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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. I know you and your family will be such a blessing to this young man! :001_smile:
  2. I was in a theatre class at college. The professor turned on the TV and classmates started arguing. I felt such an uneasy feeling and a sense of being unsafe for a long while.
  3. Praying for him and your family! I hope this nightmare will be over soon. Your son sounds like a wonderful young man! :grouphug::grouphug:
  4. Pam, I just wanted to post that I am thinking of you and praying for you. You are such an amazing woman. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. Here is a photo of me in my dress from 2002. All of you look stunning in your wedding gowns. Susan
  6. Thank you for everyone who posted and messaged me, it is so great to have a wonderful group of women to turn too for advice and friendship. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.
  7. Pam, I am praying for you and the baby! I am so sorry, You are such an amazing and strong person! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  8. I am so sorry! Please take care of yourself. I had a molar pregnancy this year. I had my DNC in April and I am still grieving. I will pray for you. Thanks Susan
  9. I am reading the book Raising Real Men by Hal and Melanie Young their book is wonderful and it gave me alot of perspective. They are a wonderful family. You can check out their website at http://www.raisingrealmen.com/ .
  10. One of my really good friends called me to tell me she is pregnant today! I am happy for her but I am grieving my losses. I have had a molar pregnancy this year and my grandma who is like a mother to me died less than 2 months ago. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. She is coming to stay this weekend. I am trying to be cheerful and in a good mood but all I want to do is cry. I know everything is in Gods timing but I can't help but feel want for another child and sadness. I have asked God to take away my want for another child if I am not suppose to have another child but my hopes and desire for another child is still here for over a year. We started trying last fall got pregnant in February of this year and that’s when I had the molar pregnancy. I am really leaning toward adoption but my husband is not so much, because he feels his family wouldn't treat a child we adopted as the same. So my question is how can I be a good friend and should I feel sad or am I just being selfish? My husband wants to keep trying but I can't keep taking the heart break the ups and downs and the highs and lows of trying to conceive. I am trying to leave it in Gods hands but I am such a micromanager and it sucks that I have NO control over my body. Please pray for me and give me honest advice.
  11. When my third child was born. I gave my older two children who were 4 and 2 at the time, a present from the new baby. This seemed to help them feel better and not feel so left out. My mother got my a baby and a stroller and she showed me how to take care of my "baby" that made me feel better when my brother was born. You can show her how to be gentle and explain although you have a new baby you still love her and that will never change. You can get some great books at the library to prepare children for new siblings. Hope this helps. I have been there so I completely understand.
  12. I have had a couple of people recommend the ESV childrens Bible. I was wondering if anyone has used this with their children and what you would recommend. I am looking for a Childrens Bible that has easy of use and understand. If you could please include links to what Bible your children have and or any other thought. Thanks Susan
  13. Thank you for all of the suggestions. I did 45 mintues on my Gazelle and I actually have 2 points left out of my 25 points today. :001_smile:
  14. I have another question. I just joined WW today. Is the Smart Ones Frozen meals ok as far the amount of sodium. I have tasted one of the meals today and I can say that it did taste good. I am also going to be eating Progresso Soup for lunch with the WW point values on the can. I felt so ashamed when I weighted in today. I am the same size I was back in 2007 when I was six months pregnant with my 3rd child. I am tired of being embrassed and I don't want to be in any of my family photos. Please pray for me. I will be praying for all of you too. I am doing a big lifestyle change and it is going to take some adjustment. Thanks Susan
  15. I need to lose 30 to 40 pounds within 3 months. Is this goal really feasible? I am thinking of doing Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem what are the pros and cons good and bad. What about the Body Bugg? I just started the biggest loser on the Wii. I would love a virtual workout or weight loss buddy so we can keep each other accountable. Please share any tips or ideas you have. I am desperate to jump start my weight loss. I drink lots of water every day. Anything you can think of please share. I tend to carry weight in my hips, arms, and buttock area if that matters. Thanks in advance. Susan
  16. I just lost my grandmother and it makes me feel better when people ask how I am doing and check in with me. I think that is just her way of coping with grief. I would let her do what she needs to do.
  17. You could contact people or companies who do remodeling projects and see if you can pick up any cabinets they are going to throw away. You can also contact local bulider's and ask them. Good luck!
  18. Congrats, Babies are such a blessing! I am so excited for you and your family! :001_smile:
  19. I am having a hard time figuring out what additional books and resource are need to go with The Story of the World Volume 1. Would someone please
  20. I am doing Artistic Pursuits and Discovering Great Artists. Where do I buy art supplies what brands are good. At the NCHE homeschool convention they had a paper company( they go to all the homeschool conference) that sold art supplies at a great price does anyone remember that company? I know you can get the art kit from Artistic Pursuits by it is seems pricey for what you get. Thanks Susan
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