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Are your kids still tied up in the closet? :D


*giggle* My son is actually quite neat by nature, and he's an only child. His room is almost always picked up. My stuff, however...let's not go there, k?


I'm working on learning how to keep a clean house, but I have a LOT more backsliding than progress. *sigh*


Please, folks, PLEASE teach your kids how to clean. Having to learn as an adult is Not. Fun.

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Please, folks, PLEASE teach your kids how to clean. Having to learn as an adult is Not. Fun.


I second this! God bless my sweet dh for having patience with me on this issue throughout the years. He comes from a dad with OCD...then he married me, Queen of The Pit and perpetual slob.


I'm descent now, and my house is clean, but it still takes effort!

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come on, if you have some magic pixie dust, share please!!


No pixie dust...I'm a little bewildered as to how it happened, myself...especially considering that I was doing homework all day yesterday and playing on the internet most of today:confused:


Right now, I'm thinking God has taken pity on my husband and therefore gave me the desire to clean.


We're a far cry away from last week, when I found a bean GROWING IN THE DRAIN:001_huh:


Since my original post, I've started another load of laundry, made lunch, washed dishes again (we have no dishwasher or clothes dryer, so it's not as easy as pushing a button here!), swept out my son's room, dusted and reorganized the top of my dresser (where all lotions, deodorants, perfumes, etc live) pulled out chicken to defrost, and am *thinking* about tackling the bathroom.


What's wrong with me??? :willy_nilly:

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the only time my house is clean is when I know we have company coming. Be more social. Have more people over. At least the main part of your house will look good. Everything that I don't have time to actually sort through gets thrown in my room. You can probably guess what my room looks like. :lol: Ruby

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kitchen tips I've learned:


- I do not put dirty dishes on the counter around the sink. We put them directly into the sink or dishwasher. When the sink or dishwasher gets full, we clean the dishes, dry them and put away immediately.


- I do not like to go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. I leave them in the dishwasher if it's not full. Dirty dishes in the sink can make the whole kitchen feel dirty. It's lovely to wake up in the morning and walk into a clean kitchen.


- I wipe counters every night before I go to bed. It's another way to make the kitchen look lovely in the morning.


laundry tips I've learned:


- I have enough laundry that I run at least one load per day. I find it much easier than having to do 4 or 5 loads in one day.


- We require each family member to fold and put away his/her own laundry. My children have been doing this since they were 5 years old. The clothes weren't folded perfectly, but as a comparison, my DH and I don't fold our clothes the same. Whoever removes the clothes from the dryer yells LAUNDRY and everyone in the house meets in my bedroom. We dump the clothes in the middle of the bed, sort, fold, and put away.

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No pixie dust...I'm a little bewildered as to how it happened, myself...especially considering that I was doing homework all day yesterday and playing on the internet most of today:confused:


Right now, I'm thinking God has taken pity on my husband and therefore gave me the desire to clean.


We're a far cry away from last week, when I found a bean GROWING IN THE DRAIN:001_huh:


Since my original post, I've started another load of laundry, made lunch, washed dishes again (we have no dishwasher or clothes dryer, so it's not as easy as pushing a button here!), swept out my son's room, dusted and reorganized the top of my dresser (where all lotions, deodorants, perfumes, etc live) pulled out chicken to defrost, and am *thinking* about tackling the bathroom.


What's wrong with me??? :willy_nilly:



pregnant? :D

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*giggle* My son is actually quite neat by nature, and he's an only child. His room is almost always picked up. My stuff, however...let's not go there, k?


I'm working on learning how to keep a clean house, but I have a LOT more backsliding than progress. *sigh*


Please, folks, PLEASE teach your kids how to clean. Having to learn as an adult is Not. Fun.


I would hold the ground you have gained at all cost. Military metaphor...hope I'm using it correctly.


If your kitchen is clean, don't let it get dirty. Make a rule in your head that works for you...like the kitchen will be back in order after each meal OR the kitchen will be back in order before bed each day.

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It's lovely to wake up in the morning and walk into a clean kitchen.



This is so true. I think this is the reason my kitchen is STILL clean, going on 48 hours later :)


pregnant? :D

I wish, but no. I *do* keep dreaming about a lovely baby girl named Sophie, though...


I would hold the ground you have gained at all cost. Military metaphor...hope I'm using it correctly.


If your kitchen is clean, don't let it get dirty. Make a rule in your head that works for you...like the kitchen will be back in order after each meal OR the kitchen will be back in order before bed each day.

This is a good idea. I've tried it in the past, but it never lasts. Here's hoping that this time I stay on the wagon ;)


As an aside, my husband was quite impressed when he came home from school last night...he even tried to get me a 12pack of coke when he went to the store as a thank-you, but they were out. (He hates my coke-drinking habit!) The fact that he noticed makes me want to keep it up :)

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This is so true. I think this is the reason my kitchen is STILL clean, going on 48 hours later :)



I wish, but no. I *do* keep dreaming about a lovely baby girl named Sophie, though...


This is a good idea. I've tried it in the past, but it never lasts. Here's hoping that this time I stay on the wagon ;)


As an aside, my husband was quite impressed when he came home from school last night...he even tried to get me a 12pack of coke when he went to the store as a thank-you, but they were out. (He hates my coke-drinking habit!) The fact that he noticed makes me want to keep it up :)


I dream of a little boy named Robbie...

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