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Susan C.

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Everything posted by Susan C.

  1. Adolescence isn't Terminal, Keven Leman More of the nitty gritty.....
  2. The biggest thing I didn't like about it is it is only one pass at algebra. I feel very strongly that most kids need two passes at algebra. The traditional Algebra 1 is like algebra "lite" teaching the concepts with easier problems. Then you break away for a year to do geometry, then come back for a harder algebra (Algebra 2) that gets you ready for precalculus and beyond. We did Video Text with my son, he didn't even finish the third pack.....then went to the curriculum fair, and found out we needed Algebra 1 to do his next science, and we had only done half.... had to beef him up with borrowed Chalkdust Algebra 1 over the summer. I think the only way I would consider Video Text is with an older or math bright student that can get through it all in close to one school year AND retain it. Even then, I didn't appreciate the uneven timing of tests, and the length of them (70 questions). And the lack of a review (didn't like the quizzes every day).
  3. Teaching Textbooks does put a lot of Algebra 2 topics into their Precalculus. Check the table of contents of both books on their website, that will help you.
  4. OK, you definitely have a writer there!!! Cute!
  5. Both of my kids really like Apologia, it is conversational, like reading a great lecture. Both kids have done General and Physical, my daughter starts the biology this next year. My son did the biology, chemistry and physics as well. In physics we did and tested through Ch. 11, the only way I could get him to do Ch. 12 was to not test it, it was getting hard at that point. (and Chemistry was a harder year). It is interesting that people think Apologia is light...I have always thought it was pretty rigorous...but I haven't looked at secular texts, just those at the book conventions. My kids both like science, but do get weak in the knees when it gets hard. My husband is an artist, my dad was an engineer, it is interesting how the gene pool mixes!
  6. Christina, I did Apologia General Science with both of my kids in 7th grade. They both really liked it.
  7. Jane, Do you have any idea how your Conceptual Physics compares to Apologia's Physics? I can start a new thread if that is necessary! I am interested in other physics options.
  8. We are weather fanatics at our house too and love the Weather Channel. My son, who is a freshman in college, thought he was interested in meteorology as well. I did a little research on it. It is a math/science profession, so Calculus and the higher sciences would be in her future. We did BJU Earth Science in high school to test the waters for it, also did biology, chemistry, and physics. Some colleges have you major in one of the sciences and master in meteorology. And of course, if she wants to be on the weather channel, broadcasting wouldn't hurt :)
  9. Jean, All of us computer challenged people thank you! Susan
  10. I don't mind a Christian text unless it is overdone.... (how do I define that??) And wouldn't mind a secular if it isn't slanted against my Christian beliefs. I don't like A Beka history, I don't mind most of BJU. I like Vol. 1 (not 2) of Streams of Civilization. I really liked Joy Hakim's History of US. The few things I disagreed with her on were obvious and made good discussions. I liked Story of the World. I guess I would define what I want is accurate even handed history, not "sugar coated," presenting people as they really were and events how they happened without a lot of "slant." I prefer Bible study and history to be separate things as well, unless it is a part of history that covers Christian things. If we did Notgrass, I would probably just use the text and what goes with that for history. I have A Beka World Lit. already, and like that text.
  11. Now I am confused, is this for SAT test? Then the SAT review dvds are very good. My son did Chalkdust Algebra 2, it was hard, and he got lost in it. I called the credit "intermediate algebra" and redid Algebra 2 the next year. Teaching Textbooks is an easier Algebra 2, if you have more high school to do, that might work. (We did BJU Algebra 2 and really liked it, but it is expensive to rent the dvds). My son got his best math SAT score right after BJU Algebra 2 (then the score went way down the next year....).
  12. I don't think SAT math review would be good for this..... it is just for testing, I watched some, and it wasn't quite like a review would be, others can weigh in though. I have a friend that is more artsy, and she did remedial math at college, and the teacher was exactly what she needed, and she did fine with math after that. You definitely want your daughter to be able to take the lowest levels of math she can so she doesn't get into the hard stuff since math isn't her thing! If it isn't too expensive, maybe she can do the remedial math at college this summer?
