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Everything posted by busymama7

  1. Maps/navigation is a huge bonus. I don't always know I will need to go somewhere before I leave home and on a trip it is amazingly helpful. I also use it for googling info and stuff while out. I don't actually "play" much on my phone but it does make my life easier.
  2. I had the same reaction when I went to see phantom live. There was a small pit orchestra but a lot of the music was synthesized. I was annoyed. Really really annoyed. I wanted live music. It just sounds different. But I dislike most synthesized music and could be in the minority.
  3. A bit confused here but what if we have two older iPhones 4 and 4s that still work fine and are out of contract at Verizon. I'm sick of the high fees and almost want to give up even having a smart phone but I love having it :/
  4. I love my grandmas yam casserole. No marshmallows in sight :) Layer 9x13 glass dish with pineapple rings. Save juice. Slice (cooked and peeled) yams thickly and layer over pineapple. Too with about 3 T flour sprinkled and 1/4 c brown sugar and dots of butter. Pour pineapple juice over and top with chopped walnuts. Bake until bubbly and hot and thickened. If there are enough yams for two layers out flour sugar and butter between the layers. It's not an exact recipe but more like a method :) so yummy. You get sweet with the pineapple and bit of brown sugar but not the sickly sweet of marshmallows. Eta: I bet 1/4 c sugar is a high estimate. Just sprinkle it over.
  5. One two hour nap doesn't seem like enough daytime sleep. It wouldn't have been for my kids. And my kids slept better the more sleep they got so maybe adding in another daytime nap and also a bit earlier bed time might help. We do the daddy take over thing here too but usually more like 12-15 months. Might be a bit harder at 9 months.
  6. Even on tile? Or outside on the cement? My only beef with the mason jar is the car cup holder issue. I would love one that fit in the car for when I leave. But then again a quart is rarely enough as it is. I'm a huge water drinker myself and often end up sharing too so I don't love the idea of a smaller size.
  7. I love the glass water bottle linked above but I am WAY too clumsy to carry around a $15 glass bottle :) I think if you buy them new the jars are $.75. And I don't usually drink from the rims. I use a stainless steel straw. Although to be honest drinking with the threading there doesn't bother me at all. I just like straws.
  8. I drink out of mason jars because water tastes better in glass. I have a hole in the lid with a gasket and a stainless steel straw and I love it :) they do break of course but are cheap enough to replace. Messy to clean up the mess but I still can't go back. I love the taste of my water and the heavy feel of the glass too.
  9. It is sad :( but I just can't figure out why the health care workers are not put into quarantine before coming home? They are the most likely to contract it so why not use caution and keep thrum isolated for 3-4 weeks. I know it would suck but spreading the disease in the US would suck more.
  10. My husband keeps a ceramic mug at work for heating leftovers from home. We still store in plastic but he doesn't reheat in the plastic at least. You could keep a mug bowl and plate at work for heating and transport in plastic although that is not ideal.
  11. Thank you for the insight on nursing and no s. I do know that technically it doesnt require that many more calories but my reality is that I am actually hungry and if I try to ignore it I end getting very lightheaded etc. A few babies ago I did weight watchers and in three months only lost 4-5 lbs and I was starving and miserable Every. Single. Day. I gave up because I was so sick of forcing myself not to eat and feeling so awful. And I wasn't even losing. I am attempting a lower carb/carb conscious/low glycemic food plan which does help me feel better especially not as hungry when I get enough protein and fat. But I find it hard while feeding a large family as many of our meals are carb based so I was wondering about something else. I am pretty sure my issue is more complicated that calories in/out. I have some hormonal issues and possible thyroid issues as well. But I'm so tired of not being able to lose :( and thinking I just need to eat less. But I'm so hungry :(. I am a grazer though and I know that's bad. I might be able to take that baby step and get rid of that bad habit. If I eat two eggs with cheese for breakfast I am good for hours and don't feel hungry. If I eat a carb based breakfast I want to chew my own arm off within an hour even if the calories are similar.
  12. LOL! We have had this issue too as a couple of mine have gone to school for band only.
  13. Those of you who have been doing this for awhile and have been around the forums and such, what about nursing moms? Are the rules any different? Are you seeing posts of moms who are able to follow it and not starve? I have a 9 week old and always struggle with extreme hunger while nursing and usually gain weight.
  14. Haha I get it :) if I didn't hate pregnancy so much I might say the same. I did want to offer some encouragement though. I had my 10th in august and had a very easy delivery. Numbers 8 and 9 were so bad I had some post traumatic stress going on. :( I really was terrified to give birth again. I did some serious relaxation practice/hypno birth and I have no doubt it is what made the difference. We were amazed at how easy it was for me which was a huge blessing. All other factors were the same. Home water birth, same size baby, close to same gestation, same midwife etc. I have always said the same thing. That once you've done it so many times you lose the benefit of amnesia.
