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Everything posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. I found a great deal on some firewood, $50 for a cord unsplit. I plan to get 2 cords. I probably should get more, but that is all my budget can stand. It is 40 miles away, not too bad. I know it may be hot now, but I will NEED wood to stay warm this winter. My husband has a small toyota pick up(work vehicle), and can borrow a small trailer. Is a small trailer ok to transport the wood? I assume he would need to make 2 trips. I just want to make sure I have the right plan. I am open to suggestion.
  2. I am not suprised. I am assuming that you do not have medical insurance? Ask for an itemized bill. Make sure that bill includes the codes and everything. Keep in mind, they charge everything seperate, the needle, inserting the needle, the tube, the thingy that connects the needle to the tube, the fluid, etc. If you have the willpower, time energy etc. find out the average cost and then attempt to get them to lower your bill. I can tell you making payment arrangements does not work. I have done that in the past, and they agreed to accept my payments, then took my payments for 3 months and turned it over to a collection agency. Sometimes they will check your income and see if you qualify for services etc. There are sites you can go to to check to see if your hospital charges more than average. You can also ask if you can pay what the service cost without paying the profit, I forget the proper term of the top of my head. It depends on how much energy and effort you want to put into it. There are even groups that will fight for your behalf to get the bill reduced. I had a $12,000 emergency room bill for vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, and that did not include the $2500 for the ultrasound. I am not even going to go into how it was the worst visit to the emergency room in my life. I also got another bill for $27,000 for a nonlive birth(5 1/2 mos) vaginal delivery. That time I did get good care, but I can tell you the price is way above average. I had the opportunity to go on telivision about my huge bill, but had to decline. I was told if I did usually the hospital throws the bill away they don't like the negative publicity.
  3. I am sorry to say this. PLEASE do not come home from the hospital, cooking, cleaning etc. When I had my daughter, my husband had the flu, plus he is a diabetic. Well he gave that flu to me, but it was mild. It was cold and during the winter. He ended up having to go to the hospital, because he did not take his insulin. He was there for a week. Well, not having the help I needed and had to carry in wood to stay warm. My stitches popped open. As soon as he gets home from the hospital, my mother was there for three weeks before she passed away. Instead of being able to take it easy, I was at the hospital twice a day to see her, walking down very long halls, and up and down some stairs to see her. It was hard to do all that, not to mention it did not help me heal from my c-section. So please, believe me when I say they can help you a small bit. I did freeze casseroles before my due date. That helped a lot as far as food goes. I used the foil throw away containers. Also, if dishes will be a problem, use some paper throw away plates. I understand some people don't feel ethical using throw away dishes, but if it keeps you off your feet so you can heal please use them. And don't worry if your house gets a little messy. Accept whatever help is offered. If someone offers help, give them a simple task, don't be shy. If I ever have another baby, I will order pizza and be cold before I do what I did again. I will go cold or hire a handy man, or woman or kid.
  4. It is nice to see you take this action. Please let us know how it turns out. No parent should have to fight this sort of battle.
  5. Here is the article copied and pasted: &ltahref=" http://media.fastclick.net/w/click.here?sid=46722&ampm=1&ampc=796"target="_blank"&gt&ltimgsrc="http://media.fastclick.net/w/get.media?t=n&ampsid=46722&ampm=1&amptp=1&ampf=b&ampv=1.4&ampc=796&ampr=&ampd=n"width=468 height=60 border=0 &gt&lt/a&gt BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS Teacher packs poop in 5-year-old's backpack Note to parents: 'This little turd was on the floor in my room' Posted: April 22, 2009 4:58 pm Eastern By Joe Kovacs © 2009 WorldNetDaily Parents of a 5-year-old student were written this note by the boy's teacher in Apple Valley School in Yakima, Wash., last week. It was included with a plastic bag carrying feces. (courtesy KOMO-TV) A father and mother in Washington state are outraged after their 5-year-old son was sent home from school, allegedly forced to carry a package of human feces along with an embarrassing note from his kindergarten teacher. "This little turd was on the floor in my room," said the note from Susan Graham, an instructor at Apple Valley Elementary School in Yakima, Wash. "I'm still kind of in shock over this, because why would somebody do this? It's disgusting!" said the boy's father, wishing to be identified only as "Jason." Seattle's KOMO-TV reports the incident occurred last Friday, as Graham called Jason to say her classroom was "stinky." The teacher asked if the boy might have had an accident. Jason acknowledged the possibility, since his son had some accidents in the classroom previously, and he informed Graham there were extra clothes in the boy's backpack. (Story continues below) He says his son rode the bus home, and his wife made the disturbing discovery when the child arrived. "She found a clear plastic bag with a piece of fecal matter wrapped up in a brown paper towel with the note on it," he told the station. "What would have happened if it had stayed in there and she hadn't checked the bag? And other kids were playing on the bus and it got out? And it's a very hazardous thing. It's disgusting!" Fed up with government schools? Make sure to read "The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool" KOMO says both Graham and the school's principal, Karen Craig, are being questioned by Peter Ansingh, superintendent of the West Valley School District, and officials are planning to meet with the family next week. Jason, meanwhile, is asking that his son be given a different teacher for the rest of the school year. When asked by WND about public response, a district employee taking phone messages said, "It's been a bit busy." The case has sparked a flood of comments on KOMO's messageboard, including: If the teacher still has a job after this, then we as a society get what we deserve. This sub-human does not belong in any place of employment where they have control over children. This isn't merely disgusting, it's cruel. If this child has accidents in the classroom, then that is a serious matter and should be dealt with collaboratively by the