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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. I bought a plastic file folder tote for about four dollars at Walmart, then you can buy some hanging file folders, and some manila folders and label them by what the drawing are for example Animals, Cars, and so on. I hope this helps. I use this for my school work.
  2. In NC we are required to name our homeschool when we send in our letter of intent. Some people I know name their school after their family for ex Smith Academy, I know another family who uses Rock Solid Christitan Academy. You could also make a statement of faith and name your school after that.
  3. I love my Calphalon pots, I have the stainless steel set and they are beyond awesome. I have the exact same pots but I got them at TJ Maxx they cost between $35 and $60 each depending on what size you get. Mine have held up for years. http://www.calphalon.com/Category/pages/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=LR87032&CategoryID=Cookware(CalphalonVirtualCatalog)&SubcategoryID=SaucepansSauciers(CalphalonVirtualCatalog)
  4. Girls say such cute things! My daughter who is the oldest will boss her brothers around when I am out of the room.
  5. The last two movies we've seen in theatres with them have been Cars and UP. My son loved UP, we went to the theatre last summer to see it, and he says that is his favorite movie ever. He loves Cars but he was to little to go to the theatre when it came out.
  6. It takes 45 min to an hour for church on Sunday, and then Wednesday and if my kids wanted to do Upwards Cheerleading or Sports that would put us on the road more. My daughter does Ballet, Tap, Clogging, and Horseback riding at a local school where we live. My son also does Horseback riding but there are no other activities for my son such as Karate. He wants to particpate in sports. We do soccer in the fall and spring but that is about 40 mintues away. I just wish we had more family friendly groups and activities in the county we live in.
  7. We would be interested. We are starting Geography this fall doing Galloping the Globe. I live in NC. I will email you my address and you can email me yours. This is a great idea. Thanks Susan
  8. I was just wondering who is going to see the new Toy Story 3 coming out this week? My kids are so excited!
  9. This would be more like a family movie but Toy Story 3 looks really good. The trailers for the videos are on You Tube.
  10. Another reason we are looking at is the cost of heating this house it is a brick ranch that will be 60 years old this year. We have done lots of improvements to this house hardwood and tile floor throughout the home, new insulation, painting, wood blinds, and new fixtures all throughout. So I feel like we have made this our home and I love it except the closets and the location. It is 2800 square feet with a sunroom that adds on an additional 200 sq ft. We have a 1000 gallon LP gas tank that we filled up twice last year to heat this home. I think it will even out if we buy a new home that is closer because of the amount we pay to heat this home, not including the light bill and other utilities’.
  11. I graduated from high school ten years ago. If anybody would have told me that I would be married for almost 8 years have three kids after suffering from stage 4 endometriosis and infertility. I would have laughed. My doctor told me the day my daughter was born that he thought I would never get here. I would also be shocked if they told me I would homeschool. I have finished my Associates degree but I really want to get my bachelors degree just to have it. I plan on homeschooling all the way through. For today we are doing a little school work and we will go play outside.
  12. I am sure you will have a blast. Most of the girls I know who are homeschooled including my daughter love homeschooling. My daughter sometimes asks for more worksheets. I was really nervous at first, then I just dived in and enjoyed myself.
  13. I have started using OPI polish and this works great my polish will last a month without chipping.
  14. We currently have three children but we would love to have one more. We would have to get a least a three bedroom if we moved. My boys would share a room and my daughter would have her own room. My daughter Carrington is 6, Jackson 5, and Carson is 2.
  15. We live about 45 minutes to an hour from our church, my sons OT/ Speech Therapy, friends, activities and so much more. We live farther out because my husband grew up in this area and he loves it, I really don't. We don't have a decent library system. The nearest pediatricians are 45 minutes away. We are looking at and talking about moving. We would have to get a much smaller house. We currently have 4 bedrooms with a bonus room that could be 5 bedrooms for what we would have to pay for a 2 bedroom where we are looking at moving. This is our options live here a little while longer and save up the money to get a bigger home. We could move right away and get a smaller home, so I wouldn't have the drive. The drive in traffic is exhausting to me. I have to say no to alot of great free activities for the kids because the drive is just too much. The kids don't have many friends here other than the local dance class or horseback riding because there is not alot of kids around to play with. I want the kids to start developing friendships with kids that live near us. I have put over 160,000 miles on our 4 year old car because we are always on the go. Any recommendation or advice would be great. I welcome moving to a smaller house and get rid of things my husband not so much
  16. Thanks for all the post and comments, it is great to have such a wonderful group who is so caring. One of the worst parts for me is the dreams; I dream that I deliver a stillborn. I am so afraid of loss again but I really don't feel my family is complete. From everything I have looked up the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology says to wait six months, if your levels drop to below zero in six weeks from D&C you can wait three months. I plan on waiting six months, and we are using methods to make sure we don't conceive but I can't find any evidence to validate waiting more than six months.
  17. I am having a hard time attending my small group at church because most of the moms are pregnant. I recently had a molar pregnancy. I was told I should wait a year before trying to get pregnant again. I am truly happy for everyone and their pregnancies. I have gotten them gifts and have been supportive. I still feel a lump in my throat and stomach when I see babies and get emotional. I was wondering how long this last and does anyone have any recommendations. I have read books, talked with God even asking him to take away my want for another child until I can concieve again. I have heard many different time periods for trying again with a molar pregnancy some say 6 months and some 12 months. What is the norm. Thanks Susan
  18. We are going to the Bahamas on a cruise in November would someone please tell me how much passports are and how to go about applying for them? Thanks Susan
  19. I did three ten mintues sessions this is what I got done. I clean the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher from dishes that were in the sink, put a load of laundry in the washing machine, pick up toys in the classroom, organized some books, fed the chickens and the dogs, and change the baby chicks newspaper and gave them more food and water. Off to see what else I can do will post back later.
  20. I am in let's see what I can get done today. I will report back in a little while. Susan
  21. Tina, You are doing a wonderful thing opening your home up to those children who need someone in their lives to show them attention and love. I know you will make a difference in their lives. I volunteered with a pal to pal program when I was in high school. It made such a difference in those young kids lives to have someone show them love and attention.
  22. I know you must be feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of you. That was a really sweet note from your daughter. You should be really proud to have a daughter that is so thoughtful.
  23. We had group projects in high school where the whole group got one grade. We raised questions with the teacher about students who didn't do their part, they said that we would could make them through peer pressure or do the work ourselves. This was totally unfair for the students who did all the work and the others who got the same grade.
  24. My daughter is senstive and tags sometimes bother her. She loves the GK Elite brand for leotards, the fabric is soft and the seems aren't itchy to her,
  25. You could put slips of paper in the boredom jar with things they can do. Whatever they draw out of the jar they can then do. You could put ideas in the jar such as make a collage, paint a picture, read a book, draw a picture, play with modeling clay, put a puzzle together, write a short story, and so on. You could keep a plastic tote with items that go with the boredom jar so that have easy access to get whatever items that correlates with the activity they picked out of the jar. I have seen people label ziplock bags with different activities or have a shelf for the boredom jar and activities. I hope this helps and gives you a few ideas.
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