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If money wasn't a factor, which Latin program(s) would you buy?

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To learn Latin yourself and also to start your kids on, which program(s) would you want to try?


My younger kids will start Latin this fall and will be 3rd, 2nd, and K. Ker is just tagging along so doesn't really factor in. But I want something the 3rd and 2nd grader can do and that I can figure out. 2nd grader is advanced and is doing school work a grade or two ahead so I don't think it will be a problem for her.


Anyway, I struggled through Latin Prep with oldest ds, I am seriously slow at this. Languages have never come easily to me but I'm determined to persevere and become fluent in Latin and Spanish eventually along with the kids.


I can't decide between Song School Latin, Prima Latina, or Lively Latin for the kids. I also can't decide if Latin for Teachers from Classical Academic Press would be helpful for me to go through myself or if I should get something like Cambridge or ?. Dh and I decided I should buy several programs if I need to in order to decide and find the right fit for us and I can just resell what I don't use later.


I know I've posted before about which Latin program to use, but please share your experience or opinion, I need major hand holding on this. Which program(s) would you get?

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This year I had a 3rd, 2nd, and Ker. My Ker sat in, but wasn't required to do anything.


We really enjoyed a combination of programs. Song School Latin, Latin's Not So Tough Level 1, and Minimus.


M-F: LNST, 1 page

MWF: Minimus (We did a 1/2 chapter per week, split up over 3 days.)

TR: SSL (1 lesson per week)

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AudreyTN-can you tell more about that combo? I've purchased Song School Latin. Do you think it is worth it to get the others and combine? What was the benefit and how do they mesh? thanks! (I had thought I'd finish Song School and then move to Prima Latina, keeping all of my kids together.)

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AudreyTN-can you tell more about that combo?


Well, I love SSL for the songs and "easiness" of the program. They kids thoroughly enjoyed it as well.


I really like LNST 1, because it goes through each letter/diphthong and sound. (I've never seen the other levels.)


Minimus is great for the stories and "extra" vocab.

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If money were no object, I would go with Latin for the New Millennium. Hands down. Trying to justify the purchase for next year, in fact.




I should add that I would get this for myself, and wish I had earlier. I did not have a terrific amount of success with Prima Latina with my boys, though I liked the idea. Minimus did not have the kind of teacher's manual that would make the program easy for a non-Latin person to teach. (And I think there's a market for that, so it's too bad Cambridge doesn't get that together!)

Edited by Nicole M
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To learn Latin yourself and also to start your kids on, which program(s) would you want to try?


My younger kids will start Latin this fall and will be 3rd, 2nd, and K. Ker is just tagging along so doesn't really factor in. But I want something the 3rd and 2nd grader can do and that I can figure out. 2nd grader is advanced and is doing school work a grade or two ahead so I don't think it will be a problem for her.


Anyway, I struggled through Latin Prep with oldest ds, I am seriously slow at this. Languages have never come easily to me but I'm determined to persevere and become fluent in Latin and Spanish eventually along with the kids.


I can't decide between Song School Latin, Prima Latina, or Lively Latin for the kids. I also can't decide if Latin for Teachers from Classical Academic Press would be helpful for me to go through myself or if I should get something like Cambridge or ?. Dh and I decided I should buy several programs if I need to in order to decide and find the right fit for us and I can just resell what I don't use later.


I know I've posted before about which Latin program to use, but please share your experience or opinion, I need major hand holding on this. Which program(s) would you get?


I'm enjoying Getting Started With Latin for me.


I'm coveting Minimus for my to-be 1st & 2nd graders.


I found Prima Latina to be dry, dull, and boring. Song School Latin is cute, but I think 1st (maybe 2nd grade) would be the upper end of the program (my older boys enjoy the songs enough, but it is young).

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You! Would you STOP linking that?!?! ;)


I'm sorry! I'm obsessed. I can't stop thinking about it.


And you! Your boys are too young, so just say "la la la I can't hear you!" until the middle school years. By then the publisher will have the next book out and I can start taunting you -- I mean, promoting it -- again.

