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we are at lesson 15 in 100 ez lessons and SHE GETS IT> im so proud of my baby. I didnt think it was possible. oh and my sister in law is so mean. she showed Gabriella the letter t and asked her what it was, of course, gabriella made the sound. she was liek "no what letter is it" and dd did the sound again. she went on knocking me that gabriella doesnt even know her letters, im doing everything wrong, how stupid can i teach her, she isnt learning anything! ARRRR some people are such haters

anyways my girl read the "see me read" and see me eat all buyherself! so there evil sil!

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Way to go, mama!


As for your SIL, I believe most phonics programs encourage the teaching of letter sounds before the names. It makes it easier for the student to begin blending and then reading. Really...except for the ABC song and knowing the alphabet for looking things up, how often does a person actually use the letter names? When we read, we don't think "letter N, letter O, letter T" = NOT....

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My mom was very confused when she asked my daughter when she was 3 or so what a Bee said and my daughter said "buh," she was thinking of the letter! It took a while for them to figure out what the other person was talking about, then my mom understood.


You're doing great, keep it up!

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Dh used Reading Reflex with ds at age 5 and it worked beautifully. We never ever taught ds the letter names, only the letter sounds. He eventually figured out the names on his own. They are not necessary to reading and just make it more difficult. I wonder if that is why schools teach that way. :glare:


I was amazed when a friend of mine showed me how her ds was being taught to read. Memorize the words. Are they trying to make it difficult?

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Way to go!!


We used 100Ez with our middle son when he was 4.5 and he swore he couldn't read until he finished the 100th lesson. He would read perfectly through the lessons but when ever my parents or anyone asked him to read something he said he couldn't:glare: but once he finished that 100th lesson he could all of a sudden read everything around him! :)

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We never ever taught ds the letter names, only the letter sounds. He eventually figured out the names on his own. They are not necessary to reading and just make it more difficult. I wonder if that is why schools teach that way. :glare:

I taught dd5 letter names before the sounds before I knew better. :) We're using 100EZ Lessons, and learning the letter names first hasn't been an impediment at all. I love that book!

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:thumbup: to you and your daughter!


FTR, mine has been working on reading for a year and is still more likely to say the letter sound than the letter if someone asks what it is. Luckily, my relatives are not as....charming as your SIL. Maybe she's jealous.

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Gardening mom wrote, "I taught dd5 letter names before the sounds before I knew better. :) We're using 100EZ Lessons, and learning the letter names first hasn't been an impediment at all. I love that book! "


Learning letter names and sounds concurrently didn't bother my children, either. BUT, since I've become a tutor for struggling kdg. children at public school, I have become a believer that it can really hinder some dc. With a few, this has become a major, major stumbling block and I dearly wish I could turn back the clock and teach them "sounds first." Instead of progressing with decoding and blending, we have to back up and try to learn the sounds. They are frustrated, but until the sounds are learned, we cannot progress. As I said, for some children it is a problem.


Way to go with your dd and 100EZ!



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Our neighborhood elem. is a pure phonics school. They teach ONLY the letter sound in K. The kids are not allowed to call it the letter, even if their parents have taught them the letter names before school.


(Not that this makes one bit of difference either way to you or any of us who do it differently.. but it might to her, if she hears that some "real" schools do it this way too.)


Yay for your new reader!!

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