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Will you/do you homeschool for high school?


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I have homeschooled one all the way through and he is a Jr/Sr in college. Next up is a rising Jr. in high school and she is homeschooled and will graduate in homeschool too like her brother. Finally is my rising 7th grader. She is being homeschooled now and will continue for eighth grade most likely. THen it depends where we live. IF we were to continue living here, she may want to go to the Science and Technology school here locally that is one of the best in the country. I don't think we will continue living here though. So whether she will go to school depends on the place we live. I will be happy to homeschool her but realize that she may want to go to school. She doesn't now but she doesn't have any great choices now either. The local PS school is lame on the mid high level and I don't have any extra money to spend on private school when I have one and half in college.

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Homeschooled my oldest through 12th grade (she took dual enrollment classes at the community college during her junior and senior years).


Currently homeschooling an upcoming 10th grader with no plans to stop!


Will probably homeschool #3 through high school as well (he'll probably do the dual enrollment / community college 'thing', too).


Not sure about our youngest! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!

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The only reason why we homeschool at all is because we're appalled by the US school system in general (no offense intended, it is just not our cup of tea), we weren't able to find a suitable school around, and we wanted to provide them with a complete Italian curriculum, enriched by classics and some elements of Jewish education. The only reason why we homeschool is actually that we're convinced we can do a considerably better job than any school around here - originally it wasn't our intention to homeschool.


However, as kids grow older, we aren't so sure of it any more. I can teach them comfortably only up to certain point (I would say early high school is exactly that point), and I would greatly prefer if they were taught in high school by people who are professionals in the fields they study. Sure, I had my share of Latin, Greek, History or Chemistry at school - but I am not professionally related to those fields, and maybe my children will want to be, so I want them to get taught all of their work by people who might not only teach them better, but also open some new gates for them, connect them with people in the field and others interested in it, etc. We also think it's crucial for them at some point to learn to function in the classroom, get a feeling of "school life", etc.


So, when they reach the age, we are going to help them choose a boarding school (or arrange a situation for them should they choose a school without boarding option) according to their interests and needs and send them there.

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When I first began homeschooling I had entertained the idea of sending my dc to public school for their high school years. I was really being naive. If I were forced to send them to PS for any time it would be in the early years. I don't have a problem researching, and acting as an advocate for my child regardless of their gifts, deficiencies, or interests; or mine. I currently have one dd in high school and I can't see turning her over to the PS system.

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I'm new here and have awhile before I need to handle high school, lol, but my mind is spinning after reading some high school threads here. I tried searching for a thread similiar to this one but couldn't find anything.


I'm under the impression after reading some of the high school threads that many of you will no longer homeschool when your children are high school age- is that right? It seemed from the threads I did find, that many people decided to stop homeschooling at that point.


I'm wondering how common that is- to stop homeschooling at high school age, and also how to handle the increased needs of high schoolers, esp. for those in big families. What route do you plan on going and how do you plan on handling high school, or how have you?


I homeschooled my 3 olders through highschool. I plan to school these 2 younger children also.


For my family, I think it is a mistake to send them off when hormones are raging. Into a peer driven world. I personally think Highschool in Public school does nothing to prepare children for real live situations. I think it has much more of a chance of steering them into very bad situations.


If you want to send your children to public school, do it when they are young. Bring them home when they are older.


Just my two cents.

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I am homeschooling high school. When my oldest was in 9th grade he began going to a tutorial for some extras. He did that again in 10th. In 11th in the fall he went to the tutorial for Spanish and extras and took 1 class (US History 1) at community college. In 11th grade in the spring he went to the tutorial for Spanish and extras and took 2 classes (US History 2 and Computer Applications) at the community college.


He will be a senior next year and will be completely outsourced except for a 1/2 credit in literature and a 1/2 credit in economics. Those he will complete independently. He will again be taking Spanish and extras at the tutorial. At the community college he will be taking Composition 1 and College Alg in the fall and Composition 2 and a science in the spring.


The middle ds is a different child. He is on a 5 year high school plan. I registered him as a 9th grader the year he should have been in 8th grade, because he wanted to take several high school classes. In order for them to be on his high school transcript he needed to be registered as a 9th grader. So, next year will be his 3rd year in high school, but he is officially listed in 10th grade. Also, he will take no classes outside the home next year. He didn't want to and he works well for me so it didn't seem necessary.


Who knows the route we will take with the little man. Until my oldest 2 hit high school, homeschooling was a year-by-year gig. Once we hit high school, it was an until-they-graduate gig. At this point I am fairly sure that the little guy will stay at home at least until the middle ds graduates from high school. After that I have no idea.




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We plan to continue through high school. Having graduated one already and sent him off to college, I'm not too worried. The high school years have been the easiest for us by far. At this level, I'm mostly used for grading, explanations, and planning. They require far less "teaching" than when they were younger. We do outsource some courses either through cooperatives or dual enrollment (concurrent college courses).


The way I look at it is that the high school years are the reward for all the time and effort I put into them earlier. Most of the stresses during the high school years for us are not related to the schooling but rather to teenage life in general (driving, girls, jobs, etc.) which we would have whether homeschooling or public/private schooling.

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as the Lord enables, we plan to go all the way through high school. My dd is going into 7th grade, and most of our friends have already put their kids in school. In jr high, the homeschool kids's classes start really thinning out.

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