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Sew happily ever after

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Everything posted by Sew happily ever after

  1. Wanted to add that when we did use R&S we used it about 2-3 times per week. We also skipped any writing portions as we use IEW for writing.
  2. It is enough, but we don't use R&S. I much prefer to start analytical grammar in grade 6 or 7.
  3. We (my kids and I) take our iPads EVERYWHERE! Seriously we can be driving down the road and someone is either playing a game, reading a book, or listening to music. Not to mention that almost everywhere we go has free wifi Internet. Very convenient for checking emails (or Facebook or forums) on the go. Since I have the ipad2 I had to make myself a bigger purse to be able to haul it around, but it is almost ALWAYS with me. For that reason alone I'd actually prefer the mini for portability.
  4. When I read into it, it sounded like it costs $5 to put it on each device. Back when they offered a free unit I was annoyed at having to read it on the computer screen. But I don't want to pay $5 just to preview it on my ipad (which would be way more convenient for me!)
  5. I have ipad2 through my work. My kids have ipad mini. So do several family members. I'm beginning to think I'd prefer the mini. It's just so discrete and easier to take along. However I do prefer reading PDFs on my ipad for the size of the screen. I read my sewing patterns on the iBooks app. This prevents me from having to print the entire pattern. Instead I print the pattern pages and then read the instructions from the ipad. I also like to use the ipad for TM, instructions, etc.
  6. We used the sassafras book, guide, logbook, and the animal encyclopedia. We did not add any additional books from the library because we were also doing the science in HOD.
  7. I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one! Big weight off my shoulders. And we've been off for 1 month (probably more if I'm totally honest with myself). I just can't mentally prepare. I've tried to start looking ahead to get excited, but I just can't force myself to do it. I think I'm mostly dragging my feet because I don't want to deal with the whining, complaining, etc.
  8. Two of my dd have used the zoology book. My 11yo and 10 yo found TONS of grammar, punctuation, awkward sentence mistakes. Also several mix ups in the guides. I emailed the author to let her know. If it were me I would want to know! She was very gracious and apologized for the mistakes. She said they paid quite a lot of money to have it professionally edited, twice. Even so there are tons of mistakes. I did purchase book 2, anatomy, because my 10yo really enjoys the learning style. The author also sent me a free copy of the anatomy guide. I still need to look through that. And I keep meaning to read the anatomy book, but I just can't get myself to do it.
  9. Two of my dd have used the zoology book. My 11yo and 10 yo found TONS of grammar, punctuation, awkward sentence mistakes. Also several mix ups in the guides. I emailed the author to let her know. If it were me I would want to know! She was very gracious and apologized for the mistakes. She said they paid quite a lot of money to have it professionally edited, twice. Even so there are tons of mistakes. I did purchase book 2, anatomy, because my 10yo really enjoys the learning style. The author also sent me a free copy of the anatomy guide. I still need to look through that. And I keep meaning to read the anatomy book, but I just can't get myself to do it.
  10. I read somewhere that this year there are brand new audits that have never been on the site before. I think they usually have fee shipping. Not sure if they will continue that this year.
  11. My son and I just finished the Ben Franklin book. It's fun that remembers so very much and relates it to much of what we see and do in just our daily routines. He bought a Ben Franklin book for himself at a church event. I. Amaze AG how much he has absorbed throughout this. Right now he's on a lego education kick, but after Christmas break were finishing the rest of the BF science.
  12. The things I wanted were gone before I even had time to checkout. I actually forgot about the sale and didn't get to the site until the afternoon.
  13. LOVE AG! Can't say enough good about it really. It is thorough and makes the skills concrete in a no frills, easy to learn way. Seriously it takes like 15 mins day. Don't have the DVDs and don't feel a need to have them. I do suggest being available and willing to walk your student through the first few lessons so they get a feel for how the program works. Also as skills become more challenging be available in the beginning of learning anew unit to walk them through it. Honestly I'm in no rush to get thought the entire program in 1 year. My dd is 13 yo grade 8. From this point on I will not do formal grammar instruction until my younger ones coming up are in about grade 7, maybe grade 6. Before that we will cover grammar and language skills by reading good literature and using IEW. IEW introduces the basics of grammar in an easy way, gentle. Perhaps we will also do a few lessons from primary or intermediate language lessons but really this isn't a just, but does build good narration, poetry, etc types of skills. AG does get more challenging as the lessons go on, so often I have my daughter do the parsing one day and e diagramming the next day or have her do only half of the page. We always do the tests and I have been impressed with the mastery. She is showing improvement AND is mastering the grammar. Passing easily even on the harder topics. This program is just so thorough yet makes it so easy to do!
  14. Yes it is dh father. And yes we would absolutely take care of any and every need he had. Dh did say that if my fil was hurt or sick or fell the dog would go get someone or otherwise draw attention to the fact theta he needed help. In which case we would be present at our house to take care of him. We have discussed our children's allergies with them before. So maybe we need to reiterate our concerns.
  15. That's just it, I don't want to ruin the relationship! but at the same time protect the cleanliness of my house without having to scour the place after they leave...
  16. 1. Have a set schedule for when school hours are. I do allow random interruptions from close family only occasionally lunch out, etc. 2. No outside classes. However on Fridays when I don't work outside the home, I teach an IEW class in my home, so that counts as sorta like a coop, but I get paid to teach it and my kids get to have their friends over. And we go roller skating 1 time per month with homeschoolers. 3. Laundry and big cleaning chores can be saved until the weekend. 4. Family is the #1 priority, so attitudes, actions, and having my children's hearts is super important. 5. Be realistic. Lower education expectations if necessary to accomplish the above goal. It's ok to do less educationally if it means that your dc have good attitudes, work ethic, love others, etc.
  17. My fil has a service dog. Can I ask him not to bring it to my house or at least not bring it in my house? This isn't a seeing eye dog, it's a small registered service dog but didn't go through official training or anything. He has a special license which allows him to take the dog basically anywhere. It's a good dog, but I'm not a dog person and I have kids with allergies/asthma that we suspect is due to animals. Please understand I mean no disrespect to animals, or to my fil I simply am curious if and then how I could politely ask for the dog to remain home if they come over. It is a clean dog, but if their allergies are indeed due to animals, then we really can't have any pet dander in the house or n the furniture.
  18. Yes. We did 1 unit in 4 days. Basically I combined and skipped boxes as I saw fit. Once we really got in a groove we could complete almost an entire unit in 2 days! We did daily math and reading and spelling practice but doubled up on all the history, science, art, etc. combined them into 1 day.
  19. Enjoy! Our week with HOD and BF history of science...plus a new balance beam! http://roseacademyacademics.blogspot.com/2013/11/week-in-review-october-28-november-1.html
  20. I have them and I really like them. They remind me of the vocabulary cards that come with some of the IEW theme based books. I spoke with the artist at a conference and saw his original drawings that he drew on 3x5 cards to help him study for he ACT. at any rate I pull the cards out every now and then and look thought them with the kids. I think they are fun. After I purchased the actual card set I realized they have an app that contains all of the words too. The app is considerably less money so if I were to purchase again I'd purchase the app. But I do like the physical cards. They are very clever if you ask me,
  21. http://roseacademyacademics.blogspot.com/2013/09/peek-into-our-weeks.html
  22. I'm really loving AG this year for my 8th grader. It's quick and to the point. I also love the philosophy that once u know it there's no reason at alto keep drilling it, just keep it fresh with review. I like that you can do it all in 1 year or pace it out over 2 or 3 years. Anyway it's totally do-able, mostly independent, and gets done!
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