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Gave up on Homeschool Tracker Plus


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I spent so many hours trying to make it work. In the end I decided to do something MUCH simpler. I don't need attendance or grades. So, I really just needed a daily list of assignments and chores. I printed off a list of all the curriculum they use and all the chores they need to do weekly. I put check boxes next to each item. I laminated them, so I can just check the items they need to do that day with a dry erase marker. They can cross them out as they are complete. Even my 4 yr old has a sheet. I used clip art to list her daily tasks, since she can't read. I put them on their clip boards. This is so much easier. Thanks to those who helped me TRY to get HTP working. It looks great, I just never seem to get it.:001_huh:

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I like to enter into "Teacher" "Lesson Plan"

and then print the Lesson Plan

It's not dated, but is in sequence.



Most families move the assignments from the LP to the Assignment Grid upon completion and then have a record of "what was done" rather than a To-Do List



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I did get lesson plans loaded, which where nice. But, we basically just do the next lesson in each subject. Sometimes I even skip lessons, especially in math. That throws the LP off. As far as what was done, I can look at their books and see how much we've done for the year. I more interested in each child knowing what they need to do for the day, so we don't waste time. I can easily see what has been done. Anyway, I think I'm just low tech. HSTP seemed like WAY more work than it was worth. Glad it works for others.

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Thanks ladies! I don't feel like the lone flunkie anymore. I've got the girls set. I attached dry erase markers to their clip boards. They're all excited. We'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts. I will check out the Donna Young forms for my own organization. Thanks for the link!

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I started using it in 7th, so I had 2 yrs of practice before high school. It does really nice transcripts, and everything is stored to be printed out at the whim of the college your kids are applying to. It may not be useful for younger kids, but as a resource for teens it is well worth it.

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I was thinking that. Maybe they will make it more user friendly by then! I guess if I just had to put down what was done for a trascript, it might not be too hard. The hard part for me was making it function as I needed it. I guess I will cross that bridge in a couple of years.

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Our state isn't strict so I don't have to keep formal records but I do keep samples of yearly work. I have HST Plus and used it for my highschooler this past year. It made a fantastic transcript, tallied GPA/credits, provided notary signature line and all. I plan to use it mainly for highschool and just collect samples for the lower years.

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I just came across One Note from MS Office. It seems easier to use than excel or word when you want to put in a table. If you go to MS's web site you can down load a 60 day free trial and check it out. I was looking for something for a middle grade student and only for some subjects. Not everything needs to be planned especially if you're just doing the next lesson, but some things do benefit from planning.



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I'm also a drop out. I love the idea, I love the flexibility but oh all that data I was entering, and for no good reason that I could see.

I now have a spreadsheet (based on Donna Young) for each child that I print out weekly with the weeks additions and alterations. The kids use it as their to do list and at the end of the week I file it as my record. Much easier!

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I might be a dropout soon as well. My oldest is only 5th grade but I thought it would be great to get familiar with keeping close records for when we reach high school. It is seeming to consume way too much time to enter every. single. lesson. I know that you can import lessons, but I haven't found many lessons to import for the curriculum I am using. Guess I'll check out Donna Young and just come up with my own way of tracking our work. :)

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  • 2 years later...

I use this and love it. I agree that it's not very user friendly and there's room for a lot of improvements. I enter everything into the lesson plans and schedule it and then submit it to the student agenda area and print out the to do list two days at a time. Anything that's not done for the day is rescheduled. I can see at all times if we are on track to finish the plan in the allotted time or if we need to step it up a bit, etc. I also really like that I can see how much time we spend on each subject as it helps a lot with future planning.

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I think I used it off/on for k-2 but it got to where I was forgetting to enter stuff as we did it that I just deleted it--I never figured out how to use anything except the basic LOL sooo...Now I have a teacher's planner book and have been "pretty good" :tongue_smilie: about listing what we've done as we do it.....

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