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Looking for Preschool curriculum idea's...

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Ok, we're using HOD Litttle Hand's to Heaven. I really like the open and go aspect and dd3 likes doing "school" (she asks for it), BUT we need more. We get done with the lesson and she's asking for more to do. She really isn't learning anything with it to be honest:mellow:. It does go over letter sounds and such, but it's just not sticking for her.


SO--is there something else open up and go that might suit us better? She doesn't know her letter (or sounds) but she's open to learning them. Just for reference, she likes music and rhymes. She likes stories too.


What'cha got:lol:?

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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Ok, we're using HOD Litttle Hand's to Heaven. I really like the open and go aspect and dd3 likes doing "school" (she asks for it), BUT we need more. We get done with the lesson and she's asking for more to do. I think it's too "simple" for her. I really don't get into it either to be honest:mellow:.


SO--is there something else open up and go that might suit us better? She doesn't know her letter (or sounds) but she's open to learning them. Just for reference, she likes music and rhymes. She likes stories too.


What'cha got:lol:?


You need to get Leap Frog Letter Factory if you don't have it already. It's a DVD that teaches letter sounds. I think she would love it, especially since she likes music and rhymes. I normally don't recommend DVDs for school, but really, this one is brilliant.

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You need to get Leap Frog Letter Factory if you don't have it already. It's a DVD that teaches letter sounds. I think she would love it, especially since she likes music and rhymes. I normally don't recommend DVDs for school, but really, this one is brilliant.


Yes, we have it, lol. I keep forgetting about it though (I've been doing that lately) since it's summer time. My ds6 learned his letter sounds when he was an older 4 yr. old with that dvd.

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I'm using a combination of Handwriting Without Tears Pre-K (which is *excellent*), Sonlight 3/4, and some Kumon workbooks for tracing and mazes. Also a couple art type books from Abeka. This combination has been perfect for our 3.5 year old daughter.


She has learned her letters and sounds from the Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD, and is expressing some interest in learning to read. So sometime in the next six months or so I will add in a "fun" and gentle phonics program, and take it at her pace.


HTH. :)

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I love the R&S ABC workbooks too. Very open and go, some songs provided to teach (one per workbook). We also used ideas from Letter of the Week, but that is not open and go. The plans are free online, but you have to put things together yourself.

For adding music and rhymes, we just use lots of mother goose books & C.D.s and rent kids' music videos from the library. We also have the leapfrog dvd and letters for the fridge.

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I used this when my ds was 3.




When he was 4, I used A Beka's K4 reading program. He was reading short vowels words very well by then and it had introduce long vowels a little. I also used BJU's Kindergarten math because he'd been understanding math concepts and adding/subtracting as long as we could remember.

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Guest sarathan

Does she like crafty/activity type things? If so, check out Carol's Affordable Curriculum (carolscurriculum.com). I used it with my older son and I'll be using it this fall with my younger. LOVE IT!! :D


For good read-alouds, I recommend Sonlight P3/4 books. For workbooks, the R&S ones are supposed to be fantastic. :)

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Thanks for all the ideas! I was also looking into Sonlight Preschool 3/4.


I was going to recommend P3/4 for you. We're doing it with my 3yo and it is great. It's really just a great collection of lit that will save you from a lot of library fines :D. He just can't get enough of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...we've been reading it for 3 months.


I also liked the R&S ABC books as well. My dc don't like to color, so we don't get the full use out of them, but they are still worth the $$ for the parts that we did use.


My oldest also really liked the ETC primers when he was 3. In fact, I should get those out for my middle ds. I'm also using the SWR preschool suggestions from the book and the yahoogroup. That way he can participate with his brother and be involved. He doesn't like to be left out of things.


LHTH didn't work for us as my boys already knew their numbers to 10 and letter sounds around 2yo. Once you take that out of the program, there isn't much left. I love the Bible resources that we got with it, though!

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For those of you who mentioned R&S workbooks. I read the reviews for them at another board. Many ppl liked them, but some said they were too hard for a 3 y/o. Did you find that to be the case?



They probably are. I used them starting when my dd was almost 4 to begin with. She moved very slowly through the first few, and didn't really get into them until this spring, once she was over 4 and a half. Then she really picked up the pace. She did 3 of them over the course of 9 mos, and some of the Bible coloring book. I am saving the others for her K year, coming up in the fall.


But since your child is wanting more, you may want to try and start them. Another suggestion is just trying some preschool workbooks from discount stores. My dd loved one that was a fisher price one when she was 3, and also at times used some Winnie the Pooh ones. But she didn't love the R&S to begin with. Now she does.


And you may want to look at R&S's younger series. I haven't used them, but they have a set for 3 yr olds and 4 yr olds that are for younger than the ABC workbooks.

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it has probly already been mentioned, but the Leap Frog dvd's, wonderful at that age.

Also, we like Rod and Staff? ABC series, a lot of busy work, but all of my kids have enjoyed them and it does cover the cut and paste stuff that they would do in a preschool that I never seem to have the time to incorporate. I think there is at least A-G, maybe more.

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I just purchased R&S preschool books and they are great, but I will not be using them until next year when my dd is 4. She will not get the full benefits until then. I love Kumon books. I love BFIIAR. We are pretty much just reading the BFIAR books right now. We have done a few lapbooks with the books and I get all of my ideas from homeschoolshare.

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