bell?


My main coping mechanisms are: drink lots of water, take Tylenol when I feel dizzy, drink a small cup of coffee(if caffeine didn't set it off), and take a nap (even 10 minutes of sleep can sometimes stop the spinning).




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I just read your last post. I could drive short distances with the dizziness, but DO NOT GET ON THE HIGHWAY. Try to have someone drive you. If it's this bad the Dr. may give you some valium to help with the dizziness. With such a sudden onset, this may be Vestibular Neuritis and they may prescribe a steroid.


Keep us posted. I'd be happy to answer more questions. I know how scary it can be.:grouphug:




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I know you said you drank water but this could still be an issue of dehydration. I would still see a doctor to be sure but everything you are describing sounds very much like dehydration and I've actually had to be admitted to the hospital a handful of times due to dehydration so they could pump me full of fluids. People tend to underestimate how much fluid they really need.

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Hi Bethany,


I just want to say I could have written your post (except for the 57lbs...I'm jealous). I have been having dizziness or vertigo off and on for almost three years. Here are some things Dr.'s have tested me for:


BPPV(as mentione by PP)

Vestibular neuritis (basically inflamation of the nerve that leads to your ear - this can take a few weeks to resolve)

Basilar migraines

Meneire's (very rare- and only worry about this if other answers aren't found)


My Dr. finally concluded that my dizziness was Basilar migraines (sometimes called silent migraines as mentioned by the pp). These often cause dizziness with or without the usual headache associated with migraines. They also feel like they are oriented around the ear and the base of the skull. Not all silent migraines are Basilar and there is a lot of conflicting information and disagreement between migraine specialists.


You have just experienced my two main triggers: monthly cycle, and change in weather. My migraine specialist says he has a lot of women start these "silent migraines" at perimenoupause. Other triggers include: a drop in blood sugar, exercising without eating enough protein, too much caffeine, and storms. Does any of this ring a bell?


My main coping mechanisms are: drink lots of water, take Tylenol when I feel dizzy, drink a small cup of coffee(if caffeine didn't set it off), and take a nap (even 10 minutes of sleep can sometimes stop the spinning).





Leanna, thanks for all the great info. Other than the monthly cycle and change in weather (our highs have dropped over 10 degrees in a few days), the only other trigger would be exercising without eating enough protein. In fact, when I got back from exercising and realized I was dizzy, I had a salad and made sure to put chicken on it, 'cause I realized I hadn't had any protien at all yesterday. I occasionally have a glass of soda, so that's not to unusual for me. Caffiene does help my regular migraines a *bit. I slept all last night (well, "slept", it didn't go well, LOL), and it's MUCH worse this morning.


I *think I'm too young for perimenopause, I'm only 31.

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Um, Okaaaay...


So I had oatmeal for breakfast. Not a lot of chewing involved, ya know?


I just went to serve the dc lunch. They wanted croutons with their lunch. Yes, they're a bit strange. I ate a few. Ok, I ate a handful, so sue me. :D Anyway, I noticed that while I was chewing, and for a few minutes after, I wasn't dizzy. But then it came back.


So I'm guessing this has something to do with my inner ear? Either way, I can't eat handfuls of croutons all day; I'll gain back the 57 pounds! Off to find some gum and see if that helps...

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I too, still want to push that you might be dehydrated... This can also make you feel sick. I've thrown up, had hot flashes, a headache, dizzy, etc... every symptom you've mentioned - all from dehydration... I hope that's all it is. But don't underestimate it either...

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I'm thinking maybe a sinus infection? That would explain the headache, the crappy sleep and the dizziness....




It sounds a lot like sinus to me, though perhaps not an infection. My sinuses have become more sensitive as I've gotten older and I get sinus headaches whenever the barometer drops. We've got a cold front coming through our area today and I'm experiencing sinus symptoms. For me that includes: dizziness and pain/pressure in the front of my head (forehead area, around the eye sockets) and in my jaws.


Do you have Sudafed or a generic equivalent in the house? That's the only thing I can take that really relieves the sinus pressure. It has to be the *real* stuff, though, with pseudephedrine in it. In NC we have to go to the pharmacist's counter and show a driver's license to buy it because it's used in the manufacture of meth. I take two Sudafed and two Tylenol and drink a lot of water to help flush the sinuses. If there's a big change in the weather it sometimes takes a while to get over it.

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So I started feeling dizzy yesterday. I've never, NEVER had this happen before. I mean, I've had the occasional 'head rush' from standing up too quick before in my life. But this is different.