  15. This makes me mad. My dr(family as I had a mw for a home birth) wouldn't order a thyroid test on me at about 7 weeks pp when I asked because she said it was too soon and wouldn't be accurate anyways. I think she's wrong and did at the time but was tired of pushing(was in for something else) I am 37 and nursing my 9th nursing. She is 8 weeks and gaining but a lot slower than my others have. Wih my first 5 I easily could have fed triplets my supply was so high. I think now it is lower but still adaquate. I'm nervous though as I did have issues around 9-11 months with my last one. Then I got pregnant anyways and weaned at about 16.
  16. I just wanted to say that I get it. I had three epidural births and then 6 home births. My 6th home birth was horribly painful and rather traumatic. I was considering the hospital this last time so I could have the epidural but for other reasons opted not to and stay home. I did guided relaxation/hypnosis and practiced daily. I had to force myself to because like you I just didn't have it in me. But it worked and I had an easy peasy birth. Nearly pain free :) I'm really glad I did it.
  17. My memory isn't great but I do remember trying that plan and I don't think they are that close. Maybe somewhat. I didn't stick with it though obviously. ;)
  18. It's funny how different people see things. I mean yes there are some rules but I find it the simplest of anything I've looked at. Don't skip meals. Eat ether carbs or fats not both. Easy to just tweak what you normally eat. I don't use their recipes hardly at all.
  19. I loved lark rise to candleford as well. Sad it was so short. Right now I'm watching heartland and loving it. Some of my teens are watching with me. Nothing inappropriate for younger IMO but not likely they would like it.
  20. I think it is the most doable long term plan of anything else I have seen. Your meals are either low fat like was promoted for years or low carb-high fat like is all the rage now. All meals centered on protein and no sugar or anything that spikes your blood sugar. I think it is incredibly simple. Don't mix carbs and fats. That's it. And only for wight loss. Once at goal weight you can. I have not however lost much weight on it but I just had a baby. I do have way way more energy then ever before since I started having kids and had my best pregnancy ever (my 10th) I think I have been chronically nutrient deficient even though I was trying to eat whole foods and healthy. My sister has lost a bunch of weight and is keeping it off. I think there are some hormonal problems with me or thyroid stuff making it hard. Some people don't lose right away because their bodies need to heal first or they really aren't eating enough because they are used to calorie restrictions and can't wrap their brain around it. As far as being able to do it long term, that is the freedom of it. You can eat off plan anytime you want or social needs require it etc and just go back the next meal. If you want an ice cream eat it but if you make it a habit you will be unhealthy and probably overweight too. I also feel it brought together everything I had learned about nutrition over many years. Fat is good. Protein is essential. Carbs are good but must be properly prepared. Lots of veggies. Fruit too. Sugar is bad :( but it gives alternatives for people like me who find it hard to impossible to give up sweets. I do find it hard to follow while feeding a family of 11. But that is because I haven't converted all the family or altered favorite recipes. So either I do without/eat something else or I just eat it and pick up again better choices the next meal. Lunch and breakfast are easy. It's dinner that is harder because we use carbs to stretch our meat. If we could afford meat and veggies for every meal it would be fine.
  21. Keep baskets in rooms for immediate dirties. Take dirty to laundry area and instead of dumping on the floor, sort directly into hampers for each load. (I have whites, lights, jeans, darks and linens). Wash all full hampers. Leave partial load in hamper until the next time dirty laundry is brought down. Wash when full. All dirty laundry is contained either in baskets in rooms or hampers in laundry area. Have separate baskets for clean laundry so the system doesn't get backed up.
  22. I have one more episode left of season 3 which I will watch tonight. I'm not looking forward to it being over :( I have watched it all while recovering from childbirth My kids over 12 were already into it and kept begging me try it. It took a slow pp recovery and boredom to get me to but now I Iove it. Just like they said I would ;)
  23. Bedrooms are either needed by nappers or situated too close to kitchen etc to work anyways. They are in the formal dining room and it's kinda working. We don't allow computers in bedrooms as a general rule although we are open to it if it becomes the only option. We are trying this first. It's only the second week. It will cool down nicely by October and then they may do better outside. Usually they do play outside a lot but none of them are playing at all well right now again I think because of too much tv and video games :( I will probably take them to the park 1-2x a week for lunch etc when several classes are happening but it's just too much right now even without the heat problem.
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