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Sew happily ever after

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Everything posted by Sew happily ever after

  1. Favorite general subject curriculums: FLL All About Spelling Right Start Math HWT
  2. Math: Right Start B First Language Lessons Grade 1 readers from Sonlight All About Spelling level 1 Handwriting without tears first grade Story of the World Vol. 2 + activity guide (with great read-alouds thrown in from Sonlight and Winterpromise) Geography: Window on the World and Children Around the World from WP God's Design Science--Weather and Water and Human Body Music: beginning violin lessons Art: Art classes at the local community center for the arts (I am the teacher BTW!) PE: homeschool PE classes at the YMCA Nature Study
  3. I have become the Queen of gas conservation in our home!!! I go absolutely NOWHERE (when it includes driving) unless absolutely necessary...last summer the ONLY time I drove my van was when we went to church on Sundays and on Wednesday nites...I saved all of my grocery shopping for 1 day which occurred only once every two weeks (a small, yet expensive, convenience store is within walking distance)...yes, we actually WALKED where we needed to go...we are centrally located in our small city...the library, small strip mall, and a grocery store and gas station, and playground are all within walking distance...it is healthier for us and the ozone! That was in the summer and I had NO income to fill the tank with gas---relatives even had to come visit us if they wanted to see us... Now that it is winter, we are forced to do a bit more driving, but I am working now and I fill up my gas tank twice per month...a $60 fill-up lasts about 2 weeks...We still limit our driving: we drive to church--Sunday and Wednesday, music lessons, and a once a week library trip, occasional Dr. and Dentist appointments, and of course I drive to work (1 or 2 days per week)...so anything else that we do has to fit into one of those days and we combine errands like crazy! Plus if we are really desperate there is always public transportation which for me and the kids would only be $1.00 for a round trip ticket to where we need to go in the city...most days it is free though.
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