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S/O Confession... so what's good about you?

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We are confessing all of our bad qualities/ habits. Do we have any good ones?


I'll start as my self esteem has been taking a beating lately. I don't really have any good habits, I am working on that though!


I am empathetic, loving, and non-judgemental. I am not prideful. I am skeptical researcher, not a blind follower. I have excelled at every job I have ever had, not the one I have now... but every full-time outside of the house job. I am creative.

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Hmmm, that is a tough one. I find it much easier to pick out all my faults, and there is many, than to pick out my good qualities. 99% of the time I would say I have none, but I can decorate character cakes fairly well, I am very resourceful, and that is where I tend to have troubles finding other things good. I will need to start focusing on that more and reminding myself of my good qualities if I ever come up with them.

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Wow, what a good thread. I'll have to drink some coffee tomorrow and respond right away! What I can see now, is being thankful for the health of my children. Oh, my husband has a good paying job. Besides that, I'm overweight, owe money, and more.... I need a great paying job for 2 years! (Or, maybe we could rent out our house and stay with someone "free" so we could save money...it's what I see our neighbors do...on our government dime...but we like them anyway...all 20 apartments of them...)


Ok, on to the positive, I'm gonna dream of this tonight.


Back tomorrow morning!


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I can't think of a single thing right now. Maybe, we have brought our kids up so that they can talk to us about anything. I really don't know. I am going through a really rough time these days with my marriage and basically with me, and I am really struggling to find an answer to that question. I can start listing all my faults though.

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I have been very focused on my 'negatives' lately -- I'm frustrated because I know what they are, but am having a hard time changing them.


But, one good thing about me is that I read aloud a LOT to my kids, and I do it well. When I've read out loud to them in office waiting rooms, I've even had strangers make positive comments.

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Whenever I get down on myself I remember that I have a great wife and four great kids who love me and that's a pretty darn good endorsement. :001_smile:

That's how I feel too, there must be something good here, for my dh and dcs to love me like they do :)

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According to IQ tests, I'm bright. 4%er bright. Whoop de doo dah. *snort*


Overall, I'm a good mom, and working on being as good a wife as I am a mom. The mom part comes easier for me though, since the wife part includes housework :glare: that generally takes 2 hands to complete.


I've got a decent sense of humour, a good imagination, and I'm a darn good friend :D

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I am empathetic, loving, and non-judgemental. I am not prideful. I am skeptical researcher, not a blind follower. I have excelled at every job I have ever had, not the one I have now... but every full-time outside of the house job. I am creative.

You're also kind and understanding. You are a good friend. You are a giver, you give of yourself freely.

Hmmm, that is a tough one.

Not so tough. You, also, are understanding and family has great meaning for you. You love your mom, even if she hasn't been very fair to you or your dcs.

Besides that, I'm overweight, owe money, and more.... stay with someone "free" so we could save money...it's what I see our neighbors do...on our government dime...but we like them anyway...all 20 apartments of them...)


You must be a good cook, lol. And, I'm going to say a hug from you is a great experience. I struggle with my weight too, okay, so I'm huge, but my kids and my husband LOVE my soft hugs, sometimes they even call me Skish, great term of endearment. Also, you are willing to see past things you may disagree with in order to love (in a neighborly way) the person underneath. Good for you :)

I can't think of a single thing right now. Maybe, we have brought our kids up so that they can talk to us about anything. I really don't know. I am going through a really rough time these days with my marriage and basically with me, and I am really struggling to find an answer to that question. I can start listing all my faults though.

Elm, you obviously care, quite a bit, about your family. You struggling means you are trying to be "better," that also means you strive, which is something I stink at, and you hope, which is always a good thing.

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Hmmm...So I've been told:


*I'm tall, so my excess weight is distributed fairly evenly.

*I have pretty eyes.

*I'm often fairly funny and get a joke, and tell good ones too.

*I make people feel comfortable and like they've known me.

*Even though I feel lazy or like a procrastinator, when I set my mind to workin', it WILL get done.

*I'm an optimistic, "glass half-full" kind of person who tends to look on the bright side

*I love my family and friends dearly and would do anything for them

*I'm a good daughter, pretty good mom, and working on being a better wife


Thanks for asking!:D

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You're also kind and understanding. You are a good friend. You are a giver, you give of yourself freely.


Not so tough. You, also, are understanding and family has great meaning for you. You love your mom, even if she hasn't been very fair to you or your dcs.