It started yesterday afternoon, and is worse this morning. I first noticed it after my first 1 1/4 mile walk around my neighborhood, at around 2pm. I thought maybe I needed food or water, so I drank a bottle of water and ate a salad and a whole wheat roll. (I had 'skipped' lunch, since we for some reason tend to eat much later on the weekends.)


It didn't go away. Whenever I stood up from a sitting position, I got dizzy for a few seconds.


I still went for my second walk yesterday with the kids, it's not like I was so dizzy that I couldn't walk. At least yesterday.


Now today, I don't think there's ANY way I could walk around the neighborhood. It's ok if I'm sitting or standing still, as long as I don't stand up or move my head. At all. Even moving my eyes back and forth to read is doing it now.


I've been walking for almost a month, so the exercise isn't new. I've lost 57 pounds since the first of the year, but I just added the exercise within the last month. (Before that, I would exercise a little, but a lot of the weight loss was just a radical diet change to healthy eating. ) The only thing I can think of is that my, uh, 'monthly visitor' came yesterday. It's the same as usual, nothing 'special' about this month's visitor, LOL. (Sorry if that's TMI; I just want to offer all the info.) Like I said, this has NEVER happened to me before, so it's not a symptom I have every month or anything.


It's so bizarre, and it's very uncomfortable.


I didn't fall or hit my head yesterday, I haven't been drinking, I don't take any medications. Not even vitamins. (I know, I know, I'm working on it. :D)


Oh, wait, I just thought of something. Yesterday morning, I woke up with a headache. I remember telling my dh how strange that is, and that I haven't gotten a 'regular' headache in months. I do get migraines about once a month, but this was a regular ol' headache. I took two Motrin, and the headache went away in a few hours. So the headache was gone for probably four hours or so before I noticed the dizzyness. I've taken Motrin plenty before in my life and never had a reaction.


So, anyone have any ideas? Anything I can try and see if it helps? It's driving me crazy, and is a bit disorienting. As well as making me cranky with my dc, which I have been working so hard at lately. :(


ETA: I just thought of something else strange. I had a LOT of trouble sleeping last night; I kept waking up. And, I felt hot and a bit sweaty all over all night. All those things are REALLY unusual. Especially considering we had a record low here last night of about 45 degrees F, and didn't turn the furnace on. And since I've been exercising, I've been sleeping like a baby most nights. I just took my temp, no fever.



I don't have time to read all the replies and I'm not a doctor/nurse, but it certainly can be high/low blood pressure....not sure which one, I think low.

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I find after a few weeks exercising I need to really let my body adjust or my sugar drops to low and I get that....but I am not too sure that is what you are talking about.


It could be an ear infections, cold, etc. You have had great responses here.


I also started eating Pumpkin seeds lately. They have very high Iron and protein. I had no clue how much. They sell them at our publix with no shell. MMM...12g protein 12% iron.


I would still go get a blood test to make sure all is well if it continues another day!

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Just thought I'd come back to this thread and update what happened yesterday.


Around 2 pm, I called my dr's office. The dizziness was not going away or getting better by itself. They had no openings left for the day. The nurse put me on hold, and spoke with my dr. Then she got back on the line and told me the dr. wanted me to go to the emergency room. Oh, and not to drive myself there. :001_smile:


I just didn't have that gut feeling that it was something that serious.


But, by an hour later, I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't keep up with my 'day as usual' routine, which I had been trying to do all day. So, I took the boys, put them on the couch, and let them play video games. For an hour. :001_huh: Meanwhile, I rested on the other couch.


An hour later, when I stood up, I was fine. :001_smile: I felt great after that, and even did my usual 2 1/2 miles of walking in the evening.


I really wished I had listened to my body earlier in the day, and just laid down and rested instead of trying to keep going.


I just want to say, my ds6 was such a sweet boy all day. It's unusual for me to feel poorly, except for my once-a-month migraine. So when I told him I wasn't feeling well, and that's why he got to play video games with brother while I rested on the couch, he was quite concerned. He looked so relieved and happy when he asked me, after my rest, if I was feeling better, and I said yes. What a sweetie. :001_smile:


Thanks everyone, for your help. I still don't know what caused the dizziness for sure, but I suspect it was a sinus thing; my nose was stuffy after my rest yesterday, and I have some drainage today. At least now, if this happens again, I know what to do!

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I didn't wade through all of the responses so I may be repeating. This sounds like high blood pressure to me. You can have it checked at one of those machines in your local pharmacy.




I think you should be checked out by your doctor asap!

Edited by Jean too
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