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Sew happily ever after

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Everything posted by Sew happily ever after

  1. The middle ages one look fabulous! I'm considering getting it as an add-on to HOD resurrection to reformation for my 7th grader. Has anyone checked this out? What do you think? Buy work or beneficial?
  2. I cut 1 inch squares from a magnetic sheet then used a sharpie to write the letters on the squares. I store them on a cookie baking sheet and had an extra cookie sheet for working with the letters on.
  3. How about adding in some writing with IEW? A level a product woul add the writing component and be simple enough to complete in addition to the HOD materials. For grammar have you considered FLL3? It's a solid program and would fit nicely with HOD.
  4. HOD BHFHG with extensions for history and science DITHOR - lit analysis R&S grammar MUS math Truth trackers--bible study and memory (in addition to the HOD bible stuff) PE classes at the YMCA Phonetic zoo IEW Writing lessons Poetry memorization using linguistic development through poetry memorization from IEW Plus I work at an after school program which utilizes accelerated reader and Accelerated math so we will also utilize those programs during the school year.
  5. 4 dc ages 7, 9, 10, 12. Which would be better for me to get? I'm intrigued and would love to hear your experiences with one or the other. Which one is "better"? Is it possible to get the book only an create the kit myself or is the kit ultra helpful?
  6. My c are going to read the extensions. We may or may not narrate on what they read. Occasionally we will discuss what they read but I'm not going to stress over it because I'm going to focus mostly on the core skills this year--extension will sometimes be optional.
  7. I looked at a friends student notebook for the trail guide to us geography and it looked AWESOME! Would make teaching super easy because all pages are ready to use, you jut print. However I don't think it's absolutely necessary to make the program successful. Make sense?
  8. Through our local 4h office. Might be available to order online.
  9. Are the videos absolutely necessary or can you glean the same info from the seminar workbook? I hate watching videos to learn something. I prefer to read about it then do it.
  10. Am seriously considering reading roadmaps too. I just don't want to also have to purchase teaching the classics. Which I think is what would end up happening because is basically a reading list with all the answers for character setting etc. TTC actually teaches you how to implement RR. Make sense? Also RR has several different options for how often you want to teach literary elements/devices...weekly monthly once in a blue moon, etc. I do have DITHOR. While I love the idea of it and I really love HOD I have a really hard time using it! It especially harder to use in the younger grades. I'm really going to give it our best effort this yer though. I think it's hard to use because the questions are so open ended and it's hard to discuss a book wih your hold unless you have read the book yourself. Hopefully that will be less challenging the ilder your dc get because their maturity level and thought processes are more developed. The DITHOR tm doesn't give answers. I might just purchase RR and have it on hand for a last minute switch if our third attempt with DITHOR is a flop!
  11. Check wiThis year my 10yo DD used a first aid book from the 4h to complete her project. She ended up with a first aid kit for our family. And she learned all about lots of different first aid topics. The book was only $5.
  12. I looked at trail guide to US geography and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Add in the student notebook and you will be set!
  13. 4H. U don't hafts go to all the mtgs to be successful. We r busy and and don't make all of the 4H meetings, we just work through our projects and manuals and I really like the skill progression in 4H. I have seen tremendous improvement in projects that they repeat from year to year. we don't do any animal projects though so I cant speak to that aspect of 4H.
  14. If you are planning to use IEW later, I would drop the WWE and stick with PAL reading and writing. WWE1 is copy work and narration. PAL writing includes copywork and narration (in the form of a story sequence chart) so doin both WWE & PAL would be overkill. Plus PAL will lay a great foundation for IEW in the future! AAS is spelling so that's perfect to add as well as FLL1. All are great choices!
  15. DS 7 wants to study weather. What are your favorite resources, books, studies, etc. preferable quick easy to use and including experiments.
  16. I think 8 & 10 is a perfect age. Mine will be8,10,&11 when we go through the lessons.
  17. Not the American history (but I have looked through volume 2 and it is advanced--high school). Last year we used ancient history by the same author and I'm impressed! This year we will use medieval. Dd hates to write and this (IEW) makes it bearable!
  18. Just purchased a used set then downloaded the revise and updated guide. The updated guide is in full color and has better formatting than the older version. Im going to use it next year when my younger 3 are in grades 3, 5, &6. We will also do the IEW writin lessons that go along with it. The writing assignments come directly from the books that are read during the course. The maps are HUGE & AWESOME! We will have so much fun with this and it's going to be super hard to wait but the deal I got on the used (basically new) set was too good to pass up! We will do 1 lesson per week in addition to our other curriculum. It would be very easy to do 1,2 or even 3 lessons per week and finish it much quicker. The reason we will go this route is because it is a quick way for us to do some sort of geography. We only will have the 1 day to devote to it as our other curriculum choices are quite time consuming. I have looked at the trail guide to us geography and really really really like that but it takes much more time and is just way too much to add to what we already have!
  19. Tis the season! So I thought I'd start a thread so that when you find a bargain and deep discounts, you can pot and let us know! Plus i dont have time or energy in this heat to run fromstore to store comparing! This week I happened across spiral notebooks for $.20 and composition notebooks for $.40 at Staples. I think sale ends tomorrow? Anyone have any other bargain or hear of any teacher appreciation events or back to school events post it here cuz I need to stock up on glue sticks, paper, markets, and the list goes on!
  20. I just can't figure out why elemental science is so appealing to me (earth science and astronomy)! Maybe it's because of the low cost, maybe it's because it looks quick and easy to use. Maybe RS because I already own the Janice van cleave books and this would e a great way to actually use them... Mostly looking at this for my 7yo son who loves science. But he doesn't really like to write though so do you think we woul get hung up on the student pages part? Oh, and this would be in addition to the science we will also do in HOD beyond little hearts program (which isnt even close to te amount of science he wants to do!) Does the ESA program really only take 15 minutes/day to complete? We MUST be done wih school by 1:00 so I can go to work plus I have 3 other dc to school as well. Any thoughts or advice?
  21. NO! It I actually super easy to implement especially if you get the lessons on DVD! You only watch a portion each week ten do the assignments. Not a big deal at all! I LOVE IEW and will NEVER look for another writing program EVER!!!!!!! The SWI along with the continuation courses hold your hand and guide you through. The DVD with mr. Pudewa does all the teaching, the kids do the assignments, you check them/help edit. On the IEW website there is a place where you can even find someone to help you wih editing their work!
  22. I have 6levels of AAS. And IEW PAL. Why should I switch to LOE? Is it phonics or sight words? Guess I'm having trouble wading through the information to find answers to my questions. Also what kind of child/ability is this for? Non-reader? Struggling reader? Anyone who wants to go thru it?
  23. IEW has writing lessons based on Narnia that would be a nice add-on/tie-in with little to no prep!
  24. Is there a reason why you can't just start bigger after a 1 month break from MFW? If you have to wait till January I'd just pick some fun and interesting topics, read lots of books on those topics, do a lapbook or unit study, etc. ask your dc what they are interested in learning about. Follow their lead for awhile. And focus on the 3R's for awhile.
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