teacher, parents, administrators, and pediatrician. It is not something that should be used to humiliate a 5-year-old child. Something is really, really wrong with this teacher; the language in the note is even hostile and glib. You can really feel the contempt the teacher has for this kid, and he should be moved out of her class a.s.a.p. to protect what's left of his dignity. As the 5-year-old victim's grandmother, there are some facts I'd like to clear up. His accidents have to do with "cleanup" and it's only happened maybe three times this school year. My son has gone to the school to clean his son when he was alerted that his "tissue" technique was a bit flawed and the teacher has NEVER had this responsibility. This was something that wasn't disclosed – as my son & daughter-inlaw were still in a state of shock – they realized that my grandson was in his special ed. classes in another facility when Mrs. Graham phoned my son to tell him about the so-called stench in her classroom on Friday morning – he wasn't there! The superintendant hasn't contacted them as of this writing and my son sent e-mails to the principle at Apple Valley School and the superintendant's office on Friday evening. The principal said she would look into it and that is their only contact to date from the district. I have to agree with the teacher on this one. It sounds like she came up with a creative way to discipline the kid. Despite the fact that the kid is young, he should know better by age 5. According to the article, he has had several other accidents in the past. I bet the kid learns his lesson and doesn't have another accident! Kudos to this teacher. The parents are responsible for teaching their child basic hygiene and potty training not the school system. Sounds like the parents and the brat don't believe they have any responsibility or know right from wrong. Give this teacher an award for not being politically correct and teaching the parents and the brat a lesson. I don't think I ever heard of a 5-year-old pooping his pants, in school, then having the turd roll out onto the floor. Are the parents dressing him in boxers? Come on! Did the teacher force him to stay put in his chair? Something stinks about all of this. I smell a lawsuit.
  6. Um I really NEED to read this whole thread. I have got into the habit of not looking so nice lately. You know the term let herself go, that could apply to me right now. It is my goal to get it together by spring.
  7. I forgot to mention the long bus ride in the am and pm think of how long kids would be away from home.
  8. I forget where I read this, but the president advocates year round schools with longer days. He says families no longer needs kids at home during the summer to work on the farm. Kids need to spend more time with their families. Some families send their kids to day care when they are a few weeks old, then to school, after school, summer school, etc. When are these children home? When is family time? Like everyone else says when would a kid have time to be a kid? When would a kid have the time to know the joys of summer? Some school systems are year round already.
  9. School days are plenty long enough already. Making the days longer will not improve anything.
  10. I see honey in the store with fine print "product of ***" so in my opinion honey is honey. I can not see how different it could be. A bee is a bee. I do not think the poison the flowers in Mexico. It should be good.
  11. Yes they have their website up too telling you how good it is. I do my best to avoid it.
  12. Anyone seen this article??? http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95769
  13. In the store the price of the brand of sugar I buy has gone up almost a dollar. Now I read about a possible sugar shortage. Is this for real? Or is it manipulation to get companies to use HFCS? Is it an effort to raise the cost of sugar? I buy the organic in the 3 pound container, and when the price goes up almost $1 that is quite a bit. I don't know how to dehydrate sugar cane otherwise I might would attempt to grow my own. I suppose that now I can use more honey and maple syrup in baking, but everyone likes their tea sweetened with sugar.
  14. I have not read this whole thread. I can say that at one time I worked in a nursing home long ago. The quality of life that some had was unreal. Imagine being strapped to a bed with a feeding tube either in your mouth or your stomach and that was your only existance not being able to sit or stand. Imagine if no one came to visit you, give you hugs, no love, only medical life support. There was this elderly lady, reaching to pull out that tube from her throat, she pulled it out so many times, they took it out and put one in her stomach. She never said a word to anyone. I always had a habit of hugging all my patients, and kissing them on the forehead, I got attached to them all. One day that lady said to me "I love you, I want to die" if I were in her condition I would not want to live like that either. Yet most patients in that nursing home were in a similar condition. We all have different views about what we deem acceptable living conditions. I had to quit that job,it was so depressing to me. It was unacceptable to me to see all those people there and forgotten about. It was sad.
  15. this was the first time I saw this guy there, or heard about anyone selling meat. Whiel I was there I didn't see anyone buying from him. Guess his prices scared everyone away.
  16. This is a true story. A relative had a child with a Native American. Her daughter was enrolled, and had been going to this school for quite a while. One day the teacher decides that her daughter looks nothing like her, and believes she saw this child on some missing child post somewhere. So my female relative, had to deal with this. She had to prove this was her child! The school called the police and everything. What a nightmare.
  17. I am considering a deep freezer in the near future. I do know someone who raises their own grass fed beef in a nice pasture. With a freezer, I know I could talk them into selling me 1/4 or 1/2 a cow. I know I can get some from them the next time they decide to butcher. I found some places online a while back that were within driving range, and can't recall now where and how I found them. I will look again, because there are some sources. Honestly I was expecting about $10 a pound or so, maybe $15 a pound for the more fancy cuts, or $20 for tenderloin or something like that. Farmer's Markets should be inviting, but this one just really turns me off.
  18. Our well went dry last year. We were without water for a little over 4 weeks. I know what it is like. It turns your world upside down.
  19. That sounds yummy. I used to have pizza for breakfast when I was a teenager. Then again before I had kids. Maybe I will get into the habit again.
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