You must be a good cook, lol. And, I'm going to say a hug from you is a great experience. I struggle with my weight too, okay, so I'm huge, but my kids and my husband LOVE my soft hugs, sometimes they even call me Skish, great term of endearment. Also, you are willing to see past things you may disagree with in order to love (in a neighborly way) the person underneath. Good for you :)


Elm, you obviously care, quite a bit, about your family. You struggling means you are trying to be "better," that also means you strive, which is something I stink at, and you hope, which is always a good thing.



Julie, YOU are obviously a sweet and tenderhearted person who loves to help people feel good when they are with you. And what a generous heart to notice and think about the good qualities of your cyber-friends. :)

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Julie, YOU are obviously a sweet and tenderhearted person who loves to help people feel good when they are with you. And what a generous heart to notice and think about the good qualities of your cyber-friends. :)

Thanks. It bothered me that some people I've read so much about wouldn't be able to think of good things, when I could come up with some off the top of my head. You, btw, have a great sense of humor and tend to be not inflammatory, iykwIm ;)

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I'm a good mom. I'm not perfect, and of course I could improve, but parenting seems to be one of those natural things that just clicked for me, and really fulfilled me as a person. I'm also really good at teaching my kids. I'm a good friend and a good listener as well.

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Sounds like many people struggle with this.


I am optimistic (always happy and smiling) and love to help others. If I'm not working on a project to help the world in some way, I feel incomplete. I've touched many lives in different ways, my last one strengthened families. Looking for the next project now.


I love to learn and can teach myself anything. I will always continually self-educate and learn and value that quality. I am generous and loving although probably go overboard on the generosity. I am ambitious and hard working and never sit around doing nothing (although forum-surfing probably counts as that, hmmm...) I am patient (good skill to have in homeschooling). I am very open-minded. I cannot bear to hurt anything, including a spider. I see the goodness in almost all people shine through. :) I am skillful in online massive multi-player games, hehe. I have a wonderful husband, happy marriage, beautiful daughter, and have a strong, loving, fun family.

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I'm smart, and I have good posture. Those are the two most important ones. :lol:


I share advice and BTDT wisdom freely when it's requested. ;)


And I give a lot of compliments. In my opinion, it's the rare person who gets too many, and we could all use a few more most days.


BTW, have you heard the Yiddish joke about finding good qualities? "With money in your pocket you are wise and you are handsome, and you sing well too.":D

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As I often tell my kids, our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses. I find it easier to see my strengths when paired with my weaknesses.



I am highly conscientious = strength

I care too much what people think = weakness


I am great at seeing a problem and finding the solution = strength

I sometimes see only the problems, and can be cynical = weakness


I always consider the heart motives of my children in parenting = strength

I am sometimes not firm enough with dc because I don't want to crush their spirits = weakness


I'm great at proofreading and seeing spelling, punctuation and grammar errors = strength

I struggle to enjoy dc's writing because of the spelling, punctuation and grammar errors = weakness


I could go on, but you get the idea.:D Maybe those of you who struggle to see your strengths will be able to see them embedded in your weaknesses.



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I am skillful in online massive multi-player games, hehe.
That would also count as sitting around doing nothing. ;)


I am pessimist...oh wait I suppose that isn't a good trait...oh I don't know. I struggle with this question daily.

LOL! A girl after my own heart.


BTW, have you heard the Yiddish joke about finding good qualities? "With money in your pocket you are wise and you are handsome, and you sing well too.":D
Love it!


As I often tell my kids, our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses. I find it easier to see my strengths when paired with my weaknesses.


I could go on, but you get the idea.:D Maybe those of you who struggle to see your strengths will be able to see them embedded in your weaknesses.



That's what Raising Your Spirited Child does.
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Regarding MMOs:

That would also count as sitting around doing nothing. ;)


I totally agree! I had 2 episodes of MMO gaming, but each time, I also would practice my web programming skills to build something helpful. For EQ, I had 14,000 members plus tens of thousands more who would use my website. That was some hard work that paid off for thousands, who were then able to sit around and do nothing, lol!

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Um, I'm very VERY enthusiastic at the start of a project. :D


I genuinely care about people and try to be nice to everyone (and usually succeed).


And whatever else may suffer because of it, I am a fun and spontaneous mom - at least my kids think so. :001_smile:

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