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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Derp water does not fill my tub. With sheets it makes no difference. Only the added towels work
  2. If I were you I would try to find a non HE washing machine. I despise my HE. I have to wash loads twice and three times so many times there is no way I am using less water...just more time. I did finally learn a little trick with sheets...I put the sheets in first and then two towels spaced around on top. That seems to make it so the sheets at least get wet.
  3. Yes I am not working to change the works. But I can still have an opinion on right or wrong and counsel individuals in my life without getting into politics.
  4. I have been reading along with not much to say because well as usual I do t fit into any of the usual pigeon holes. I believe humans should be paid the same for the same work. And that men and women are not the same. I am not political though.
  5. Oh we will probably still sell and move. But I am sick of living with this kitchen.it will only help it sell.
  6. I don’t see that so much a feminism issue as I do a basic human right to oversee our own medical care. You didn’t mention when this happened, but no way do I believe this would happen today.
  7. Disclaimer....my belief is that dead people are dead and they don’t revisit us. In anyway. Dreams are dreams. Manifestations of our hopes and longings. I have dreamed of my grandmother. I don’t recall the conversation so much as the feeling. I miss her. The most traumatic death of my life was my friend from high school. He was only 21, and I was 20. We had been very very close in high school, but then I married at 18 and let’s jut say it was not a good idea for us to stay in contact. He was murdered. And I had a horrible time dealing with it. I dreamed vividly of him for years. It was also then that I started dreaming of snakes. That part hasn’t gone away to this day. I do miss seeing his face in my dreams but it has been 34 years so there ya go. And one time I dreamed where a skirt was that I had misplaced for like 2 months. Of course I knew where it was so my subconscious pulled it up, but still pretty cool. Not as cool as Moonflower pulling up the name to her husband’s condition though! That is very cool!
  8. It is a big job for sure. Dh will be the contractor, the only thing we are hiring is the cabinets built and installed. We will also need Total demo a new window countertops backsplash some plumbing work new dishwasher and slide in stove put in dh is easily capable of all of that but he works a full time job in the city....but he is game.
  9. I need to do some research but I would be fine with it getting darker like copper does. I found some Pinterest pics of copper sinks and white cabinets....the black counter looks pretty good with it but a more pattered brown and black granite combo looks even better. I love this sink....but I don’t want to be too trendy...then again it is just a sink...lol if someone hates it they can change it out.
  10. Anyone have a copper sink. I just saw one on Lowe’s sight and I am in love with it.
  11. Yes, sort of along that same line, I had so many late periods when I was hoping for a second child. I did grieve the idea of the baby I was now not going to have. I imagine an early miscarriage is similar and then it just gets 10 times worse when you see the baby. Sorry for your baby girl Quill.
  12. Liking your post was not enough. I was going to post something similar but you said it better. One of my best friends had an abortion at age 18, strongly encouraged, maybe even coerced by her very religious parents to do so. A few years ears later she married and had a baby. When the baby was about a year old she got pregnant again and then found out her husband was cheating and in fact had got his girlfriend pregnant. So she decided it was best to get an abortion. She drove to the abortion Clinc and found it unexpectedly closed. She sat in the parking lot and decided at that moment she couldn’t do it. So she leaves cheating husband, has the baby, gets her tubes tied. Then a few years later meets her now husband. When her kids were like 8 and 10 ( and I knew her at this point) they decided to reverse her tubal. All the prelim visits and labs were done, they had an appointment for the surgery in a big city a few hours away....she was so excited....and then her husband changed his mind. She. Was. Devastated. It was then she told me about the abortion at 18. And how it all came rushing back to her. She eventually told her kids about it, and her step daughter (that came to live with them at age 13 the year after the canceled reversal). She wanted to provide them with her experience e...her sorrow and grief over what she let her self be talked in to at age 18. Eventually she was able to see that it was better they didn’t do the reversal...step daughter came to live with them (after no visitation beforehand) and things were rough. So yes things do converge upon us as the years go by. Things shift and we see things different and then grieve and wish we had done things differently. (((moonflower))))
  13. I am so so sorry my dear. I am sure seeing the baby so fully formed caused you to think about the past.
  14. Wow!. I am so so sorry. What a miracle your Dh was there with you and that you kids to go fetch him. I am so sorry about the baby, but I am glad you survived.
  15. Kitchen sinks are expensive!
  16. My Fitbit does that too. I just got it and I haven’t quite figured it out. Yesterday it buzzed and I looked down to see my heart rate was 127. And then it kept telling me to breathe slow and deep.
  17. Hi, my name is Scarlett and I am intense. All that I have figured out in my 54 years of life is that when I feel I am losing control I get a little nuts. . But the ironic thing is control is an illusion anyway. So when I get that frantic intense feeling, I sit back and quietly and tell myself...’ you will still wake up in the morning, next to your fabulous husband and life goes on. Thwre has been some drama with my one of my kids....and a close friend was telling me to not be naive. I told her.....they are adults. They are going to do what they are going to do and it is on them. I can work myself over so many things. Money, kids, in-laws, my parents, my siblings, my husband,,,,,,,but at the end of the day life just goes on.
  18. As far as him being so sure they will kick him out if he rocks the boat.....I can tell you from experience my own son thought that about me. I never told him that, never suggested that in any way, so yes, I agree with Murphy he should first attempt an adult conversation. However if they are going to take his pay check and never let him save and not let him get on with his life....then I would strongly encourage him to take steps to get out. But there is a young adult in my life who has what is in my opinion is a toxic relationship with her mother....yet she continues to live with her. So ....shrug......sometimes it is what it is.
  19. I cleaned out my bottom cabinets and arranged things carefully...things were literally just THROWN in there. Then I took of picture of my handiwork and sent it to both boys. 'This is where things go.'
  20. And a lot of whether rent is charged has to do with how low income they are. But it should still be a conversation, not them seizing his money.
  21. Interesting. I mean....don't people keep their counter tops wiped off? What does it show that you wouldn't want to wipe off? I had white laminate in two of my houses where i spent a total of 20 years. I hated that white with all my being. It stained so easily. Coffee, wine, just anything would require a big cleaning effort. So I am looking forward to something that doesn't stain. In one of the houses where I had white laminate I eventually got an almost black laminate which I really really loved. That kitchen was white cabinets too. I would actually be happy with that in this remodel but dh really wants the granite and we do have a friend who works for a granite company so we can probably get a good deal.
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