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I'm 46. Wow, Joanna, looks like I'm double your age. And I have a 5 year old too.


It certainly is a different outlook being an older parent of younger kids. I was fine til about 43 when the aging bit started to kick in.


But, I wouldn't give up all the fun I had in my 20s and 30s.




I settled down VERY young. My husband and I were high school sweethearts who at the end of my junior year found out were expecting a little one. We moved out on our own immediately. Got engaged when I was 8 months and married when he was 13 months old. Since then, life has been great though. I never wanted to go out and party like all the others my age and I'm actually pretty old-timey in my ways. We are a strict Christian family and I want my kids to grow up right. I was lucky to get the other two very soon after. I have polycystic kidney disease that has gotten worse each pregnancy because it causes severe preecclampsia. I was lucky to make it through each time and the babies are always born early and in the NICU. We decided to have our tubes tied but I'm glad I have the ones I have even though we wished we could have had a larger family. I guess it was a race against the clock or the doctor said it wouldn't have been safe to have anymore children. People look at me like I'm nuts...only 23 with 3 kids, married, and homeschooling LOL. It's the life the Lord wanted me to live though so I am happy. :D

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I was still 23 when I joined. Actually, 21 when I started reading the old board.



At least I have someone close to my age. The funny this is, if you had seen me, I look MUCH younger than I am.


Oh, good story!!

I had an old lady one day who was at a flea market selling specialized onesies. I saw one that I liked so I asked her to please make it for us. She overheard us talking and me saying "go to daddy", etc. She turns around and says "I'm a good Christian lady and I don't believe it whatever it is your doing young man, you need to go on before I call the cops" (this was to my husband). He was completely blown away and said "what do you mean" she goes "she's still a baby herself and you have her in bondage having your children!". I started laughing because I just had a weird picture in my mind of my husband tying me to a chair going "YES! You ARE having my babies!" LOL :lol: Anyways, we explained that I was old enough and we were married, etc. and she goes "sir, I'm so sorry but she looks 12 and I thought my goodness she's my granddaughters age". I think the lady was a little blind because I don't think I look 12 but I am pretty short (5'4") and unfortunately too skinny (98-102 lbs., depending on the day ;)). I just had to share that because it had me rolling that day!

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I'm 38. Gosh, my twenties seems so long ago. I was still so silly and ignorant then! :lol: I looked better in a bikini, though. Maybe that's how it works: There is an inverse relationship between external and internal assets. With age, the internal assets increase propotionately to the decrease in external assets. Anyone with me? :D


Yeah...that's it :D I must have read that somewhere...35 and strong internal assets!

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I'm 26. I got married at 20, had my first at 21.


At least I have someone close to my age. The funny this is, if you had seen me, I look MUCH younger than I am.


Oh, good story!!

I had an old lady one day who was at a flea market selling specialized onesies. I saw one that I liked so I asked her to please make it for us. She overheard us talking and me saying "go to daddy", etc. She turns around and says "I'm a good Christian lady and I don't believe it whatever it is your doing young man, you need to go on before I call the cops" (this was to my husband). He was completely blown away and said "what do you mean" she goes "she's still a baby herself and you have her in bondage having your children!". I started laughing because I just had a weird picture in my mind of my husband tying me to a chair going "YES! You ARE having my babies!" LOL :lol: Anyways, we explained that I was old enough and we were married, etc. and she goes "sir, I'm so sorry but she looks 12 and I thought my goodness she's my granddaughters age". I think the lady was a little blind because I don't think I look 12 but I am pretty short (5'4") and unfortunately too skinny (98-102 lbs., depending on the day ;)). I just had to share that because it had me rolling that day!


I look young for my age too and I also have one of these stories, but not quite so bad. My mom took me shopping for maternity clothes near the end of my pregnancy with my oldest (so I was 21). At one point I mentioned that I was looking for some nicer shirts to wear while teaching my chem labs. Anyway, before we left the woman who was helping us confessed that she had at first felt sorry for us and thought I was the same age as her dd, age 16.

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Just turned 40, however:


**I have dc aged 9, 13, 14, and 16. The other day at the post office I was waiting in line and when I was called up I turned around and told my kiddos, "C'mon kids. Come with Mom". The clerk was astounded that they were all my kids because she said she thought I looked more in my 20's!!!!


**A few months ago some Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door. I answered and politely let them make their speech. When they were done I said kindly no thank you. She tried giving me a pamphlet and when I further declined she said, "Is your mother home?" ha ha ha ha


**2 years ago my 8th grade daughter had what looked like the beginnings of an ingrown toe-nail so I took her to our pediatricians (we've had this same doctor since '93). No make-up or anything. Hair in a ponytail wearing my reading glasses. After doc examined dd she turned to me and said, "Just tell her mom to soak her foot in some Epsom salt and warm water."


