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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. We are planning a trip to Colonial Williamsburg I have never been so what are the must sees and dos. My children are 6, 5, and 2. Thanks Susan:001_smile:
  2. They currently have promotions where you get an extra year of points which is a good promotion and you get a discount on the price of points. I think it is a good deal because you get 50 years worth of vacations. We lov We go to Disney once a year and we use to stay in a small cramped room but we can now stay in a large 2 bedroom suite and save money by doing the cooking ourselves.
  3. Hi, I am in college taking online classes to finish up my degree. I am set to graduate this spring. I only need two classes to graduate but I am taking four because I got an academic achievement scholarship and had to go full time. I am a good student and a hard worker. I have one teacher I will call her Jane who won't respond to me when I asked for more help or explain. She says if you don't understand maybe you should drop the class. I just need an explanation of why you do something for example in the math problem. This is my current problem. I was unable to access the schools website computer server problems with passwords. I contact web support on Monday at the school via phone and emailed them. They didn't get the problem fixed till Tuesday. I contacted the teacher Monday about the problem and asked her to let me know her email adddress so I could email her my work directly. I didn't get a response till Tuesday after the assignment was due for her email address. I submit my assignment Tuesday and she took off ten point changing my grade from a 94 to 84 which affects my final letter grade this counts 20% of my grade. This won't affect my scholarship for academic achievement since it is my last semester. I just thought teachers are suppose to be understanding and build someone up not tear them down. I am at a loss. I feel like if I report this to the dean which I was advised to do by someone else who works at the college that she will take it out on me. Please tell me what I should do. Thanks Susan :confused:
  4. We just bought into the Animal Kingdom thats why I was asking. We always stayed at the Value Resorts last two times we went but we decided it was a worth while investment since we go to Disney once a year. Does anyone have any suggestions for the animal kingdom. We are booking our next vacation for January 2011 in a couple of days. :001_smile:Thanks Susan
  5. Can you tell me what you like and don't like about it. Thanks Susan :001_smile:
  6. Hi, Before I had my third child I was a Broker with Re/Max. Less is more. I would recommend packing up anything you don't really need. I would store any books, clothes, large furniture anything that you didn't really need in storage. This will make your house seem bigger. You could put a nice tablecloth on your dinning room table and set the table with china. Some fresh paint, and plants in the house will do wonders. When I held an open house I played soft music and and lit apple scented candles in the kitchen for a nice homemade smell. :001_smile:
  7. If you use this program could you please tell if you like it or not and how it has helped you children. Would you recommend it? Thanks Susan :001_smile:
  8. I need a good science curriculum recommendation. My kids have gotten bored with BJU. If you have a science program you like and love tell me why and what you like? Thank you for all of your help and input. Susan
  9. Hi, I wish I could save it but I have taken up two closets that I can't even put my kids shoes in because the totes are stack on top of each other. I like your idea Rosie if I had the space I would really love to do that. :001_smile: Can anyone tell me the best way to get started or what I need to get. I have taken a sewing classes and have sewed a few things. I was thinking of a crazy quilt pattern since the piece would be different sizes. I am going to a quilting store next week, to get supplies.
  10. We also do the HWT my son Jackson loves it. He just turned five and he loves Mat man, and singing the songs. This program really got him excitied about handwriting. I just love this program and can't say enough good things about it. Susan:001_smile:
  11. Hi, I am interested also, about sales. Does Abeka ever do a sell. Thanks Susan
  12. We are doing a culture fair with our Homeschool group. We were going to do a presentation on Culture and the Aztec please share any recipes or ideas. I am doing a trifold brochure and a tri-fold display. :001_smile:
  13. Have they made the schedule for the speakers I looked and I still can't seem to find it. Thanks Susan:001_smile:
  14. Hi, I have a daughter who will be seven, a son who is five, and another son who will be three. I am looking for anything educational books, curriculum, anything that you think added value to your life or homeschool life. Susan
  15. Has anyone used the Hovabator incubator 1620 N? What is the average price for this model with the egg turner. Thanks For all the recommendations I am going to check some out on the website today. Susan
  16. I am looking to get some information on the best educational products to purchase. I am looking for info on educational games, books, resources and more. Thanks in advance. Susan:001_smile:
  17. Hi, I am looking to buy a Microscope and an incubator could anyone tell me what they use and why they like if. If you have bought one that you didn't like please post so I can know what to stay away from. I am going to get some chick eggs and do a unit for science. :001_smile: Thanks Susan
  18. It has been a while since I have done this. Could anyone tell me if I did this right. Thanks Susan Five less than the product of four and x is equal to the product of three and the sum of x and one. 4x-5 = 3(x+1)
  19. I will say a prayer for her tonight. She is such a strong and amazing person.
  20. In the past decade I have Graduated from Highschool 2000 Drop out of college to open my own business Open an Antique Shop in Warrenton NC Met my husband Got engaged Got married Decided to sell my Antique shop so we could have kids, and I could be a stay at home mom. Had three children. (Even thought the doctors told me I would probably never get pregnant after surgery and six months of Lupron shots. I have endometriosis.) Managed a large Antique Shop after I sold mine. Got my Real Estate License. Sold houses. My father got sick and lived with us for two years he has dementia. I then had to place him in an assisted living facility. I have lost some dear pets some who I have had since I was a Child. I lost my dad's father. I have learned to do alot of things for myself. I started my 1st year of homeschooling Carrington 6, and Jackson 4. My husband and I took our three children to Disney World twice. I have become my grandmothers Guardian. I am working on reading the Bible more and my relationship with God. We can all things through him. I am finishing my degree and I will graduate May 2010 :001_smile: !
  21. That was a great gift, she sounds like me I do my Christmas shopping early. You will have a sweet reminder of her when you get your magazine every month.
  22. I would keep the Duplo blocks. My two boys loved their Duplo blocks and so does my daughter. They love to play and build for hours and hours. :001_smile:
  23. You did such a wonderful things. I know her family will treasure those photos for years and years to come. I have heard of a local group who actually goes in and volunteers and does photo shoots for terminally ill children in the hospital so their families can have photos and memories. You photos are a gorgeous the Lord has blessed you with a wonderful talent. When I hear of stories of young children that are sick it reminds me to be thankful for my health, my husband, my children and extended families health. Susan :001_smile:
  24. I was wondering if this is a worthwhile subscription. If so can you tell me why, and what have you learned from it. Does it have inspiring ideas? They currently have a deal for a one year subscription for $7.95. I just want to spend my money wisely even thought it is only $7.95 so please give me your thoughts. Thanks so much! Susan :001_smile:
  25. I read the book Marley and Me, and my husband bought me the movie the day it came out. I thought this was a cute movie.:001_smile:
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