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I am so sad and angry

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The biopsy results came in for my dog. He has a stage 2 mast cell tumor. I am so angry because I've taken him in four times since January asking them what the lump was. Each time they told me it was nothing, and as long as it didn't bother him to ignore it. :angry: Well, I finally insisted that they remove it, and do a biopsy. Sure enough it's a tumor as I suspected.


It's one month shy of the year anniversary since we had to put my other dog down. Now, I find out my dog has cancer.

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Oh I'm sorry to hear that.


The only bit of sunshine is that if they remove it with good margins, the prognosis is quite good isn't it? Esp. in a dog this young. Is it in an area which can be easily operated?


It was on the side of his trunk so it was easily removed. He told me that at stage 2 there is a "moderate" chance of it returning either in the same spot or elsewhere. He said that if my dog ever starts coughing to bring him in for xrays because this cancer likes to go to the lungs.

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This vet surgery site indicates 20% recurrence of a grade 2 which is aggressively operated so stay hopeful!




You may also be interested in this website



It's geared to golden retrievers but deals with all sorts of canine cancers. They provide research grants for oncology & for research in prevention of cancers. Lots of info there, including stuff on diet & essential fatty acid supplementation


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This vet surgery site indicates 20% recurrence of a grade 2 which is aggressively operated so stay hopeful!




You may also be interested in this website



It's geared to golden retrievers but deals with all sorts of canine cancers. They provide research grants for oncology & for research in prevention of cancers. Lots of info there, including stuff on diet & essential fatty acid supplementation



Thank you.

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I hope your dog feels better and that all stays well.


I know just how you feel. It took 4 years and 3 vets before we found one that would listen to us about removing the one on our dog. We got very lucky to find him when we did and that he was with us on getting it removed ASAP.

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