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Everything posted by akmommy

  1. Years ago we used to download from Napster (before they went legit) and then they were sued by Metallica. Listening to the case and Metallica's side of the suit really gave us alot to think about not just legally but ethically. I would not steal a CD or DVD from a store and while there is no tangible item I believe this really amounts to same thing. I would think that if a relatively unknown artist just wants to get their music (or whatever) out there then they would a website set up for that purpose, but unless I have some assurance that yes it is being freely distributed by the owner of the material I don't want it. What would you do if you purchased a DVD only to discover it was a pirated copy? My DH did this not too long ago. He had been looking for a hard to find movie and found a copy at what he believed to be a legitimate online store, but when he recieved the DVD it was an obvious copy.:glare:
  2. Most definitely! If there were a private school in the area that offered better, I would.
  3. Thank you. It's my favorite Twain quote.

  4. Can I ask what may be a stupid question? What is the difference between a bank and a credit union? Is one safer right now or are they both in the same sinking ship?:confused:
  5. When we first movied into our house we had shrews living in the basement. One evening DD spotted one running accross the floor so we started rounding up the cats (we have three so the shrew problem was dealt with fairly quickly) to take care of him, well one of the cats chased him out from under the chair and DS says " I'll get him" as its running towards him. Ds had his remote for his RC car in his hand and swung it by the antenna toward the floor hitting the shrew right on the top of its head. The poor little thing never saw it coming and rolled over died instantly. :lol:
  6. The biggest difference for me was morning sickness. With my older DD I had terrible morning sickness and heartburn. With younger DD I had morining sickness but not as bad as with the older, but with DS I had no morning sickness at all and gained the least amount of weight.
  7. I know exactly what you mean, unfortunately. This summer we had a group of kids who seemed to think our yard was the public park (we have no problem if they are here to play with ours but when ours are inside or we're not home is not cool) and the kid's bikes and scooters were fair game (thankfully the offenders have since moved). Unfortunatly dad and stepmom were rarely home and big brother wasn't any help, he was just happy for them to be outside and out of his hair. Grrrr! Also this last week someone siphoned almost a full tank of gas out of DH's work truck. Ugh! We have no idea who did it so there's no pont in even calling the cops.
  8. Before my mom was diagnosed with anemia she says she would get cravings to eat dirt and clay, or suck on nails. If your craving is to eat it I would look into what vitamins or minerals are in it that could be deficient in your diet.
  9. I don't post alot, but do spend a bit of time reading here. I have carefully avoided posting on any and all political threads and do my best to avoid even reading them because when I do I can feel my blood pressure going up. On the off chance I feel the need to post on one I close my laptop lid get off my butt and do something else for awhile. Magically the need disapears. I respect too many of the regular posters here to even go there. I learned a few years ago that religion and politics should not be dicussed in polite company, and although I fail at times I do my best to avoid it.
  10. I've always been considered left handed because I write, but don't hook my arm, and eat left handed. If I try to write with my right hand it will be completely backwards, but if I do it slowly it will be legible. There are many things though that I do right handed like scissors, throwing or kicking a ball, but I bat left handed. I don't kow how much of it is just learning to adapt in a right handed world or natural mixed dominance though. I say if what your daughter is doing works for her and there are no obvious problems the I wouldn't worry about it.:001_smile:
  11. I definitly don't think they are neccessary, just another tool. If your child doesn't find them useful or is getting frutrated with it then skip them. My oldest however is the creative type and, she has discovered that the web style GO's are her friend. For her creative brain they just make sense, on the other hand she hates outlining.
  12. I woke up and turned the radio on as usual. They were talking in detail about what Bush was doing, I thought to myself that this was odd. Then they started talking about airplanes falling from the sky and the last plane that could not be contacted. I went down and woke up DH with the news about the planes and we got back to the living room just in time to hear that the fourth plane had crashed. At that point we turned on the TV news and he called my mom. She was up but hadn't turned on the radio or TV yet. I spent the rest of that day in shock.
  13. I'd never heard that before. Was she just talking about evening wear or black on all clothes? I remember back in the 80's reading one of those "How to tell if your kids are on drugs" articles and wearing black often was listed as a warning sign, we got a big laugh out of that one.:lol: As others have have said I'm much more concerned with style and cut being age appropriate then what color it is.
  14. We have gone to my parents every year for Christmas since we've been married. They live ten minutes away and we are not expected till mid afternoon so we still have time to enjoy our Christmas at home. But if we had to travel out of town and/or deal with a situation like you described we absolutely would not go. :glare:
  15. Ugh! I hate forwards. I guess i'm too non-confrontational to say anything but most get deleted unread. Do people really think their luck, finances, salvation or whatever depends on annoying the crap out of other people. A hint: Many of you probably know this, but if you want to send something to multiple people, and don't want give their emails out send it blind carbon copy (the BCC line). The email they recieve will just say undisclosed recipient where the addresses will normally appear.
  16. I had an early miscarriage (6-7 weeks) in 1996. I've always thought of that baby as a boy but could never really "see" him. To me it's always felt more like the loss of a dream, a could have been that would never be if that makes sense. We had been trying to concieve for almost 2 years and it was very devastating to us both. We concieved 2nd DD shortly after and it still seems odd to me that if that baby had made it we wouldn't have her and I truly cannot imagine our lives without her.
  17. I usually do. I just find that I need that time at the end of the day to decompress before bed. If I try to go to bed with the happenings, stress and thoughts of the day still in my head I'll toss and turn all night. akmommy:)
  18. You can buy eggs already boiled?:001_huh: :lol: (am i the only one who didn't know this)
  19. :grouphug: I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, but i wanted to add my hugs and let you know that i admire your courage to share something so painfully personal.:grouphug: :grouphug: akmommy
  20. I was just looking through DD's 5th grade math book and in several places it mentions a "Math Sketcher". I have no idea what this is and couldn't find anything that looked right when I tried a search.:confused: Does anyone know what this is, when its mentioned it usually says something like "Use the math sketcher to draw...":001_huh: Help
  21. I believe the classic controllers are for playing gamecube games, if you already have a gamecube you can use those controllers. I agree with the other poster who reccamended getting WiiPlay, it will come with a remote and then you will just need to get a 2nd nunchuck. I would also reccamend getting a charger with rechargable battery packs for the remotes.
  22. The Halo games are first person shooters where the goal is to destroy aliens. It's not really gory and you are not killing humans. So to me the question would be how you feel about first person shooters in general. I'm not a fan but Dh is, so I have relented as long as the target is not human. You could probably find some screenshots and video online to look at yourself. HTH
  23. The ones I have seen are usually sold sperately. When we bought ours a few years ago we got it at Three Bears (Costco brands). As i recall for ours the net cost just as much as the trampoline. You would want to check that the size and the style of attatchments match up. We had to give ours up when we bought our new house. The insurance application asked about trampolines several times and it would have cost us an additional $900 a year to insure if we set it up. Probably for the best though with all the kids in our neighborhood it likely would have turned into a nightmare.
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