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Everything posted by budeb

  1. I need a spelling program too. Thanks for the suggestions.
  2. I'm sorry. I just said a prayer for you.
  3. YOU have to WANT to do this and be passionate about it. My dh has left this completely up to me because he KNOWS he wouldn't be able to homeschool. This has given me such freedom knowing it is year by year. As for now we are on for next year. I LOVE it.
  4. Yes! I don't accept them as friends and make sure my profile is NOT viewable by people who are NOT my friends.
  5. You are doing the right thing by praying over him... there will always be someone we don't measure up - he needs to be confident in himself and find out what he wants to do or be and then work towards that goal... not towards being as good as someone else. Keep encouraging him, mama - you're doing a good job.
  6. Sounds like a good arrangement to me. Your mama instincts are what you should listen too though. If it seems OK with you... I would just leave them.
  7. "Recession is not Biblical"... maybe not but recession is a reality. I spend more wisely right now.
  8. I'm sorry... Summer break IS coming. Deb
  9. When my son was tested they basically sat down with him and looked at a book with him. As you ask questions and your child answers write down anything you notice in a notebook. For my 4 year old ds it was the s blends. He would blow the sound through his nose... now he has that mastered and needs help with the th sound. My 6 year old is having trouble making the sh and ch sounds. They sound the same to me. So I am going to get him to go through the section of his Explode the Code workbooks that teaches those blends. There are pictures for every word. You could do that with other books from ETC. Just an idea. Deb
  10. Check out homeschoolreviews.com for reviews on a lot of the curriculum out there.
  11. I have a six year old boy who is interested in guitar lessons. I am not sure it this is a good instrument to start with. Can you tell me if we would need to buy a smaller instrument? What have been your experiences. Thanks, Deb
  12. "Have you ever heard that early readers are more likely 2 need glasses?" I guess my ds (6) will be needing them with all the reading he does. :001_smile:
  13. Check out reading lists from Sonlight, Ambleside on line, other curriculums for that age group.
  14. This sounds like my son... he is in German school on Saturday's (not an option) but would like to learn spanish.
  15. She sounds like my son at that age. I bought Reading Made Easy... we got to about lesson 30 and he took off. He is 6 and is an absolutely wonderful reader... pretty much self-taught. He reads chapter books way above his grade level. At the time I was told to hold him back because he would get ahead of his peers. Well... I didn't... and here I am homeschooling. Something I never dreamed of doing but am absolutely loving it!!!!
  16. "We should be able to be proud of our kids too - no matter what level they're at." I agree. Deb
  17. "I think I'm pretty set on doing 1st level work and continuing to call her a Kindergartener." Good idea!
  18. I would get it just for the discussion questions. JMHO, Deb
  19. "My ds7 already loves to write and illustrate his own (mini)books. He is very verbal and loves to tell stories (he dictates these stories and I type them onto pages for him to illustrate)." AWESOME idea!!! Deb
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