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No good way to title this post, except maybe Ugh..

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So since the doc couldn't say whether baby had chicken pox, 2yo has gotten into an ant bed (bad enough to have to strip her down), been stung by a bee, found out my great-aunt is in ICU dying, picked baby up & realized (only after I'd set him back down somewhere else) that he was covered in runny poop (& now so was I), ds8 cut his foot taking out the garbage, I missed LOST, we're moving in the near future (AGAIN), & other crises too big to list.


I'm sitting here...not knowing what to do. School? House? Errands? Where to begin, where to wait? How many movies is too many for these kids? How much chocolate is too much chocolate for me? Important questions, these.

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Hmmm....were it me, I'd (after the nervous breakdown) give baths all around, bandaid/calamine where needed, make popcorn, sit, eat and read aloud. That way you've tended to medical needs, cleaned (hey, baths are cleaning!), had lunch:D, and done school.


:grouphug: Hope things calm down soon.


Oh - and no such thing as too much chocolate!

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:grouphug:Can't help with most of those problems...BUT.....





You can watch missed episodes of LOST online, for free. http://watchlostonlinefree.com/


Ok, so it doesn't solve much in your list, but I also highly recommend copious amounts of chocolate while you watch.


That's what we usually do. Life has to be HARD to miss LOST. Because...it's not a scheduling issue, kwim?

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I'm sitting here...not knowing what to do. School? House? Errands? Where to begin, where to wait? How many movies is too many for these kids? How much chocolate is too much chocolate for me? Important questions, these.


Never too much chocolate.


Sometimes, movies are needed for the kids.


Watch LOST online.


THEN, after more chocolate. PIck something else to dig into...



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The one that struck me the most (other than missing Lost - gasp!) was the moving....why are you moving again???? I'm so sorry for that one - that is just too much too soon!

:iagree: Seriously?! Didn't you just move?! Well, that's not very helpful, is it...

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Well, from what I know of your posts, I think you are great. So if you aren't misrepresenting yourself, take that as a pat on the back.


(Someone complimenting me always lifts my mood.)


I recommend cherry cordials soaked in copious amounts of brandy. Or just the brandy if you aren't going to insist on chocolate.:tongue_smilie:

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The one that struck me the most (other than missing Lost - gasp!) was the moving....why are you moving again???? I'm so sorry for that one - that is just too much too soon!


:iagree: I would be :willy_nilly: at the prospect of moving again, if I were you. Where/why are you moving?

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