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If your very driven ds graduated hs at 16, what avenues would you look for(more)

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What possibilities are out there besides college? I mean, he definitely wants to go to college, but we would like to think outside the box for him to do something stretching, something different before he heads to college the following year. His interests are piano, missions, running, travelling, etc.. His strengths are more literary/language than math or science. He loves life and there are not enough hours in the day to do all this kid wants to do.


Although he's somewhat gifted in music, it is not the main thing he wants to pursue for a career. But I was thinking of a year, perhaps away at a school of music. But would that even be a possibility if that's really not your focus?


Anyway, can anyone give me any other ideas that are out there?



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What possibilities are out there besides college? I mean, he definitely wants to go to college, but we would like to think outside the box for him to do something stretching, something different before he heads to college the following year. His interests are piano, missions, running, travelling, etc.. His strengths are more literary/language than math or science. He loves life and there are not enough hours in the day to do all this kid wants to do.


Although he's somewhat gifted in music, it is not the main thing he wants to pursue for a career. But I was thinking of a year, perhaps away at a school of music. But would that even be a possibility if that's really not your focus?


Anyway, can anyone give me any other ideas that are out there?




Here are a couple of foreign exchange sites I was looking into for my son. I hope to find more for comparison. My dd graduated a year early and went right on to college. She is heading out again tomorrow. She couldn't be bothered to wait. Each to his own, right? Good luck to your son and to you!






Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


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Can he apprentice with a local professional or skilled mentor? Music, ministry, plumbing, automotive... think on it for a moment and surely you could come up with a couple of people you know who may have great things to share with him if he could come alongside them for a while.


Otherwise, I might check into an organization like YWAM that may offer an opportunity for a longer term mission trip (6 months to a year).


Or maybe he could be like that kid who just sailed around the world....! Perhaps he could set a really stiff goal - something he'd like to do but would not likely have another block of time in which to accomplish it - and spend up to a year pursuing it. I wish I had that kind of time, butonce family obligations set in, there's a trade-off for that free time.

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Congressional Award - He could use the time to meet the requirements for the Congressional Award http://www.congressionalaward.org/


Each level involves setting goals in four program areas; Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration


My oldest daughter found a mentor/sponsor and outlined a plan, but did not end up having enough time in her last years of high school to meet the requirements.


He can tailor the goals to suit his interests.

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I'd look into mission work, foreign exchange, travel. Lots of volunteer work. A year at a music school might be good, but I think I would go for something more experiential.


The other option I would look into would be vocational training. Not instead of college, but as another avenue. Electrical work, plumbing, bookkeeping, etc.

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Does he have a praticular vocational interest? Perhaps, spending a year as an apprentice or working as an intern might be a possibility? Maybe working at a large church in the music department? Record production company? for a concert promoter? Something along those lines might be interesting for him.

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If we only home schooled, ds would have graduated at 16 also. Instead he decided to go to public high school for a couple of years and use his early foundation to get into advanced classes.


I hope that ds will take a year (or at least a summer) and spend it delving full time into a passion. Once kids go to college, find a partner, get a job...it is very hard to spend time following a dream.


Personally, I would talk to an admissions counselor at the college he wants to attend and ask them if there are some ideas that would benefit him in college. If not then I would look into opportunities for him to help others, all the while fueling his passion.


Leadership and Entrepreneurial endeavors look good on college apps...Some things may be:


Setting up a free/cheap music school, offering music lessons to kids who can't afford them. This would require him to get instruments donated/loaned or sponsors who will pay the instrument rent. Reaching out into the foster system can be a nice way to get started in this arena.


Volunteering with a youth organization and putting together a music class or opportunity for them. We used to share space with the Boys and Girls club. There was a drummer who would bring in African drums and teach the children. Volunteering and/or then coordinating a music program that visits daycare centers/schools/youth programs. A federal background check will be required, but schools will usually coordinate that if you are going to volunteer.


Volunteering in the local elementary schools can be great. There are so many budget cutbacks that they may welcome an classroom volunteer in the music department.


Maybe even getting out of his comfort zone would be good. There are so many charities in the US that can use help, Habitat for Humanity has a good reputation here.


Taking some liberal arts classes at the community college can be a fun introduction to college life. If he likes foreign languages, it can be a great way to try new languages.


Look into the lecture series available in your area. Our art museum has great classes for adults. Community Education is a great way to learn things like digital photography, foreign language etc.


Our college offers classes where the kids can go to another country like Mexico and study a subject like biology while there. I figure ds will do this at least one semester...it would be perfect for him.


Another place for ideas is people who have spent thier lives in advanced academia. They have met so many students from around the world, and can have some great insight into quality endeavors vs. time fillers.


I hope you find something incredible for him to do!

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What possibilities are out there besides college? I mean, he definitely wants to go to college, but we would like to think outside the box for him to do something stretching, something different before he heads to college the following year. His interests are piano, missions, running, travelling, etc.. His strengths are more literary/language than math or science. He loves life and there are not enough hours in the day to do all this kid wants to do.


Although he's somewhat gifted in music, it is not the main thing he wants to pursue for a career. But I was thinking of a year, perhaps away at a school of music. But would that even be a possibility if that's really not your focus?


Anyway, can anyone give me any other ideas that are out there?




Our son went with a friend and backpacked around to well over 20 countries in two months. Our daughter went with the local junior college study abroad program, to Italy for over three months. She studied voice there, besides taking the required 4 classes and going to the Olympics. It was so worth it. She is going back on her honeymoon.

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I graduated a few months after I turned 17. Then I decided to go to school in Germany for a year - well, actually I decided this over a year earlier, as I exchanged with a girl who lived with us our senior year. Then I went to live with her the year after high school. In fact, she happens to be visiting us right now, with her dh and two kids who are just the same ages as mine (who'da thunk?)


I saw this "extra" year as a gift - a year to do a thing I never would have had a chance to do otherwise.


After I got back, I went to a regular 4-year university.

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A job, so he can have something on a resume later. I found waitressing to be a real metaphor for life (a lot of people wanting something different all at the same time, while you run around and keep things straight while being cheery and dealing with tip-stealing co-workers).


Or, an apprenticeship with someone outstanding. I've done some really wearying things just to be around teachers I admire.

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I graduated at 16 and went straight to Jr. College. I regret it.

I wish I had taken the opportunity to be a foreign exchange student or join the Peace Corps (they may have minimum age?) or done more with the building opportunities in our church. I was so driven and proud of myself for being so young that I wanted to continue on that path - I can't get those years back and although became successful and focused and yadda, yadda, yadda.. I wish I had a year to be a kid.. now looking back I realize I worked really hard and earned a year off to see Europe and learn a new language...and wow, then I would have been 17 and done with school...!!

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