**About 4 years ago dh and I were greeting fellow churchgoers in our 3,000 member church on a Sunday morning. Dh is 10 years older. A very much looking grandpa type man came up and shook hands with dh and when they were done grandpa looks at me and says to dh, "So is this your daughter?"


**Some 5 years ago I took all the kiddos to dh's work at a large bank that dh had just begun working at. Some of his co-workers who hadn't met me yet thought I was my kids' big teen sister! Yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


***And for my favorite one: I went to Exxon about 2 years ago just for a soda that I was craving. There were dual registers so two lines had formed. When I got up to pay I was waiting on my cashier. The man next to me was buying cigarettes and beer but had placed his stuff more towards the middle of the counter to where you couldn't really tell if it was his or mine. When my cashier finally returned she saw the cigs & beer and said to me, "Do you have ID?" Yyyaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!! When I stopped laughing I just had to ask her how old she thought I was and she said I barely looked 20 but she wanted to be safe by carding me. And I was really 37 or 38 at the time!!



Sorry if I appear self-absorbed or on an arrogant love-fest! There was no way I was revealing my age in public without mentioning these incidents sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL




Libby in Texas :)

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Just turned 40, however:


**I have dc aged 9, 13, 14, and 16. The other day at the post office I was waiting in line and when I was called up I turned around and told my kiddos, "C'mon kids. Come with Mom". The clerk was astounded that they were all my kids because she said she thought I looked more in my 20's!!!!


**A few months ago some Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door. I answered and politely let them make their speech. When they were done I said kindly no thank you. She tried giving me a pamphlet and when I further declined she said, "Is your mother home?" ha ha ha ha


**2 years ago my 8th grade daughter had what looked like the beginnings of an ingrown toe-nail so I took her to our pediatricians (we've had this same doctor since '93). No make-up or anything. Hair in a ponytail wearing my reading glasses. After doc examined dd she turned to me and said, "Just tell her mom to soak her foot in some Epsom salt and warm water."


**About 4 years ago dh and I were greeting fellow churchgoers in our 3,000 member church on a Sunday morning. Dh is 10 years older. A very much looking grandpa type man came up and shook hands with dh and when they were done grandpa looks at me and says to dh, "So is this your daughter?"


**Some 5 years ago I took all the kiddos to dh's work at a large bank that dh had just begun working at. Some of his co-workers who hadn't met me yet thought I was my kids' big teen sister! Yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


***And for my favorite one: I went to Exxon about 2 years ago just for a soda that I was craving. There were dual registers so two lines had formed. When I got up to pay I was waiting on my cashier. The man next to me was buying cigarettes and beer but had placed his stuff more towards the middle of the counter to where you couldn't really tell if it was his or mine. When my cashier finally returned she saw the cigs & beer and said to me, "Do you have ID?" Yyyaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!! When I stopped laughing I just had to ask her how old she thought I was and she said I barely looked 20 but she wanted to be safe by carding me. And I was really 37 or 38 at the time!!



Sorry if I appear self-absorbed or on an arrogant love-fest! There was no way I was revealing my age in public without mentioning these incidents sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL




Libby in Texas :)



That's it then. I hate you.:tongue_smilie::lol::lol:

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Hey alilac, pretty please don't hate me!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this board!!!!!!!!!!!


Just get plenty of sleep, drink tons of water, splash freezing water on your face morning & night followed by any organic moisturizer, exercise, and stay from toxic people and you'll see!!!!!!!!!! Besides, most women are too hard on themselves so I'm sure you're more beautiful than you're willing to admit :).





Libby in Texas :)

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I'm 38. My age doesn't bother me. It's only the time elapsed since my birth, after all. (In fact, I tend to update my age when the year changes, rather than my birthday. It's easier to keep track. ;))



I tend to do that too. Then, come July when my birthday rolls around, I get confused. :confused:


I will (for sure!) be 36 in July.

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Hey alilac, pretty please don't hate me!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this board!!!!!!!!!!!


Just get plenty of sleep, drink tons of water, splash freezing water on your face morning & night followed by any organic moisturizer, exercise, and stay from toxic people and you'll see!!!!!!!!!! Besides, most women are too hard on themselves so I'm sure you're more beautiful than you're willing to admit :).





Libby in Texas :)


That would mean I'd have to admit I'm almost 50!:svengo:


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