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I want a Spelling that reinforces phonics. What are my options?


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I'm looking for a new spelling program for my ds7. He reads well, but his spelling is atrocious. I'd like to use a program that is fairly straightforward, doesn't break the bank, and reinforces phonics. I'd also like it to take only 15 minutes or so a day.


What are my options?

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I'll second Rod and Staff, particularly if you want your child to work independently. The activities do cover phonics rules (I've only used the 3rd and 4th grade programs so far, will start 2nd grade with my youngest soon). It is very inexpensive too. I am using it with a natural speller, but I have heard other people say it is also good with their kids who aren't natural spellers.

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If he's 7, I'm assuming he's in 2nd grade? I just used this last year so I know it well. You would only need to buy the childs workbook.

Anyways, each lesson is done by phonics, so all the words coorilate.

So, the phonics for the week might be all the "ea" sounds, or the "er", "oi/oy" sounds, etc... They have 16 words from those and then a few sight words. Then the have 3 sections in the childs workbook. We did one section each day, and then studied her words. It was so quick.

I used Abeka spelling from K-2 and I believe she is a great speller as a result of it. That an also because of their awesome Phonics program.


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We just started All About Spelling with our 2nd grader and I am so impressed. He's a fantastic reader but an atrocious speller. We have used Explode the Code (not really spelling but phonics review), then SpellWell, then straight dictation for months. He actually asked me for something with clear rules because he was frustrated with not knowing how to spell what he wanted to spell. His spelling is rather creative.


Here's their website link: http://www.all-about-spelling.com/

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