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Incredible Blessings! (CC) (Marriage Update)

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I know that there have been folks out there wondering how things are going since my thread about marital issues, and my struggle to become a better wife, so I thought I would update.


Things are certainly improving...its almost miraculous how quickly they're turning around :D The biggest issue is keeping on with what I started. Its so easy to give in to temptation, let things slide a bit. As much as I believe in God and Christ, I do believe that the adversary is very active, and I know there have been times that the adversary is trying to throw me off stride. Things like negative thinking. I caught one time where there was all this negative thought in my mind, and it was frightening to realize that this wasn't originating with me at all, that it was as though someone was whispering in my ear, planting negativity.


I know to some that that sounds as though I'm schizophrenic, but I swear I'm not. Heck, I even have the papers to prove it, since Workers Comp demanded a psych eval, wanting to prove the pain is 'in my head' as opposed to real :lol:


It both amazes and shames me how fast my husband reacts to my efforts. Its as though he's been parched, waiting and hoping for me to step up and be the wife he needs that he reacts to every effort with such pleasure...it shames me that I haven't been doing this all along, seeing how much it means to him and effects him.


The best news of all is that SpecialMama has offered to come and stay with my kids so dh and I can go away for a weekend! How incredible a blessing is that?! So, next wknd, we're off. My birthday is on the Sunday, so its a beautiful gift! Wolf and I haven't had a night away from the children since our 1st wedding anniversary, 5 years ago! I'm so excited, and nervous too!


So, there's the update. I've been doing the Love Dare, but have discovered that many of the things that I started as being part of the wife I should be, and that my dh needs are a part of the Love Dare, so I've already completed the 'Dare' before it comes up in the book.


I also got out of bed at midnight this am, realizing that I hadn't made dh's lunch. Hoping that becomes a habit soon, as I've forgotten upon occasion. But, I'm trying :D

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LOL! Honestly, this is more of a honeymoon than the one we actually had. Our 'honeymoon' consisted of going to stay with friends of dh, and dh spent all day drinking beer with his buddy :glare: and then passed out at 8pm :glare:...and that was after the hotel bounced us on our wedding night! We'll actually be ALONE this wknd, in a hotel! W00t!!! :D

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I'm SO happy to hear this!!! I've wondered how things were going. It's TOOOOO cute that you're getting nervous about going away with hubby!!! :001_smile:


Specialmama, you're a GOOD friend to be doing this for them! Any GOOD friend would want to show the couple, and thier WTM friends, the before and after pictures!!! ;) AAaaw, come on?



Have a FANTASTIC time, and I'm praying God blesses you both tremendously!

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