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Slim in 6 Exercise/Diet program~anyone ever tried it?

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Yes, I bought it last year and went through the six weeks. I got impressive results. I trimmed several inches off of my thighs, several off of my waist and even began seeing muscle tone in my arms about the third to fourth week which I hadn't seen in years. Overall, I recommend it. I actually needed to go about eight weeks to get the results I was initially looking for but I was pleased with where I was at the end of the six weeks. I took a multivitamin and drank a protein drink each day that I was doing it. In my opinion, it's worth the cost.

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Sigh--yeah, I tried it. But not for long. I can't have dairy, and all that protein was unappealing. The workout is good, tho, and I think it's pretty healthy. If you are committed and can incorporate the changes into your daily living after the diet, you should be ok.

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Anything you will stick to is what will work for you. STructured programs don't work for me. It's worth a try and I think they may offer money back guarantee if you find it's not for you.

Edited by lynn
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Thanks! I went to the site and was all set to push the order button since they have the $$ guarantee. But, I started thinking what if I just do some of the tapes I already have for and hour a day, 6 days a week? Shoot, working out an hour a day, 6 days a week with Elmo should help you lose weight!:lol:


I could get out my Taebo tapes (have the whole set and never got past beginner level), or my Denise Austins, or my Kathy Smiths, or my........


Decisions, decisions,


Edited by home4school
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Of course the infomercial got me all HYPED up and I thought I should just get it. I really have to lose weight for med reasons, high BP, etc.


But, I hate to spend more money on something I don't know I will use.


But, it does have the money back guarantee.


But, I already have so many tapes to choose from, I just don't make the time to do them.


I think I will try to make myself use what I have for now. Then, if I stick to it, I could allow myself to get these for hopefully better results if I'm not seeing much with what I already have.


We're actually going to take a much needed vacation the second week of August. We haven't been to the beach in over 3 yrs. I would love to have a good start on losing some of this weight, NO THIS FAT, before we go.


Can y'all imagine the time I have picking curriculum if I can't even decide to spend $$$ on an exercise DVD!!!:lol:



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We have several videos and such also (including several BB ones). One day I decided I wanted a certain one. MY daughter thought we had plenty. However, I went ahead and got this one....and I LOVE IT. I still will use the others, but I'm glad I got the very last one :)



Can I ask you how long each of the videos are? I'm doing week 2 of P90X right now but I'm concerned that it's not going to help me lose weight more quickly. The Slim in 6 seems like it will accomplish more weight loss. Also, does it use weights? I like using weights and would like a bit more definition. P90X is hard but it's not killing me. I'm not that sore afterwards.


Thanks for your help!

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Thanks! I went to the site and was all set to push the order button since they have the $$ guarantee. But, I started thinking what if I just do some of the tapes I already have for and hour a day, 6 days a week? Shoot, working out an hour a day, 6 days a week with Elmo should help you lose weight!:lol:


I could get out my Taebo tapes (have the whole set and never got past beginner level), or my Denise Austins, or my Kathy Smiths, or my........


Decisions, decisions,



Weight loss is 70-80% diet so if you decide to go with the exercise tapes you need to figure out the food part. Whatever diet you decide on I highly recommend keeping a food journal. I have used Sparkspeople and it can be very revealing and motivating.


Good luck!!

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Weight loss is 70-80% diet so if you decide to go with the exercise tapes you need to figure out the food part.



That's a good point. Those who've used Slim in 6, there is a diet provided with the program, right? Is it doable or lettuce and water?




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Are you doing the Classic or the Lean program in P90X? I started with Lean and switched to Classic because I hate cardio and it took a month and then the weight started to fall off. I didn't stick to the diet very well either. I think it takes a bit to get the engine going.


I'm doing the Lean. My dh has finished doing Classic and he said he didn't start to really notice results until after the 1st month. I just got the Slim in 6 today and will start it on Monday. I'm doing Kenpo X today though. I really like that one. My thought was that I would do the Slim in 6 and get the weight loss going and then switch to the P90X after that. My goal for this summer is to work really hard to get in shape.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wish they'd quit showing this infomercial! I want this every time I see it. But, I have read a lot of bad reviews. Of course, they could just be people who thought the weight would come off just by watching the videos and not trying the diet changes!


We have several videos and such also (including several BB ones). One day I decided I wanted a certain one. MY daughter thought we had plenty. However, I went ahead and got this one....and I LOVE IT. I still will use the others, but I'm glad I got the very last one :)


By this one, do you mean Slim in 6, Pamela?


I just got the Slim in 6 today and will start it on Monday.



I just ordered this a few days ago. It should be here next week. I was a BIG Frim fan for a few years. I loved it, but wanted to do something different.


Do you mind sharing your opinions so far, Michelle and Earlene?




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By this one, do you mean Slim in 6, Pamela?


No...sorry. It wasn't Slim in 6. I guess my point is that sometimes we do have plenty but the RIGHT one can make a difference! And a lot of people do better with at least some variety.


Anyway, I still don't think you can go wrong with a BB video, but I know it can be a hard decision.


BTW, as for losing weight being about diet and/or exercise. A LOT of weight loss IS about dieting. Maybe THAT is the problem though! Maybe if we want to lose FAT, we should eat healthy and focus on the exercise instead. BTW, I didn't come up with this on my own. I recently read Where Did All The Fat Go? by Dr H of The Biggest Loser. Really, I MUCH prefer to lose fat, not weight!

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I'm interested in more feedback too - I've nearly been sucked in and I know that Beachbody has good programs. I used P90 for a while before I joined a gym (and then I sold the DVDs to fund my gym membership, and then I let my membership lapse...). I was getting really good results. I just really need the time and the energy. And the discipline. :glare:

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I would like to know about the diet suggestions that come with Slim in 6. I don't do much meat and wonder if the diet is built on tons of meat or doable for someone who wants to severely limit meat.


I just ordered the 30 Day Shred and two of her other DVD's from Amazon this morning...but the Slim in 6 infomercial gets me everytime, although I haven't ordered it yet!

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Slim in 6 has been around for quite a while, so before you order it brand new, you might want to check some garage sales and used book sales to see if you can get it secondhand. I have seen the entire set for as cheap as 5.00 at garage sales, but I didn't buy it because I ordered it brand new when it first came out.


I think it's a decent program, but honestly, the only exercise program that is going to give you great results is the one you stick with, and if you already have other workout options, you might want to reconsider whether or not it's worth buying Slim in 6.


One other thing -- if you're considering buying directly from Beachbody, be sure to visit their website and get on their email list, because they often run sales and specials. Fourth of July weekend is coming, and they may very well have some good deals.



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I lost 18 pounds in 5 weeks with Slim in 6 (went on vacation to Florida the 6th week) and kept the weight off for the last 4 years. I was never able to get through the "Burn it Up" CD -- it was too hard for me, so I did the "Ramp it Up" most of the time.


I'm not crazy about meat, either. From what I remember, I ate some chicken and venison, but I think you could probably get away with getting most of your protein from nuts and beans, etc. I am actually planning to buy it again -- lent my first DVD's to a friend and hate to ask for it back after 3-1/2 years...


Take care,


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