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I'm sorry! I'm obsessed. I can't stop thinking about it.


And you! Your boys are too young, so just say "la la la I can't hear you!" until the middle school years. By then the publisher will have the next book out and I can start taunting you -- I mean, promoting it -- again.



Boys? I want it for me!!!! It's so...pretty and shiny and, uh, I mean it would be perfect for me to keep ahead of the boys with my own Latin studies.

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If money were no object, I would go with Latin for the New Millennium. Hands down. Trying to justify the purchase for next year, in fact.






Have you actually seen this? I'm thinking that it's secular and I'm wondering if it would work for a Charter (public) school. I tried to figure out what level it starts at....



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Have you actually seen this? I'm thinking that it's secular and I'm wondering if it would work for a Charter (public) school. I tried to figure out what level it starts at....




LNM is a secular, high school level textbook. You could pace it for a middle school course. It starts at the beginning! One thing I really like about it is that it is organized chronologically, which is to say that the reading material is presented along a timeline. While there isn't really a connected story (like Cambridge, Ecce, or Oxford) the unifying theme of the readings is the history of the Latin language. So you get to read extracts and adaptations of a lot of different Latin authors, who are presented along a timeline. The book starts by presenting you the very legendary beginnings of Rome (Romulus and Remus), then progresses to Plautus and Terence (early Latin comedic playwrights) then Cicero, then Vergil, and so on throughout the first 1000 years of the Latin language. The second book will include Later Latin and the Medieval and Renaissance period.

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Wow, this sounds great! I'll be interested to hear how people like it..... The charter school that I'm looking at for my daughter is modeling after another Charter that uses Wheelock's. For us, it doesn't matter much, as it will be her 5th year of Latin. (She'll be done with Henle I and hopefully starting Henle II??) But, she may start whatever they're doing, because we've been doing Ecclesiastical and they'll be using Classical. Anyone heard of Ecclesiastical in a Public Charter? Since it's closer to Spanish(right??) then it seems like it'd be possible....


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Well we use Prima Latina. I didn't start my girls with this until they were in 4th and 3rd grade respectively. They got more out of it at this age level then if i were to of started it with them when there where younger.

We're moving on to Latina Christiana 1 this year. My girls aren't 100% thrilled with the program. But its been working for them and I like the fact that they have a DVD option.

I've looked at Latin for Children too and am not sure if we'll give it a try or not. I don't care for the fact the chants go so fast on the DVD. If I could find a program that was a mixture of both PL and LFC I think I would be happy.


I do like Song School Latin. My 3rd will be using the workbook that goes along with it this year. Before hand we just sang the songs and my 5 and 2yr old really like that.Its an excellent program for little ones.


I like the looks of Lively Latin but its really pricey. As for myself. I don't know. I'm still learning along with my daughters. LOL.

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If money were no object, I would go with Latin for the New Millennium. Hands down. Trying to justify the purchase for next year, in fact.




I should add that I would get this for myself, and wish I had earlier. I did not have a terrific amount of success with Prima Latina with my boys, though I liked the idea. Minimus did not have the kind of teacher's manual that would make the program easy for a non-Latin person to teach. (And I think there's a market for that, so it's too bad Cambridge doesn't get that together!)




Ohhhh no. That looks nice! I think I'm developing an addiction to Latin curricula. :001_huh:

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Although it isn't expensive, I would choose The Great Latin Adventure by Katharine Birkett (www.classicallegacypress.com) because it is such a quality program and perfect for the mom who hasn't had any Latin! I had a great time beginning each of my children in Latin with this material and it well-prepared them to continue on with higher level Latin programs. Go to the website for a fuller description, sample pages, and testimonials.

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Although it isn't expensive, I would choose The Great Latin Adventure by Katharine Birkett (www.classicallegacypress.com) because it is such a quality program and perfect for the mom who hasn't had any Latin! I had a great time beginning each of my children in Latin with this material and it well-prepared them to continue on with higher level Latin programs. Go to the website for a fuller description, sample pages, and testimonials.


This is good to hear, as I purchased it yesterday! It looked great, and the price was right. :)

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