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Everything posted by theodwyn

  1. Dunkin Donuts, sold in large bag at Costco. Can't remember the price.
  2. I just picked it up at a resale store and will be starting it soon. I hope it's good!
  3. Push fluids. Baking soda sitz baths once or twice a day. OTC urostat if spasms. If continue then, yes, call your doctor.
  4. We are in TX with violent thunderstorms and tornadoes. Our TV only has rabbit ears and we have never checked the weather using it. We just go online or turn on the radio.
  5. I don't know the one you are referring to but I came out of watching Amazing Grace inspired to try to do something to help people.
  6. My children were a little ahead in math but I felt like it was important to give them a solid base and there was really no hurry to push them on through. Another reason is that many children, no matter how intelligent, just are not developmentally ready for some of the algebra concepts until they are a little older. One thing I have done is let them take the tests in the beginning of Algebra 1/2 as if they were pretests and if they did well we would just move on. We would do that until they started to feel bogged down or reach new material. I know others feel there is no need to do both, so I guess it is more of a personal decision.
  7. My dad didn't allow me to but it may have been more of a church issue than his own opinion. I got my ears pierced when I was 30.
  8. I put down for savings, but that will be short term as we are saving for a new vehicle.
  9. Thanks for sharing. I love his music. What a good attitude he has through this devastation.
  10. I agree with you and Peek. I also tried to rep her but I "have to spread it around more" first.
  11. It could be DTAP, TDaP, Td, Boostrix depending on what type was given.
  12. I have the Canon Rebel XTi also and I also love it! I got a telephoto lens on ebay to go with it for a very good price.
  13. I do. I have quite a few listed right now. Even with the fees I've made some pretty good money. And you are right, it is easy! Wendy
  14. I like the hard white or red wheat. I mill it very fine. 4 c. warm water 2 T. yeast a scant 1/2 c. honey 1/4 c. oil 4 t. salt rolled outs (I just dump some in, probably 1-2 cups) Vital wheat gluten (probably about 3/4 c.-- you can play with the amount) Enough flour to make firm, non sticky dough. This makes 3 loaves for me. I mix it, let it rise, shape into loaves and put in pans, let it rise again and bake at 350 for around 35-40 min. It makes nice sandwich bread. Wendy
  15. I'll try to remember or you can PM me later and ask for an update! Wendy
  16. Mere Christianity and others by C.S.Lewis. A good book for parents to read in helping to prepare their kids for real life is Ready or Not Here Life Comes by Dr. Mel Levine.
  17. I also have been using IEW and really like it and so does my 14yo ds, but my 12 yo dd has been really wanting to do more with creative writing hopes to be an author some day. A friend told me she had been using this and really liked it so I ordered it and we started it today. So obviously, I can't speak from much experience yet, but my dd is so excited about it. She has looked through the whole book and knows that it will take a lot of work but is thrilled to be working toward her dream. Wendy
  18. It is called Lego Educational Division Simple and Motrorized Machines Teacher Guide. I think it is the same as what you are describing and we purchased it from the Lego Education website. I thought it was a pretty good guide. You can choose how in depth to go with it. Hope that helps. Wendy
  19. Both of my children have worked through these. I bought the homeschool notebook and used them along with the cards. I thought they were useful and a good way to learn hands on.
  20. Ground beef now; growing up it was hamburg (grew up in NH).
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