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Sew happily ever after

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Everything posted by Sew happily ever after

  1. Considering this for my 11yo sixth grader. Would she be able to complete it independently w occasional help? Also does the lit replace any lit we would do (HOD DITHOR) or is it just lit that would enhance the study.
  2. As far as the poetry memorization....I am using it with a small group of students. We are having a blast! All students started in level A. We are currently on poem 9. If you want to save $, you can get by with only purchasing the book without the CDs. I have the CDs but honestly we don't really use them...the manual has the how to and philosophy behind memorization.
  3. Any reviews? What are you thoughts? opinions? How about for third grade? Should it be used in conjunction with something else? Or stand-alone?
  4. Yes you can use just level 4 if you are willing to take the time needed to fully master the definitions of the parts of speech!
  5. Am considering using this down the road. Would each child need their own set of supplies or is it conducive to sharing? Also do you think the elementary level for grades k-3 is really appropriate for third grade? It looks very simple and my son said it looks too easy for him because he has already studied many of the topics. I'm afraid he might be bored. But then the next level--standard--looks like quite a bit of a jump! Would it be possible for me to combine the 3 youngers (grades 3, 5, 6) into the standard level? I'm thinking to have my 8th grader do the advanced level--it looks great!
  6. IEW!!!!! Though intimidating at first glance, it is actually totally easy to implement and it MAKES SENSE!!!!!!
  7. He is reading at beginning first grade level. Is starting to recognize some CBC words, has some sight words--mostly all K5 level and some first. I'm hesitant to continue in AAS because it seems like its getting frustrating for him--we are on the early steps, not too far in the program. Can I just have him start level 2 of AAR? Or must I go through level 1 first? That's the one I'm leaning toward an is OG based. He still has lots of letter & number reversals and often writes entire words, sentences, and his name completely backward.
  8. For 7yo ds. Tried IEW PAL--not happening. Considering: Reading Made Easy The reading Lesson All About Reading --do I start at level 1 or 2? He is in level 2 of AAS. Not remotely interested in: Ordinary Parents Guide or 100 EZ lessons so please don't suggest those! :)
  9. Have you checked out the Right Start math games? Huge variety and lots of different levels and topics. Would last all through elementary and uses the cards that come with the set.
  10. I'll take them off your hands if you are looking to get rid of them!!!!! My ds age 7 LOVES to just play and build with them. Other than that they are pretty specific to MUS.
  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE TT!!!!! It does take quite a bit of printing though so as long as you are prepared for that...it's great! I also think they are great and perfect for kids who adore hands on projects. The passport middle ages is flat AWESOME!!!!!! My 12 yo is working through it on her own. The end product is going to be a huge WOW factor! The author has really done her homework on these and the TT series.
  12. Right start math games book and corresponding card set is awesome an gives you lots of choices for all math topics!
  13. That same set on amazon was on sale on eBay for $99 free shipping a couple weeks ago as a buy it now price! I passed up a set for $10 at a flees market a year ago and have been kicking myself since!!!! We now have the 300 and my son LOVES it!
  14. You COULD do HOD RtR with your kids but you would read to them, do the projects with them, write their narrations as they say them, etc. it really wouldn't be a problem. All or most of the books used are multi age anyway so younger children wouldn't have a problem listening to them with ease. HOD is skill based but if that isn't your concern then just use it and read it to your dc instead. It would be really fun to do it that way! I was going to do this this year but decided not to because I wanted my oldest to be independent and if we did it together I would be holding her back. The only thin I would sub is their own level of math reading English and writing (perhaps a level A item from IEW instead of medieval).
  15. Yes. Because all the answers are in the tm. Unless you don't mind spending the time do re-do the worksheet in order to check their work. Lol!
  16. I've used both and LOVE HOD because it's all laid out for us and te older guides are written to the kids for them to follow through on their own. HOD really is super easy to implement with little to no prep from me. I do add my own writing program (IEW) and some time travelers because it fun and the kids like it. We also do our own math (MUS). But truly you can use it as written and it's enough and gets done every. Single. Day. You would also have no problem adding foreign language if you wanted to, just be sure to do it each day! HOD is Charlotte Mason style while SOTW is more classical so you really are comparing apples to oranges.
  17. We are choosing our own for the most part, but I do have some of the listed choices and might read those. Our current story time title is Missionary stories with the millers--a fabulous read aloud and the kids keep asking for more stories!
  18. If they don't need the blocks or don't want to use them thy have internalized the process and are able or beginning to think abstractly and no longer new the visual and concrete materials to help them. Carry on! You may find that down the road they need the visual aids and hands on practice with the blocks if a new concept stumps them, but that is why they are available, for when you need them!
  19. LOVE it!!!!! Can't say enough about how awesome this is. It will be a great add on to HOD reserection to reformation. The end product will be fabulous and a keeper for sure!
  20. I could have written those same exact words!!! LOVE IEW!!!!!!
  21. Yes all those "other" topics are covered in the books. MUS website has an online drill that times the kids. You can choose what they work on. They also have extra worksheets generator that is helpful if child is struggling in an area.
  22. http://www.mathmammoth.com/blue-series.php This is what I got...the entire blue series. I prefer them organized by topic instead of grade level because that way I could pick and choose what they needed to work on since MUS is mastery based by topic also.
  23. We used MUS Epsilon last yr and supplemented w LOF fractions. They lined up great! MUS offers extra practice worksheets and drill on their website. I also have the entire collection of math mammoth by topic and I pick and choose from there for stuff they need extra practice on. Plus they r PDF files so easy for you to pack! :)
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