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**deep breath** I need to confess something

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They say confession is good for the soul, so here goes.


My first day of school is scheduled for the 10th of August. We're going on vacation from the 3rd-7th.



I have not planned for next year. Not. At. All.



Well, I take that back. I have a few things and I thought about it once. But, my TOG pages aren't printed, nor have I checked my resources for the year (Year 2). I haven't ordered a good bit of what I need. My eldest dd and I haven't reviewed her courses for next year. I don't know if I'm doing Pre-K or K with my almost 5 year old. The list goes on and on and on and on. . . . . ..


And, in the next two weeks, we're updating our bathrooms (mostly painting, but still. . . . . . . )


Someone tell me this is ok. That I'm a veteran, and I can do it.


Or just send a cyber-hug.


Or chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.


Am I the only one??????

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You will be fine. You know your children, their learning style, their preferences. You know yourself, and the way you teach best.

Instead of obsessing over curriculum, spending tons of time looking for homeschooling materials, over-planning, over-thinking, over-everything, you've probably spent your time actually interacting with your kids, loving them, sharing regular life with them.

A lot of us say we are working on homeschool planning when we are really just playing, indulging ourselves, and ignoring or putting off the very ones we say we are so concerned about!


There's a lesson for me in your post, and I bet for others, too.


You will be fine.

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Your good.


We are on a year-round schedule. My Mother in law and Grandmother in law are coming to visit on Aug. 4th. They have not come to visit in almost 12 years. We are taking all this next week off to work on the property/house to get ready for them to come.. *pressure*



Sometimes, something just has to give. :D

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I'm sorry I can't send you chocolate. I'm on that Fat Loss for Idiots diet and it wasn't one of the menu options!


Why do you have to start on August 10? I thought one of the benefits of homeschooling was you could set your own schedule? What if you started after Labor Day? Would something bad happen? Give yourself some time to get organized a bit and you will be fine.


We generally don't have predictable good weather until July and August in Western Washington, so I couldn't imagine starting school in August. When we see sun, we think summer vacation!

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Why do you have to start on August 10? I thought one of the benefits of homeschooling was you could set your own schedule?


We generally don't have predictable good weather until July and August in Western Washington, so I couldn't imagine starting school in August. When we see sun, we think summer vacation!


It's so funny, the change that has happened since we moved from New England to Alabama. . . . . around here, by mid-May, we are DONE with school. And by August - well - summer's old and we're ready to get going. It's easier on my schedule if we start earlier. . . .and I like to get in a good 2-3 weeks before ballet and piano kick in :)

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You will be fine! Enjoy the puppy, the kids, the bathrooms being re-done....enjoy all of it! You will all be fine when school starts - whenever that ends up being!

My oldest daughter (30 years old) visited last week with her husband and my TWO grand-daughters - ages 5.5 yrs and 3 years! Do not ask me where 30 years went! :w00t:

Enjoy everything going on your life right now -- and then eat some chocolate and have a Starbucks -- and don't stress Everyone here gave excellent advice! :iagree:

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Well, I thought mine was planned, but when I sat down to do my actual schedule, I am trying to fit 8 hours of work (chores and school) into 4. Oops. I am SO delusional. Does that count? ;)


I now have to back out of two things I said we would do, and I still won't be able to finalize everything until I find out when our speech therapy and ballet classes will be and if I am getting in the science co-op that will save my sorry hide and make it so that all the school fits.


:grouphug: You can do this! And worse case scenario, you go on vacation, and start school with whatever you have done when you get back. Add everything else in as you plan it or get it in the mail!

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If it makes you feel any better I am supposed to be schooling year round and the summer is gone and I haven't planned it out yet... lol. I just ordered DD's new math books and she has been done her old one since April. Poor girl (and mommy) isn't going to know what hit her come August 3rd when she goes back full load. Last year by this time I had everything all lined up and ready to go. I fully believe we will do just as well this year as we did last, so I am game to relax.

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My first day of school is scheduled for the 10th of August. We're going on vacation from the 3rd-7th.


I have not planned for next year. Not. At. All.


I'm confused. :confused: Why not just change your start date? Or begin only 1-2 subjects (whatever you do have ready)? Start to "work on school" on August 10th -- meet with your oldest, discuss courses, plan, order, etc., but just move your start date back to September 10th. The sky will not fall.... :D

Edited by Sahamamama
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Am I the only one??????


We start Aug. 31st. My dds' year is all planned out and ready to go, but I still have no idea whether ds will be cyber-charter-schooled, private K-12'ed, Calvert schooled, or (the way I want it) WTM homeschooled. Oh, the joys of joint legal custody.


I made a rough outline for 6th grade the WTM way, but I refuse to work on the details and get all excited until I know what's going on.


Ds will survive, I'm sure. :)

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