  13. We are finished too, hooray, another vote for Notgrass, are you doing the entire program, or just the history? Thanks, Susan
  14. Cynthia, I just notice your subhead suggesting Notgrass, thanks, it looks like a lot of people like this program. Can you do just the history, we already have a lit book. Thanks again, Susan
  15. Jean, I think I have the software to look at it, but don't know:001_huh: Does it include Teaching Co. dvd suggestions? If so, I will get someone to help me with the spreadsheet. I am getting better at this, but it hasn't been that long since we replaced our very old computer. Thank you! Susan
  16. OK, Jean put it below, hooray! Is middle ages audio, or dvd? You, I, and my daughter have trouble with audio only! I have 2 votes for Foundations of Western Civ. unless both of them are you :) Our library only has audio Teaching Co. :( Any idea how HO compares to Notgrass, I've seen many recommendations for that as well. Thank you for writing! Susan
  17. My son went straight to Apologia Biology w/o Life Science with no trouble. And about to do Apologia Biology with my daughter who hasn't had Life Science either. Some publishers don't do a full year of Life Science.
  18. Thanks! How readable is HO? She would be alright with lectures as long as she can see a face, do you have any Teaching Co. ones that you like? I do like Streams Vol. 1, but Vol 2, not, took it back! So if we do Vol. 1, we need something to finish with.
  19. I used Saxon 54, 65, and 76 for my son. He never mastered math in those years, never enough problems to master a concept when presented. And the constant changing of topics, and no sequential order was too much!
  20. Apologia has a Marine Science (that requires biology before taking), can you get that and have her do what she didn't do in the one semester? That is a lot of harder science, our 4th science credit was physical science in 9th grade.
  21. Same thing going on over here. But, I've found if teens sleep in, then of course, they can't go to bed early (not even 12 hours after they wake up). They will both get up for food, haha. My son in mid high school put himself on an early am, bed around 10 schedule. My daughter has been a sleep nightmare since in womb..... but the best solution is to make sure she doesn't sleep too late and gets plenty of activity during the day. At 15, she has started to set an alarm to get up around 9, and likes that (she has friends that stay up all night during the summer and get up at 3-4pm). Most/all of her friends are on facebook at 1am through the entire year..... I guess their parents are in bed?? I don't go to bed until everyone is "tucked in." Both of my teens are horrible grouches if they oversleep! I do let them rest if really tired, and get them up if just being lazy :)
  22. There are a lot of people here that use Chalkdust.....maybe you can start a thread here and get the information you are looking for, I am using CD Geometry and people posted some great ideas already!
  23. At my son's college, they offer both calculus and non calculus physics, the later says no physics is necessary to take it. But most kids here have to take it in high school...... I am dreading physics take 2 with my DD, it was hard. I don't think I would want to take physics for the first time in college, though, it moves very fast, and with no exposure, that would be tough.
  24. Hi, I only have one year to do World History with my 10th grade daughter. She is a good student, but not the fastest reader on the planet. She has expressed interest in having some interesting dvds to watch as well (I don't think audio only would work well for her). I own Streams of Civilization Vol. 1 (didn't like Vol.2), and can borrow BJU World History as well. My son did streams, then went to BJU where streams left off. Requirements would be not too high up in vocabulary (a few words ok, but too many she will get bogged down looking them up). Also, readable, not too "textbooky." She loved Story of the World in middle school, read Vol. 1-3 in 7th grade. I would like to consider other history book options, and have recommendations for dvds as well. Thanks!
  25. I was allowed to give 2 years of credit for the old Rosetta Stone Level 1. Yes, not much grammar. So, my kids can just start at the beginning again in college. And, who would want to go straight into intermediate anyway? We can't use Tell Me More because it doesn't run on a MAC.
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