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Autopsy question - may be upsetting...

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I am too upset to google and I cannot concentrate anyway so I am asking here.

My 43 yo cousin was found dead in her home this morning. There were not any outward clues nor is anyone aware of any illness.


An autopsy has been scheduled.


My mother (who called me to tell me) mentioned that she would like to see her niece one more time. In Europe, it's rather common to have an open casket. I foolishly said to my mother that she may not want to see my cousin after the autopsy. But I have really no idea if one could tell anything...kwim?


Now we are all even more upset - perhaps for nothing - since I blurted this out in my shock and ignorance.


I am very sorry for anyone here who may have some kind of experience or knowledge about this but I would like to know more details about this...procedure. Maybe I can call Mom back and calm her down.




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I don't have much experience, but my grandfather had an autopsy and still had an open casket. I think most of the cuts that are done are on the body and maybe they put on a wig or something if they have to do cuts on the head? I'm so sorry for your loss.

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I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. :grouphug:


I did a quick look on wikipedia. Here are a couple of relevant quotes:

"An important component of the autopsy is the reconstitution of the body such that it can be viewed, if desired, by relatives of the deceased following the procedure. "


"Then the body may be wrapped in a shroud and it is common for relatives of the deceased to not be able to tell the procedure has been done when the deceased is viewed in a funeral parlor after embalming."


The family may want to contact whoever is doing the autopsy &/or the funeral home, just to make sure this is the type procedure being followed.

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My dad and brother were killed in a car accident and so both had to have an autopsy, but we were able to view them. You would have to really be searching for the signs to notice them. I am glad I was able to "see" them one last time. Hope this helps and am sorry.

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My brother died from a point-blank shot gun blast to the face. He was also autopsied.

Because my mother requested a viewing period before his funeral, his facial features were reconstructed and there was no evidence of the injury or the incisions from the autopsy.

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My Dad was not autopsied and my Mum was, I've seen a few other bodies that have and haven't. You can definitely still view a body after it's been autopsied.


The main places that visible "damage" occurs is much the same as for any dead body, it's around the necks where cuts will be visible, if the person is dressed in an item that sits high on the neck (for instance a mans shirt buttoned up) they will not be visible. We took a v necked dress for my Mum and had to put a scarf over her neck to cover the cuts.


The other thing I have noticed about a person who is autopsied is that their face changes in some way, I don't really know how to describe it, but it's like the eyes sink or someting. Mum was recognisable but "not quite right." Cuts are made at the back of the head, so there are not visible facial cuts.

Edited by keptwoman
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My second cousin was brutally murdered. They did an autopsy on her, and the funeral home did a good job of not only concealing the autopsy, but the damage that was done to her body as well. She was almost 3y/o when she was killed, so the makeup looked a little 'off' on her. But as far as the trauma goes, you really couldn't tell unless you were really looking.


ETA: I'm sorry for your loss. :( Your family will be in my prayers.

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I am very sorry for anyone here who may have some kind of experience or knowledge about this but I would like to know more details about this...procedure. Maybe I can call Mom back and calm her down.


Tell them. They should try to look for causes that are easily hidden under clothes. Unfortunately, the toxicology (drugs) comes back fairly late, and if they find nothing else, they will look in the brain. People that age can have a berry aneurysm that bursts.



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Sadly, I've had a lot of experience with death, and have attended the funerals of a few friends and family members who had autopsies performed. They all had open caskets, and there were no visible signs of the autopsy – if I hadn't known that an autopsy was performed, I probably wouldn't have been able to tell – so you and your relatives should have nothing to worry about in that regard.


There are only two incisions done during the autopsy, one is the Y incision to the front of the body (which will be covered by clothing), and the other is to the back of the head to access the brain (I won't give you the details because I find them quite gruesome, but once the procedure is finished, everything will be put back the way it was and there'll be no visible evidence on the front of the head/the face).


I'm so very sorry for your loss... you and yours are in my prayers.:grouphug:

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Thank you all for your input!

I was able to call my Mom and tell her that they should not be able to "see" any signs of the autopsy which was somewhat reassuring to her even though she knows it was done by the time she views the body.


We won't know why she died for a few days. As Kalanamak said, toxicology analysis takes a little and it remains to be seen if they find anything.

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