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Everything posted by Rita

  1. We've had to prove our biological children are ours for the insurance company. No doctor has ever asked for anything. Personally, I'd be tempted to take the foreign documents and show the receptionist, but I'm ornery like that! I'd also be talking with the doctor about it, and the inappropriateness of it. blessings, Rita
  2. Thanks very much for sharing your hard work :) Blessings, Rita
  3. Welcome to Virginia! I'm clear across the state from you, on the WV border :) Blessings, Rita
  4. For kids we've not known long, I give $25. For dear friends (or kids of df), we give $50. I like to give new, crisp bills, but tonight I was running late to graduation, so I wrote a check. I do think it depends on your personal financial situation, and how "close" you are to the graduate. Blessings, Rita
  5. I would love to get rid of a significant bunch of our stuff. I figure the less we have, the more likely the stuff we have will have a "home" and it'll be easier to keep the house clean and organized. Dear friends are getting ready to be missionaries, and are having a yard sale to raise funds. I figure this is an EXCELLENT time to get rid of A LOT. Blessings, Rita reforming packrat :)
  6. I was looking for some German language recommendations here, and Kareni kindly linked me to this thread. My thought on the DVDs is that lots of our DVDs have other language options. To be honest, I haven't looked to see if German was an option yet.....but it's a thought :) Blessings, Rita
  7. Just figured out it doesn't edit what's on the main page, just when you open the thread up. bummer. It was a good thought :)
  8. Depending on the airline, he is an adult. I'd look for a direct flight, or one with one layover if at all possible. My boys (then 2 weeks shy of 14 and 11) flew "unaccompanied" from Ireland to Washington DC in the fall. They had a layover in NJ. They were BORED out of their minds on their layover, as they were greeted at the gate, shepherded to a "unaccompanied minor" lounge, where there was nothing to do. The next day they flew from DC to a tiny airport close to home. As the airline allowed 14+ to fly without paying for "unaccompanied", we asked if they could fly without paying for "unaccompanied" status (it was a direct flight). My brother walked them to the gate, and my husband met them at the other end. They LOVED it :) I would think your 17 year old would be fine to travel as an adult, especially if it's a direct flight. Blessings, Rita
  9. thanks for the thought of adding German in the subject line. Gotta love advanced edit option :) Distant learning....something I hadn't thought of! Might have to go and google that one. blessings, Rita
  10. DS, entering 9th grade, is interested in studying German. Other than Rosetta Stone, are there other options for studying German? K12 looks good, but I'm pretty clueless, so any and all opinions are welcome :) Rita
  11. Is poor kitty in indoor/outdoor cat? He could have been in a fight and have an abscess somewhere which is causing his misery and smell. You probably should take him to the vet. It could be easily treatable....14 isn't that old for a kitty cat! Rita
  12. I didn't know that!! thanks! It's not like I have many people I want to block, but there are some ;) Rita
  13. Very relieved to hear that you are not responsible for that huge bill!!! We have verizon, and my brother and I find it very easy to text a quick question, knowing that the other person will respond when they get a chance. For us, it's much less interruptive than a phone call (and he doesn't have email during the day). My husband, on the other hand, only learnt to text when I was in Ireland without him for 2 weeks! It meant we could communicate without a big phone bill, and send little messages when we felt like it :) Rita
  14. Agreeing with the others that this is perfectly normal. Love the teaching moment tossed in by pqr :D blessings, Rita (mom to two boybarians, currently 14 and 12)
  15. Don't duck and weave. You wrote a wise post! It is dangerous to think that we're immune! I trust my husband 100%, but I take care to make sure that he is happy and content at home. I try not to nag and complain. I try to build up, not tear him down. I pay attention when he talks to me. All that being said, we are human and subject to temptations! 6 months ago I would have sworn up and down that he would never have an affair. That was before my friend's husband had an affair. My friend's dh was a godly, godly man. They were married well over 20 years. This is the last man you would think would have an affair. Then I found out another super good friend's husband had an affair one year into the marriage. I was shocked. Once again, a godly, upright man. No one is safe. For those who want to know if "the other woman" is pretty...that doesn't make a bit of difference. Look at Christie Brinkley...one of the most beautiful women in the world...and her husband cheated on her. Affairs are NOT about looks. And for those who wouldn't fight another woman for their husbands?? I sincerely hope you never have to, but for me....I'll do whatever it takes (legally!!) to protect my marriage and my spouse. stepping off my soap box now. Rita
  16. :iagree: I used it this year with my 6th grader. It's quite light, and we could have easily finished it quickly, but life got in the way, LOL. You could do biology first....right now we have a tadpole in the kitchen that has been quite fun. What I liked most about the books is that they are not overwhelming. For my older boy, we tried Apologia General Science in 6th grade (local co-op offered a great opportunity). That text was overwhelming for him. The RS4Ks is engaging and pithy, making it easy to understand (mostly). I haven't received my SL catalog yet (in spite of requesting one twice!), so I can't comment on how SL utilizes the text. There is a yahoo group for RS4K (search RealScience4Kids) Blessings, Rita
  17. And your regular machine will work. If you make a huge quilt, it might be easier to find a long arm machine to work it, but I have quilted a double on my regular machine :) Rita
  18. Are the people who are going to help you quilters? Perhaps you could just organize a TIME and PLACE for the discussion to begin? Our local college has a quilting class, or maybe you could check into the local fabric store for a class. What a blessing you will be to your friend's family :grouphug: Rita
  19. I'm sorry your boys are going through this. Here's my dumb question...are they identical? I don't have twins, but my kids play tennis with a set of fourth grade girl twins. I had no idea they were twins until someone told me. Twin 1 is at least 6 inches taller than twin 2. No real advice for you, but a big hug for your boys Blessings, Rita
  20. I'm going to be the dissenting voice here and say that she's crossing the line (maybe unknowningly, maybe not). The fact that he is telling you about it is a great thing. Have you met this co-worker? I'd be inclined to show my face there and let this woman know that there is a loving wife :001_smile: I'm not trying to put fear into you, but right now I'm walking with a dear friend who's husband had an affair. This was a godly, upright man. No one is really safe from it. I'm finding out from more and more friends that they have had marital infidelity. Yes, male/female friendships are more common in the workplace now, and this may be totally innocent, but is your marriage worth the chance that it's not? My husband works long hours in a restaurant. One of his co workers became very friendly, and she started emailing him when he changed stores(with HER husband's permission). We have ONE email that everyone shares, so I would see her emails, often before he would. They became more and more....ummmm. heading towards intimacy. My husband saw nothing wrong until she sent the last one. The one where she said she wished she could spend her entire birthday with MY HUSBAND. At that point, after discussing it with my husband, **I** emailed her back and told her to back off. Come to find out that someone at the old store had suggested that my husband might be open to having an affair!!!!!!!!!!!:cursing: The point of this long ramble is that you never know what an individual is thinking, nor their motives behind what they do. I would encourage your husband to set some serious boundaries with this coworker. Rita
  21. That's great to hear! I hope you get some wonderful tenants :) Blessings Rita
  22. Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman. There are several chapters at the beginning of the book that the engaged couple can read BEFORE the wedding. Highly recommend it. Blessings, Rita
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