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What Do You Do With All the Completed Work?

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k-8-I toss almost everything. I maybe save 1-2 things per year, and get rid of the rest. If anyone wants to see what my kids know, they can test them. We have no regulations in our state for a portfolio, so I don't do one.


Ds14 is in high school now so for him I am the extreme opposite. I save almost everything. Just in case anyone questions it.

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This year, I elected to do a portfolio eval instead of testing for my oldest and I am pleased with the outcome. I now have a 3 ring binder (just a small to medium sized one) with my daughter's first grade work in it, along with a list of books she's read and pictures from field trips etc. I don't know if I'll keep it forever but if I decide to, it is easy to store. I plan to continue this with her and my younger one.

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I keep it for the year to show my portfolio and then I trash it. The kids don't care by that point. I take pictures through out the year of projects, or them working on stuff so we keep those and that is enough to have a memory of it. I have boxes in teh basement I am currently going through that have things I did in school saved. I have not looked at those things in all these years since doing them. I have started tossing everything out because it is just taking up space.

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